the clans - what can be done

the clans - what can be done



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN said
Rusty, he counts games where I had the game won but told him to take the skull or I just resigned because of Personal reasons. He counts that as a win.

To do it correctly, you have to go into each game and see who was winning or losing. I gave him a ton of wins just from resigning because I could not finish the games. I saw games where I did not move one piece. He coun ...[text shortened]... I will post it. We have bigger things going on with our clan and helping IVV get back on it's feet.
Really? You think I care about our competitive record? I’m just trying to get you to stop saying things for which you have no facts to back up your statement. You said you would look at these games over a year ago and you would give us the results of your analysis. A YEAR to analyze 146 games! If you just looked at one game every TWO DAYS you would have been done months ago. Either do the analysis or stop telling falsehoods about you going to do the research and the results. Pretty simple, even for you.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

I agree we have bigger issues with someone taking over IVV. I am hoping that someone will do it who is interested in competing. I wish Widget would re-consider, but I can see also on the other hand how he has a bad taste about what happened. Well the fellow was booted rightfully so, so we can move on now.
Please someone if not Widget take over the Clan we don't need less clans we need more. Russ is now asking someone to take it over. It would be a shame to see it fold at this point in time after Widget putting all these years in.


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@Very-Rusty said
I agree we have bigger issues with someone taking over IVV. I am hoping that someone will do it who is interested in competing. I wish Widget would re-consider, but I can see also on the other hand how he has a bad taste about what happened. Well the fellow was booted rightfully so, so we can move on now.
Please someone if not Widget take ove ...[text shortened]... uld be a shame to see it fold at this point in time after Widget putting all these years in.

I agree completely. Plus they are ALL good people, there must be someone willing to lead even if for a short while. Widget or Coquette are perfect for that job. But they do have other players. Maybe if we reach out to them in a PM it might help. I don't want that clan to tank. As you said, we need more clans not less. I really liked that clan until the cheat came along. I tried telling all the leaders. Just as you did. You did a great job telling people especially in here. I think all the leaders should PM Widget and Coquette to show support. Maybe that might spark their interest if they see all the support they really have.

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