the system needs incentive

the system needs incentive



07 Feb 09
03 Aug 22

@very-rusty said
You know exactly what I am talking about, you don't need it explained to you mghrn55. Do you think continuing will change my mind on what I see with my eyes.

I'm not interested in talking about knowing what you're talking about.
I brought up that you started this conversation about unbalanced challenges just recently.
Question is why ?? And why now ??
And when Vespin says that he is not pointing fingers at anyone BUT he is investigating the issue, I just asked him to share his results.
As to you talking about going around in circles, you started this. And I ask why.

I generally stay away from the clan forums, but every once in a while you need to be called out on your blathering in this forum.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 Aug 22
2 edits

@mghrn55 said
I'm not interested in talking about knowing what you're talking about.
I brought up that you started this conversation about unbalanced challenges just recently.
Question is why ?? And why now ??
And when Vespin says that he is not pointing fingers at anyone BUT he is investigating the issue, I just asked him to share his results.
As to you talking about going around in ...[text shortened]... e clan forums, but every once in a while you need to be called out on your blathering in this forum.
Perhaps Clan Leaders may want to look at your challenges and difference in ratings between you and your opponents. Saying I am blathering doesn't change the FACTS!!!
Nothing anyone can do I guess if they are willing to accept challenges they don't have a chance in, like the one you sent us! I am doubtful we will get another one from you.



07 Feb 09
03 Aug 22
3 edits

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
03 Aug 22
1 edit

@mghrn55 said
I wish that I could tell you that you're too smart to miss my point.

But just a brief comment.
If you are out to communicate to all the clans that there are clans who are benefitting from all of this, where do you think they will look first ?
You and I lead the top 2 clan's in the standings. That's a hint.

Let us know how your investigation turns out. 😜
Wow.... See the difference is I don't mind if anyone looks at my clan. I want them to. Then I want them to look at your clan and every clan after that. How else do you get change. I am proud of my players and they are as honest as they come. Those who are honest don't care if they are looked at.

And it cracks me up you have to pat yourself on the back for being smart when you are usually making remarks about how others are not intelligent.

You are old try to grow up.

It won't be me. It will be Russ who will let everyone know after I give him everything I have. I'm not finished yet. 🙂

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
03 Aug 22

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Well it seems you must be worried. You started this with your stupid comments about about me, my clan and my player. Then I see this novel which helped me sleep but made me realize you must be nervous but I don't know why. I have NEVER said one bad word about your clan, you, or your players.

Unlike you a while ago when I saw the first comment made by you. And if you think you did it nicely there is something really wrong with you.

Open your mouth the way you do, you suffer for it.

fyi... Nobody reads those novels. lol


07 Feb 09
03 Aug 22

@vespin said
Well it seems you must be worried. You started this with your stupid comments about about me, my clan and my player. Then I see this novel which helped me sleep but made me realize you must be nervous but I don't know why. I have NEVER said one bad word about your clan, you, or your players.

Unlike you a while ago when I saw the first comment made by you. And if you th ...[text shortened]... .

Open your mouth the way you do, you suffer for it.

fyi... Nobody reads those novels. lol
This nonsense started around July 8.
There is no dispute. I provided the link to the thread.
Everyone was getting along just fine.
Your guy started dropping inuendos against a clan he used to be part of.
Probably didn't help that lemondrop toyed with him and goaded him on.
As to your activities, you brought that to the table. No one else.

You never mentioned our clan in your correspondence.
But maybe just a coincidence that this started around the time we picked up our play a bit.

And I'm not being sore here.
We as a clan are more than used to this stuff.
Your clan isn't.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 Aug 22
2 edits

The post that was quoted here has been removed

LOL....So I won over 1600 games and you're claiming LOST between 1000-1100 Games? So that would give me a plus 500, but pretty sure I had a plus over 600 if it was a 1000 lost games. Now how many of those did I resign because the Challenges were already won and the games were being drug out? I'd say at least a few hundred in 13 Years. Most would say that was good. Even with all the games I resigned because the Challenges were being drug out still won and average of over 100 games a year. How many Players you have doing that? I already know the answer. How about the Gooster how are his win and losses in 6 years? 🙂
You can look over what ever you wish, but best make sure your back yard is clean.
I could go on and on and say publicly what many of the players real ratings are. Lets say many are not close to what they are showing. That is why Clan Leaders should look more closely at challenges.
You obviously lied about having said the last thing on it, you wouldn't say anything if you had clear conscience!
You so have a few players who's rating are close to what they actually are. All Clan Leaders have to do is look at the rating after 90 days, I Year, and 5 years and that is pretty close in my opinion to their real ratings. You seem to forget I was there for 13 Years, so I know what I am talking about.


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
03 Aug 22

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
04 Aug 22

The post that was quoted here has been removed
I forgot your other rule. You and the current leader and anyone else on your team and your friends can say or attack anyone they like and God forbid anyone reacts.

