the clans - what can be done

the clans - what can be done


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
All talk and no facts. You should come to the states and run as a Republican. If it’s so obvious, you should easily be able to show your work and display the facts.

Didn’t think so.
I really don't think you are capable of seeing the lopsided challenges. Not your fault you are just inexperienced.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
I really don't think you are capable of seeing the lopsided challenges. Not your fault you are just inexperienced.

Still no facts. All talk, no facts. Keep saying the same thing over and over until you think I’ll tire. I don’t tire with BSers.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@lstcyr said
Still no facts. All talk, no facts. Keep saying the same thing over and over until you think I’ll tire. I don’t tire with BSers.
You may do well to learn how to make up Challenges and to know the difference between lopsided ones, and fair ones. Working on your chess wouldn't hurt you one bit either while your talking about BSers!!! 🙂 You obviously don't see the lopsided challenges IVV have gotten so far this year!! Do you think you are an experienced Clan Leader? Just for curiosity sake?



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty now we try to change the subject. Is it possible because someone did NOT do any analysis except “I looked at it and it looks bad to me”? That’s what I think also. Or can you show your work?

Didn”t think so.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty now we try to change the subject. Is it possible because someone did NOT do any analysis except “I looked at it and it looks bad to me”? That’s what I think also. Or can you show your work?

Didn”t think so.
You can preach to me when you have a winning clan, and know how the system works. I really don't believe you do know how it all works, or you'd be doing much better than you are in the standings. Correct me if I am wrong on that. I've been correct on everything I've said to you. Your knowledge of how to make challenges does need work for sure, no doubt about that. "Look very closely at the Challenges IVV have gotten". Perhaps eventually it will sink in on how it appears when matches are so lopsided in IVV'S favor. I see now why clans have dropped out and we are down to a few pages compared to what we once had.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
You can preach to me when you have a winning clan, and know how the system works. I really don't believe you do know how it all works, or you'd be doing much better than you are in the standings. Correct me if I am wrong on that. I've been correct on everything I've said to you. Your knowledge of how to make challenges does need work for sure, no doubt about that. "Look ve ...[text shortened]... now why clans have dropped out and we are down to a few pages compared to what we once had.

I see. You’ve given up on one vein of falsehood to try another because you CAN NOT prove what you are saying. You know why? Because you have NOT done the analysis work. Keep spouting your falsehoods and I will keep asking you to show the work until you either do the work or stop spreading falsehoods.

Didn’t think so. So sad for you.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@lstcyr said
I see. You’ve given up on one vein of falsehood to try another because you CAN NOT prove what you are saying. You know why? Because you have NOT done the analysis work. Keep spouting your falsehoods and I will keep asking you to show the work until you either do the work or stop spreading falsehoods.

Didn’t think so. So sad for you.
You're probably one of the worst clan leaders I've seen in all my years here.

Everything I've said is true and the only one denying it is YOU!!!! Think about that.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty Next step, resort to insults to avoid addressing the fact that YOU can NOT prove what you are saying. Show your analysis. Show something that indicates that you actually did ANY analysis except a cursory look at the data. You CAN’T, can you? Didn’t think so.

I’m guessing what’s next is the “I give up responding to him because he doesn’t agree with me tactic.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
2 edits

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty Next step, resort to insults to avoid addressing the fact that YOU can NOT prove what you are saying. Show your analysis. Show something that indicates that you actually did ANY analysis except a cursory look at the data. You CAN’T, can you? Didn’t think so.

I’m guessing what’s next is the “I give up responding to him because he doesn’t agree with me tactic.
I feel sorry for your Clan, as you don't know the first thing about Clan Challenges.

You don't even recognize lopsided Challenges IVV are getting, unless you are pretending not to, which would be even worst, in my opinion.

