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27 Apr 07
08 Jan 11

That's some good e-sleuthing there cotoi.

I demand answers!



04 Sep 04
08 Jan 11
2 edits

Originally posted by cotoi
Now where did I see skeeter's avatar? Aha, here:

That guy is apparently a CC GM, Mihai Breazu, who lives now in New Zealand. On he closed his account for fear he will be banned for cheating (and there were very good reasons to suspect that).

By the way, if skeeter is a she, why she is not invited to p ...[text shortened]... w skeeter.

What a mistery 🙂
The avatar is available in many places, so the choice of avatar means nothing

How do you know that she isn't already playing for the New Zealand team? Have you met either skeeter or any of the New Zealand team in person?

Edit :

For comparison with FIDE ratings take a look at David Tebb currently rated at 2310 on RHP.

Also when you look at skeeters' average rated opponent they are substantially below her rating. As such while she may not gain much from each matchup, probably only 1 point, they all add up and give an inflated rating.

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
08 Jan 11
1 edit

Back in the day, skeeter was known to Arrakis personally, and they weren't buddies. If skeeter had been Mihai Breazu I'm sure we would have heard about it then.


06 May 08
08 Jan 11


06 May 08
08 Jan 11
1 edit

Jesus wept....

She is a he, She is a Rumanian C.C.GM who now lives in New Zealand
and why is Skeets not in the New Zealand Olympiad team.

All this based on an avatar.

The logo for is a green pawn so by this logic I should
have over 100 acounts on because our avatars are the same.

If Mr Romanian is now a resident of NZ. how come he has suddenly developed
a loathing of all things Australian to such an extent he supports England
in the Ashes. Nobody supports England in anything but the English.

(That one small ref to under arm bowling that went right over the head
of the latest Sherlock Holmes was a dead give away. That under arm ball nearly
caused a war. This person is not a Romanian).

Not to mention that Mr Romanian has been faking this New Zealand person
and sex on here since 2003 whilst revealing his true self on

Why? So he could use a box against under 2000 players and eventually
become the lowest graded No.1 out of all the major chess sites.
On these sites 2390 would not even warrent an investigation.

And as for not being in the NZ female Olympiad team.
Do not confuse the RHP grade with the real world and OTB play.

Skeets has done it by ducking the Mallards.
She beats up the weaker player and resigns or draws v the Mallards.


A clever pun from the greenpawn. Skeets favourite term for an engine user
is a choo choo driver. A train driver. One who operates an engine.

The mallard (who Skeeter ducks) is a wild duck but also, as every spotter knows....

The Mallard is a famous steam engine (No.4468) that holds the world speed
record set in 1938 (125 MPH).

So let us stop being silly.
You can twist things and avatars around as much as you want till you
get a fact that suits your argument.

There is a player on here called Mallard. User 115715
If you divide 4468 (the Mallards number) by 4 (the number of Rooks in a
game of chess) you get 1117.

On the 10th May 2010 User 115715 grade was 1117.



28 Mar 10
08 Jan 11

"How do you know that she isn't already playing for the New Zealand team? Have you met either skeeter or any of the New Zealand team in person?"

Very simple: the best NZ women player is only 2033 FIDE. Is it possible that such an elo to make you #1 here? NO!

03 Sep 03
08 Jan 11
1 edit

Originally posted by cotoi
"How do you know that she isn't already playing for the New Zealand team? Have you met either skeeter or any of the New Zealand team in person?"

Very simple: the best NZ women player is only 2033 FIDE. Is it possible that such an elo to make you #1 here? NO!
Uhm, you do realize that seperate ratings pools are in no way comparable, right? It is very simple really.

And that is ignoring the different types of chess: CC vs. OTB.



28 Mar 10
08 Jan 11

Originally posted by tmetzler
Uhm, you do realize that seperate ratings pools are in no way comparable, right? It is very simple really.

And that is ignoring the different types of chess: CC vs. OTB.
they are not directly comparable, but in general the hierachies are preserved: if X is much better than Y OTB, then X will be much better than Y for CC.

Anyway, I've said just how much I trust Rhp cheating detection procedure. It's not about ms. skeeter in particular. Let's not forget that the top player here was FOR YEARS a notorious cheater (Weyerstrass).

Frustrate the Bad


01 Nov 08
08 Jan 11

For info

User 465629


26 Aug 07
08 Jan 11
1 edit

wow, the plot thickens, like a bowl of Scotch broth soup!


24 May 08
09 Jan 11
1 edit

I think akizy User 33598 was the last player to head the ratings list who didn't get a ban & that was about 3 years ago.

It could be that Michelle from New Zealand with no or very little real-world chess credentials is in fact topping the ratings list without using an engine to suggest moves or blundercheck. If that's the case then it's a supreme effort, as there are several players in the top 20 who are FIDE Masters & have FIDE ratings in excess of 2200 otb. Maybe they're just not trying hard enough in their RHP games...

Up a


13 Jan 10
09 Jan 11

Originally posted by Zygalski
I think akizy User 33598 was the last player to head the ratings list who didn't get a ban & that was about 3 years ago.

It could be that Michelle from New Zealand with no or very little real-world chess credentials is in fact topping the ratings list without using an engine to suggest moves or blundercheck. If that's the case then it's a supreme ...[text shortened]... ings in excess of 2200 otb. Maybe they're just not trying hard enough in their RHP games...
I thought Tigerking was the last one at the top? He hasn't been banned. OK, hasn't been banned yet but we could say the same of Akizy whoever he is or was.

How do you know there are any masters in the top 20? I tried putting their handles into the FIDE search doohickey and it has no knowledge of any of them. The only admitted ratings I have found in their profiles are 2300+ USCF (no way to verify) and 2060 (translation from ECF and again no way to verify).

Statements like "There are several masters in the top 20" and "All the top n players (except whoever is saying this of course) are cheats" are hard to reconcile and just confirm my suspicion that playing here becomes less pleasant the higher up the tree one gets. Fortunately I am only number 1175 at present and think that getting to number 1000 should be the signal to cease playing.

16 Feb 07
09 Jan 11

Originally posted by atticus2
For info

User 465629
A little bit of history on this - there was another player before Zubrea named mgbal (who flew the New Zealand flag), who used the same avatar as Zubrea (the rattlesnake around the chess piece thing that Skeeter also uses). Zubrea appeared shortly after this account got banned and many of us assumed he was mgbal. Zubrea clearly identified himself as Mihai Breazu on and you could be forgiven for assuming our Zubrea was the same player.

An interesting side note on this is that after Zubrea was banned, some folks got harassing E-mails from a non-sub claiming to be, of all people, Vastimil Hort (famous Romanian GM) telling us how wrong the site was to ban Zubrea and what a great player he was.

mgbal and Skeeter were on the site together for a long time and I always wondered why they used the same avatar. But I don't think they're the same player, primarily because Zubrea appeared after mgbal was banned and he wouldn't have needed to do this if he was also Skeeter.

New York

23 Mar 07
09 Jan 11

Originally posted by Erekose
A little bit of history on this - there was another player before Zubrea named mgbal (who flew the New Zealand flag), who used the same avatar as Zubrea (the rattlesnake around the chess piece thing that Skeeter also uses).
Incorrect. mgbal flew the Australian flag. That error is the equivalent of mistaking a Canadian for an American.

16 Feb 07
09 Jan 11

Originally posted by Swiss Toni
Incorrect. mgbal flew the Australian flag. That error is the equivalent of mistaking a Canadian for an American.
Oops, yes. In fact, I thought he had flown the Romanian flag until I looked at the account this morning. So I really messed it up. Sorry to everyone in both countries.