Dive has not shut his mouth long, long before Rusty ever left. Rusty is allowed to defend himself and remark on anything. He is even allowed to have his own thoughts and facts. I know it just hurts doesn't it?

The things that have been implied about my clan when I had not even posted a thing this season or much of anything in the last seven years? anything? The way Dive attacks Rusty and continues to do so but was anything said about that? Your leader coming to his aid when he feels like it.

You know you can fix the rating problem as you said it was due to life issues right???? When you set up a match set it up by ability which would make it fair. That is what I do which is why I do lose big matches. I make it fair in ability not by rating. But you guys don't make that adjustment. I know this by the challenges that were sent to me by you and your current leader. Horrible and shameful matches. I declined. I fixed them made them fair but they were declined.

You crack me up and I knew it was only a short time before you came in with another novel spewing why your clan and leader and players are just perfect. This could have all been avoided by following your own rule. I only know of this by the topics in the forum long before I was lucky enough to gain a player and a person like Rusty.

If your guys continue to talk in the manner in which they do they can expect the same back.

You guys have always made remarks whether or not they were true. Truth never mattered. You personally as well as the current leader could have prevented this and stopped it but you let Dive and your leader say anything he wants.

Thanks for the novel. But Rusty has done nothing wrong but defend himself and talk about what ever silly topic your player and others have started. Which he is allowed to do. I also get my ducks in a row before bothering Russ. And I have never once mentioned anyone from your team. But your leader sure did. I guess the rules are just different for you.

Thanks for the novel. As far as I am concerned Rusty took the high road in things that were said.

You guys are the worse when it comes to the forum and 90 percent of all leaders know it. Some just don't care. Some are to tired from life to say anything. Some just want to play chess. And then you have the few that speak up and then the pack mentality shows up. You guys keep mentioning me and what I am doing. Not once did I mention you guys or any other clan, nor did I imply any specific clan. Just like everyone I answer to the owner first.

I support Rusty and as far as I am concerned he can say what ever he wants in the spirit of any conversation and he can defend himself in any manner he sees fit.

He spoke his mind and from the feedback I am getting A huge amount agree with Rusty as they should.



07 Feb 09
04 Aug 22

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
05 Aug 22


07 Feb 09
05 Aug 22

It appears that I had a thread removed.
That thread contained a link to another thread.
Before anyone gets overboard with talking about Metallica members going after, have a look at the link.
Thread on July 8 shows who started talking about Metallica and unbalanced challenges.

Thread 193873

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
07 Aug 22
1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
You forgot one big detail. I quit drinking back in 1992. A meal and civil conversation sounds very nice to me. If you think I get the most red thumbs check out one of your own players, I don't need to mention a name do I? I've gotten more backing from VESPIN in the short year and half than I ever did from either you or the present clan leader in 13 years. I don't think VESPIN was trying to defend me this time just pointing out some FACTS!


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
08 Aug 22

Backing you up or defending you from what?
When did I EVER fail to back up any of our clan members on "Clan related issues"
That answer would be NEVER.
When it comes to the general crap thrown around in the GF or any of the other forums, I had neither the time, nor the inclination to engage in that garbage, much less run mother hen over anyone. I think I was extremely clear about my disdain for the public forums in general. They were, and still are for the most part, like a band of rabid jackals pouncing on some prey. I saw no benefit at all in the whole mess.
Most of the times I even went into the clan forum to to fend off BS put forth by those who were wanting to stir crap up. Several of them are still out there.

So, you guys were grown men, doing what I had already stated emphatically was a lost cause and a waste of time, and now you say I wasn't there to back you up? SMH.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
08 Aug 22

@shortcircuit said
Backing you up or defending you from what?
When did I EVER fail to back up any of our clan members on "Clan related issues"
That answer would be NEVER.
When it comes to the general crap thrown around in the GF or any of the other forums, I had neither the time, nor the inclination to engage in that garbage, much less run mother hen over anyone. I think I ...[text shortened]... phatically was a lost cause and a waste of time, and now you say I wasn't there to back you up? SMH.
I have never in my life who loves to hear himself talk more than you. And the poor reader who does not know any better must want to pull his hair out.

The red thumbs ???? The most comes from your team. Well you and your leader.
All Know was from the forum. It seems you set a rule and you did not follow it. Leaving one of your players hanging. I know you and your leader don't get things to quickly so maybe I should explain it? No arguing in the forum. One player stopped and said nothing. One player could not shut his mouth.

If you were truthful you would have an extra player. It feels good to see you guys writing novels and I did not read one of them. lmao

Now go back with your leader and pat each other on the backs for being so superior to everyone. lol You guys are comedians and should hit the road.

You had one of the best players on your team and you did nothing. Yeah, you are amazing.

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