the system needs incentive

the system needs incentive


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
08 Aug 22


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
09 Aug 22

The post that was quoted here has been removed
take that Metallica!!!


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
09 Aug 22
1 edit

IVV was a fluke
BB is for real
long live the king!

sponsored by Mctayto and friends

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
09 Aug 22

@gertrude said
IVV was a fluke
BB is for real
long live the king!

sponsored by Mctayto and friends
I don't think IVV was a fluke Lemon. No way. They did earn that. Max knew exactly what to do and his team follow him. I have about half my team willing to do the things you have to do in order to win. All legal.

My team is certainly for real but a lot of time left. I know one thing. We work as hard as you can at this and for me it's a full time job.

Metallica and company is doing their usual typing novels trying to show how brilliant they are. LMAO You know that song Juke Box Hero? Keyboard warrior fits nicely in there to that tune. lol

And I'm no king.

Hope you are well.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
09 Aug 22

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
09 Aug 22

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Aug 22

@vespin said
I don't think IVV was a fluke Lemon. No way. They did earn that. Max knew exactly what to do and his team follow him. I have about half my team willing to do the things you have to do in order to win. All legal.

My team is certainly for real but a lot of time left. I know one thing. We work as hard as you can at this and for me it's a full time job.

Metallica and ...[text shortened]... yboard warrior fits nicely in there to that tune. lol

And I'm no king.

Hope you are well.
I was still with Metallica at that time. As far as I am concerned he had it won in March, no one was going to catch them. Max was smart he took many wins from the year before into last year. All they had to do was maintain the extremely big lead they had.
You are correct all legal.



santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
10 Aug 22

BB is in trouble
the metalheads have larger challenges pending
could make big jumps

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
11 Aug 22

@gertrude said
BB is in trouble
the metalheads have larger challenges pending
could make big jumps
You must have missed it where I said don't be too quick counting Metallica out of it.


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
11 Aug 22

@gertrude said
BB is in trouble
the metalheads have larger challenges pending
could make big jumps
It's hard for us to get large matches. Many leades play favorites and help their friends. I'm not even talking about page one. It goes through page five.

I saw a clan set a match up for a big one. I then tried for a 4 man / woman challenge. Compared to the 10 man challenge they just set plus a ton of them to the same clan.

They reduced my four man challenge to 2 man challenge.

I try my hardest to get large matches where it makes sense but when leaders want to see their friends finish high on page one or just higher there is nothing I can do so I work hard in getting a lot of challenges just small ones.

We increased our lead a bit more. If we can hold this lead half way through September which is a month away large matches won't matter anymore.

And I think there is a chance we could take it if that works out. Hope September comes quick. lol And you are right they do make big jumps. We make a lot of small ones. I'll be honest I never thought it would be this season we would be going for it.

Luck can go a long way. Be well Lemon.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
14 Aug 22

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Do you know how predictable you are. You are always crying when anyone says anything to your leader or anyone else. I guess you feel you are once again the only one who is allowed to defend someone. Not as long as I'm around. I was told about this as I have not read any of your novels. lol lmao Enjoy those dinners. LMAO

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Aug 22
1 edit

@shortcircuit said
Backing you up or defending you from what?
When did I EVER fail to back up any of our clan members on "Clan related issues"
That answer would be NEVER.
When it comes to the general crap thrown around in the GF or any of the other forums, I had neither the time, nor the inclination to engage in that garbage, much less run mother hen over anyone. I think I ...[text shortened]... phatically was a lost cause and a waste of time, and now you say I wasn't there to back you up? SMH.
If you had threatened to remove a certain someone from the clan. I would probably still be there. He obviously was a better friend to you than myself, and can do more for the Clan!!! Best to step down as you knew it would come to a head and you didn't want to deal with it. Best to have someone else deal with it, good move!


20 May 16
15 Aug 22

@gertrude said
IVV was a fluke
BB is for real
long live the king!

sponsored by Mctayto and friends
They will fall next year, or close to it. Long live the king of kings🤪.

Sponsored by FAITH HOPE LOVE needs you in our clan.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
15 Aug 22

@beowulf said
Right after seperate clan ratings for clan games.

Too many sandbaggers in the clan system.
I wish there was more support for this. Mghrn55 seems to be someone players and admin listens to. I don't know what his feeling on this is but if he is behind this we should all as leaders and players see how Russ feels about it. Maybe Mghrn55 might want to spearhead this if he feels the same way and if enough players get behind it.

But I would love to see that. Using stats, or 90 day, 1 year and that awful TER does not help make a fair match. A slight edge one way or another is fair. Wide gaps, and blowouts are not good. I looked at my teams last win and we only won by 2 points.

That is razor close. And I wish all the matches were like that. But leaders don't want that.

I had a leader actually say to me, "don't send another challenge unless it is completely in my favor." I thought he had lost his mind.

Needless to say I don't send anything to him anymore. @beowulf your idea is a great one in my humble opinion. I hope they do something about it.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
15 Aug 22

somewhere in deep space clans are playing fair and honorable
but the planet earth remains a war zone and will until the intergalactic highway is completed

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