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  1. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 19:404 edits
    So far 176 books are banned.

    So now politicians tell teachers what to teach and tell doctors they cannot do abortions no matter what the reason.

    So politicians are taking over the US just like Hitler did in Germany last century.
    Start with abortions then ban books, then work on individual freedoms like the freedom of assembly which I have heard is in the constitution but your god king Trump wants to use our military to quell peaceful protests and if he is reelected that is exactly what he will do, he doesn't make jokes.
    Yeah, and what DOES arming teachers have to do with what they want to teach? Those asssholes who wrote the book bans banned the DICTIONARY because it has the word SEX in it. You don't see a pattern here? Of course not, you are incapable of thinking for yourself, only repuking what your god pukes out in the middle of the night so he falls asleep at his first felony trial. Note, I said FIRST felony trial, there will be others.
    BTW the list is now 300 books banned.

    Here are some of the authors banned:

    "Among the many authors with banned books in Collier County are Judy Blume, Orson Scott Card, Stephen Chbosky, Mary Higgins Clark, Arthur C. Clarke, Pat Conroy, Janet Evanovich, Neil Gaiman, John Green, John Grisham, Ellen Hopkins, Khaled Hosseini, Sue Monk Kidd, Stephen King, Barbara Kingsolver, Dean Koontz, David Levithan, Patricia McCormick, Toni Morrison, Joyce Carol Oates, James Patterson, Ashley Hope Pérez, Jodi Picoult, Anna Quindlen, Nora Roberts, Tom Robbins, Anne Rice, John Updike, and Ibi Zoboi."

    And of course you would condone such activity, being a card carrying fascist yourself.
  2. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 19:293 edits
    In other words, you will not answer his question about your god doing illegal things and you still support him, instead passing off your answer to attack Biden.
    That is not an answer, that is a deflection and you know that full well. So how about just answering Spruce's question.

    And you keep deflecting from the FACT JACK that your god Trump stopped the border bill which BTW passed BIPARTISAN and of course Trump's pet squeaker of the house Mikey just rolled over and played dead and stopped even DEBADE of that bill. So don't go blaming Biden for something your god stopped because he did not want Biden to get any credit for helping out the border situation. BTW, that is also a fact, he said so on TV.

    Also, BTW, don't worry about your god getting convicted, the fact he is falling asleep during the hearings my go well for him with the jury, they might think, if he doesn't think this is a big deal, maybe it isn't a crime after all and it only takes one juror to stop the guilty verdict. I wish it was up to the judge to rule but your god lucked out yet again, and again, and again......
  3. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:55
    And in Iran, a woman raped and reports gets thrown in jail because she is automatically at fault......
  4. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:481 edit
    Interesting how you think you know what is going on in the US, being ten thousand miles from us. I guess you only watch Faux news or Newsmax, because you clearly are being fed bullshyte but what else is new.

    BTW your own statement makes no sense on the face of it, you bitch about high wages BEYOND EPA and such and then you say EPA should be 'reigned' in.
    Like 'reigning in' EPA would do what you want. If your premise was true which it isn't but running with it, a stronger EPA would reign in any wages over their max or min whatever.

    You just hate regulation as if companies are SO benign they would NEVER take advantage of workers or dump toxins in rivers so they don't have to do that green Earth BS, right?
    You would rather have it like it was in the US say in 1800 with toxic dumping rampant and children forced to work in mines or the boss saying to clerks 'if you want heat in your office you bring in your own coal'
    THAT is what you want, go back to barbaric times.
  5. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:431 edit
    It turns out I would never actually tell you a fukking thing about my life, I was talking to Kelly not you so get lost COMRADE.
    Some people have actual lives that included living in other countries and seeing first hand their cultures like I did, several times and paid for doing so, not a vacation of a couple weeks in some culture.
    I doubt you have seen much of anything outside your trailer except the weed growing up you never attended to.
  6. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:40
    So it's ok for books, including the fukking DICTIONARY to be banned in Florida? Some libraries have no books at all now because of the incredibly stupid book banning in that terrible state.
  7. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:38
    Come on, Don Jr never did any of that stuff.
  8. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:37
    Mysterious to you with your lips firmly planted in Trump's ass, of course it would be to you since you clearly think Trump is literally above the law and fall for every POS word he pukes.
  9. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    30 Apr '24 10:32
    So you think your god is above the law. Biden or Democrats have nothing to do with grand juries, they are ordinary people looking at evidence and shame on you for implying they are corrupt. The evidence is provided just like any other case and if anything, Trump has been given a golden glove treatment like on how the judge is treating his outrageous bursts of BS in his "Truth" Social and speaking to the crowd which just makes the base THINK his is getting screwed when in fact it is nothing of the kind, it is showing exactly how he did illegal things.
    If you or I had the same charges the trial would have been over a lot faster and we would be in jail.
  10. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 22:07
    What I wonder is what is next assuming they DO discover dark matter?
  11. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 21:57
    He knew that full well, he is not stupid, just way misinformed.
  12. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 21:541 edit
    Yeah, nice town. Not quite like living there for years though. One of my sons graduated from HS there, Anglican International school in Jerusalem.
    Funny thing happened when he did SAT's, the principle of the school, (back in the USA, Pocono mountain area), he said, Kevin, you aced the English section, what gives here, I think he was thinking he cheated. Then he asked what HS did you attend? NOBODY aces English.
    Anglican International school in Jerusalem. Oh, that explains it🙂 Ok, off with you now.....
  13. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 21:50
    Wait till you god has been pronounced guilty in his felony trials. Good luck after that. Of course we know will never effect you even though you said as much already but you are not believable, you will vote for him even if he is in prison. Just come out and admit it.
  14. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 21:471 edit
    Serious question. Is it ok for a POTUS to demand personal loyalty? Over the constitution for instance.
  15. Subscribersonhouse
    Fast and Curious
    slatington, pa, usa
    28 Dec '04
    29 Apr '24 21:46
    Can you tell me what libertarian foreign policy is, like treaties and dealing with adversaries and trade deals, what is their policy on those issues?
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