What is the point of eternal suffering?

What is the point of eternal suffering?


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Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
01 Aug 19

@divegeester said
As I’ve said many times, I have no idea what the metaphors in Revelation refer to, only that they are in fact metaphorical ana. It literal.

Do you think the passage you have quoted is taking about literal sea beast with 7 heads and 10 horns?
I know what the verse means. You obviously don't. All you can contribute to the discussion relative to the terms "beast", "seven heads" and "ten horns" is to say what every serious student of the Bible already knows, that they are metaphors, but you don't know what they are metaphors for. They depict something literal, but what that is goes beyond your understanding. And that scares you, which is why you feel the need to denigrate those who do know what those metaphors mean literally.


26 Dec 14
01 Aug 19

@secondson said
I know what the verse means. You obviously don't. All you can contribute to the discussion relative to the terms "beast", "seven heads" and "ten horns" is to say what every serious student of the Bible already knows, that they are metaphors, but you don't know what they are metaphors for. They depict something literal, but what that is goes beyond your understanding. And th ...[text shortened]... , which is why you feel the need to denigrate those who do know what those metaphors mean literally.
Dive does not believe hell exists.

16 Feb 08
01 Aug 19

@secondson said
They depict something literal, but what that is goes beyond your understanding. And that scares you, which is why you feel the need to denigrate those who do know what those metaphors mean literally.
What on earth are you talking about?

16 Feb 08
01 Aug 19

“What metaphors mean literally”

Josephw you are full of it. You have no idea what you believe in regard to wether this stuff is literal or not.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Aug 19
2 edits


As I’ve said many times, I have no idea what the metaphors in Revelation refer to, only that they are in fact metaphorical ana. It literal.

So you don't have any idea, but you wish to ridicule anyone who has an idea.

You skeptics retreat a lot into "Oh, I have no idea. I have no opinion. I have no viewpoint" in the midst of your criticism of other students of the Bible who DO have an idea about those signs.

Serious students with at least, an arguable viewpoint about the metaphors are suppose to admire your humility ? ie . "Oh, I'm the MOST humble one here. I have no idea about it."

If you cared, you could start by seeing how that symbol was used ELSEWHERE in the whole Bible. That would give you some insight as to how it is to be understood in Revelation.

It would get you started at least.

16 Feb 08
02 Aug 19

@sonship said

As I’ve said many times, I have no idea what the metaphors in Revelation refer to, only that they are in fact metaphorical ana. It literal.

So you don't have any idea, but you wish to ridicule anyone who has an idea.

You skeptics retreat a lot into "Oh, I have no idea. I have no opinion. I have no viewpoint" in the midst of your criti ...[text shortened]... insight as to how it is to be understood in Revelation.

It would get you started at least.
Jesus doesn’t torture people for eternity because they don’t love him, because for him to do so would be hypocritical, genocidal and morally incoherent.

That’s it.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Aug 19

@sonship said

As I’ve said many times, I have no idea what the metaphors in Revelation refer to, only that they are in fact metaphorical ana. It literal.

So you don't have any idea, but you wish to ridicule anyone who has an idea.

You skeptics retreat a lot into "Oh, I have no idea. I have no opinion. I have no viewpoint" in the midst of your criti ...[text shortened]... insight as to how it is to be understood in Revelation.

It would get you started at least.
If someone declares no matter what is said to them they are not going to change their mind, believe them they have settled things in their heads and they no longer care entertain other explanations. For them it doesn't matter what you say, what truth can be shared, if they refuse to see it, dwell on it, it isn't a matter of discussion or contemplation, it is a matter of declaring their point of view to the contrary of everything and everyone else, including the one thing they supposedly go to for truth.


28 Oct 05
03 Aug 19

@kellyjay said
If someone declares no matter what is said to them they are not going to change their mind, believe them they have settled things in their heads and they no longer care entertain other explanations. For them it doesn't matter what you say, what truth can be shared, if they refuse to see it, dwell on it, it isn't a matter of discussion or contemplation, it is a matter of decl ...[text shortened]... e contrary of everything and everyone else, including the one thing they supposedly go to for truth.
Are you talking about yourself here?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
Dive does not believe hell exists.
Dive does not believe hell exists, therefore hell doesn't exist.

Jesus says hell exists.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Aug 19

@fmf said
Are you talking about yourself here?
Knowing the Truth precludes one from having an open mind relative to matters of biblical doctrine.

16 Feb 08
03 Aug 19

@secondson said
Dive does not believe hell exists, therefore hell doesn't exist.

Jesus says hell exists.
Do you accept and believe in the doctrine of eternal suffering in hell?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Aug 19

@divegeester said
Jesus doesn’t torture people for eternity because they don’t love him, because for him to do so would be hypocritical, genocidal and morally incoherent.

That’s it.
Matthew 25:41-46
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Everlasting punishment. Clearly stated. No metaphors, no allegories, no symbolisms, just straight forward and unequivocal language anyone with third grade reading skills can understand.

Every living soul goes to either of two real and literal places forever after they die. Judgement is coming.

You're simply refusing to believe what the Bible says.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Aug 19

@divegeester said
Do you accept and believe in the doctrine of eternal suffering in hell?
That's what the Bible says. Jesus said it. You don't believe the Bible, and you don't believe Jesus.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Aug 19

@divegeester said
“What metaphors mean literally”

Josephw you are full of it. You have no idea what you believe in regard to wether this stuff is literal or not.

You're projecting.

You've stated that you don't know what Revelation 13:1 means. Sounds like you're the one that doesn't know what he believes.

And how can you since you don't know what the Bible means by what it says.



04 Apr 04
03 Aug 19

@secondson said
That's what the Bible says. Jesus said it. You don't believe the Bible, and you don't believe Jesus.
Do you believe Jesus when he said that the ones who do good works will enter the kingdom of God, and the ones who fail to do these good works will be cast out?