By the way, I'll let you know when I am actually insulting you. Right now I am telling it to you straight, you just don't like hearing the truth.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty Still just talking around the fact that you did ZERO analysis and do NOT have the research to back up your falsehoods. Guess I expected better but should have known that wasn’t true. Sad, sad, sad.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty Still just talking around the fact that you did ZERO analysis and do NOT have the research to back up your falsehoods. Guess I expected better but should have known that wasn’t true. Sad, sad, sad.
You should know better, you just pretend not to and want everyone else to do your homework for you. Just keep feeding IVV points and see where it get you? 🙂 If it wasn't for VESPIN, you wouldn't even have a clan!


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
Still no facts. All talk, no facts. Keep saying the same thing over and over until you think I’ll tire. I don’t tire with BSers.
Why should Rusty do the work for you. You are a leader, in theory anyway, and you should know every team, every leader, and every player or most, and you should know who you are giving points away to over and over again. I remember you had the record at NEGATIVE 170 points I think last year or the year before. There is no leader in the clan system anywhere near as bad as you.

You don't understand the basics. I remember when you had all those negative points you played everyone but us. Do you know how many games and matches you have to lose to be in the negative that far?

You talk about facts. How about you learn all the leaders names, Learn the players, reach 100 points by learning how to set up matches and learning the system then you might have one idea that might be worth mentioning. I doubt it but you should try. This is not about you being inexperienced. I was to at one point. But I worked my butt off to better myself so I could add to the clan system instead of giving away points with lopsided matches which is all you are good for.

Learn first, then open your mouth. Do the work, better your team, then you can debate people. Rusty won over 10 championships on a great team, he knows all the things you need to, and even the owner of the site listens to him. There is not one person with half a brain listing to you. Put the work and time in then you can say something. Rusty has been playing chess longer than you and would crush you on the board. You should be as good as he is for all the games you play. And you are no better than me.

People listen to Rusty because of his knowledge. Nobody listens to you.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty Next step, resort to insults to avoid addressing the fact that YOU can NOT prove what you are saying. Show your analysis. Show something that indicates that you actually did ANY analysis except a cursory look at the data. You CAN’T, can you? Didn’t think so.

I’m guessing what’s next is the “I give up responding to him because he doesn’t agree with me tactic.
You are the one who needs the analysis not Rusty. The good leaders talk to each other and know what he is saying is true. And they understand it something you know nothing about. Here is a thought.... How about as the worse leader, you try to get better, and you go into all the clans on the first page and learn something. Then go through all the clans as I have for years, so you can see the trends, see the horrible matches that are being made, who is giving away points to certain teams which is pointing towards collusion in many leaders minds.

You are in that mix my friend. You should be doing your homework and who your helping over and over and over again. I spread my matches out and make it fair for all that play us. The team in first place does not do that. You don't do that.

Rusty has proven himself in over 15 years he has been here. Championships and ideas for the owner and admins.

What have you contributed to this site lstcyr??????? Can you name one idea that anyone listened to? You have to do the work, not Rusty. Rusty has done the work which is why he can talk about it intelligently. You just repeat yourself. I know the people in your clan, I sent many of them to you, they are good people. They don't know what you are or how bad you are at this. Do your homework then people will listen, maybe.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty Ah, yes, next step is to resort to fantasy or as it is referred to elsewhere L-I-E-S. Show your work.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@vespin said
Why should Rusty do the work for you. You are a leader, in theory anyway, and you should know every team, every leader, and every player or most, and you should know who you are giving points away to over and over again. I remember you had the record at NEGATIVE 170 points I think last year or the year before. There is no leader in the clan system anywhere near as bad as you. ...[text shortened]... are no better than me.

People listen to Rusty because of his knowledge. Nobody listens to you.
Hey, Michael, mind your own business. VeryRusty is trying to convince me of his falsehoods so I’m asking him to show the analysis, which he never did.

Just like I challenged you almost a year ago to show the analysis that you said you were doing about or matches together. You never did that either.

Both of you are all talk and no analysis. You should be prime recruits for the Trump campaign.

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