the clans - what can be done

the clans - what can be done



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Anglian I am in awe of your post. On target and well stated. Congrats.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@anglian said
Well, such an important thread has degenerated into name calling and petty nick picking. Tweedledee and Tweedledum at the fore.
Now I have plenty of time on my hands, but don’t tend to waste that on the forums, as raising challenges for IVV, herding the IVV cats, and playing games is far more enjoyable and profitable … but I thought I’d add both some insight and some spice t ...[text shortened]... unt of money the current top 4 would remain the top 4 without moving to a qualitative points system.
A very ridiculous statement for you to make, at no time have I seen a Clan have 499 net points and we are only at March 12/24. Of course Clans are giving you points on a silver platter, by giving you challenges which are very easy for you to win. Extremely lopsided in your favor on many occasions.

In all my years playing in the clans which would be about 16 of them and many first place finishes, never had I seen us with 499 points on March 12th of any year. Now if you or anyone can show me differently, I would retract my statement.

If you are happy with winning first place like this, then so be it. All you and other Clan Leaders are doing is ruining the Clan Challenges, which could wind up disappearing. I am strongly thinking of it myself, if things continue the way they are. We all know what is going on and you and those involved are not fooling anyone.

Very Rusty

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty And you should start minding your own business.
I am Rusty's business and you should be booted off this site. My health is my business. It is not to be discussed unless i talk to you directly about it. I take two meds you fool. . Keep your mouth shut and try to keep your clan out of the negative points. Nobody will listen to you anyway. You are one of the people feeding Anglian a ton of points among other leaders. Not all the leaders, just some who keep giving them fast points at 20 points at a pop.

A few pages back Shortcircuit , leader of Metallica, the best leader in the history of the clans, typed up a brilliant post about what is going on. You know nothing. But the leader of Metallica is well respected, more than any other leader on here and when he posts, people read it and usually act. What is sad is how little you know after all these years.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty I thought I was helping by telling you to MYOB. If you’d stop replying about something that isn’t your business and posted about clan challenges that would help.
Rusty has posted more about how to help the clan system in one day then you have since you started on this site. You have no ideas, you have no knowledge of anything that goes on, and your remarks are idiotic. Why don't you take a few months of not posting your usual garbage and try to post a coherrant thought on the issue like Collusion with Anglian and the leaders that do it.

You have not ever come up with one good idea. Rusty has actually helped the admins, Russ, and has put forth more ideas that were listened to by the higher ups. People listen to him because of all of his years of being involved, winning championships, and talking normal to the right people. You have had nothing to say that was positive or worth reading.

Don't want people responding? Then don't post.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
1 edit

@anglian said
Well, such an important thread has degenerated into name calling and petty nick picking. Tweedledee and Tweedledum at the fore.
Now I have plenty of time on my hands, but don’t tend to waste that on the forums, as raising challenges for IVV, herding the IVV cats, and playing games is far more enjoyable and profitable … but I thought I’d add both some insight and some spice t ...[text shortened]... unt of money the current top 4 would remain the top 4 without moving to a qualitative points system.
To much garbage to read. All anyone has to do is look at your gross points and your net points. That tells the story. You run at 1700's when your real rating is over 2000. How much over I don't know. You were on my team and then cried when I did not let you take over and when I realized what your real rating was as it went up I was booting you out. You might have just left right before I booted you I'm not sure.

However you did tell me, and hinted at your real rating and laughed about it. You are a sandbagger and you have convinced other leaders to give you HUGE MATCHES and leaders like me or Shortcircuit get four man, three man, maybe if we are lucky a six man match????

All your matches are huge and they finish fast. My average is finishing 4 to 5 months per match. I don't know how you convinced them but you did a good job at that.

Your stats show your team winning almost every single game and match, meaning your team.

Your comment on PapabearGary??? I forget the spelling of his name. He is the most honest man you will ever meet. He is a father, family man, grandfather, and just a good man period. His rating goes up and down because he plays a lot and unlike you he does not sandbag. He plays against high rated players so he loses at times which everyone who is not cheating should lose at times.

You are not fooling anyone, everyone sees who looks. By the end of the season hopefully something will be done about what you are doing. Playing at 1700's means you win the first two games of every match which is why you demanded that you be in every match if people wanted to play your team.

You should be over 2000 in rating so why are you always at 1700's????? Go ahead and lie after you were one my team and talked to three players including myself. Rusty and shortcircuit put it best.

I pray they look into your clan deep enough to see what you have done. Collusion and sandbagging is a good way to get booted. Net 519 Gross 547. Almost every point possible, you have won and lost only a few. Metallica and BB are off to the best starts in our history and you are hundreds of point ahead of everyone. A win with Collusion and getting leaders to go along with it and getting them to finish the matches faster than any other clan, is not a win at all. You will have won nothing.

Hey, get lstcyr to join your team. He is a big fan!!!!! 😉

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
@Anglian I am in awe of your post. On target and well stated. Congrats.
It's nice that you like children's books.

Well I've said my peace. Keep up the bad work and enjoy the negative points. You probably don't know what that means. Make that your homework. 🙂

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@lstcyr said
@Anglian I am in awe of your post. On target and well stated. Congrats.
Difference between lstcyr who knows nothing, and the person who we all look to as he has really helped the owner at times, as well as Rusty and Roma45, with idea's and I believe coding as well. Here is the leader of Metallica's post below. I found it.


So far I have seen many positions on the matter of resigning meaningless games. Many of those expressing opinions are not looking at all of the ramifications of the actions, since many of the naysayers are the very ones that instituted the system we have in place now. I, for one, was not a proponent when it was instituted, but I really have never cared what rules they institute as long as everyone plays by the same rules and that the system change occurs at the beginning of the year and not during the year.

That being said, the claim that resigning meaningless games occurs nowhere else, well that simply isn't true. It happens in many major sporting event such as baseball, basketball, soccer, etc... When they set up a best of 7 or a best of 5 or even a best of 3 championship, it is the same thing. Once one team has achieved the necessary number of wins ( ie 4 in the the best of 7 and so on), the rest of the remaining games are not even played. If you look at a 5 man challenge, it simply becomes a best out of 10, or 5.5/6 out of 10 wins it. The rest are meaningless. In that regard it is a no brainer. I have played in team chess championships where, games were drawn once the title was decided. The Ryder Cup in golf was that way for years.

Now, for those who claim it is being done to reduce ratings, I laugh because the system is so miserably set up as it is. You have some many ways to manipulate the ratings, many being currently employed as we speak by the clan currently in first place. It isn't hard to spot, all you have to do is look. Some folks have championed a separate rating system for clan play, which would be great, except Russ doesn't want to spend the time, energy and money to set it up. That doesn't seem to be a viable solution. You could perhaps adjust the calculation for the rating so resignations don't lower the rating, but I am not sure how they would descriminate against a legitimate resignation because you are lost in the game.

Would you rather instead of resigning meaningless games, they just quit moving altogether until the time runs out and the opponent claims the skull? Same result/effect, just no resignation. You see, it is a silly notion. This is not about honor, and it never has been. The other thing that I have often laughed about is when the player who resigns his games because the match was over and was losing both games already. Everyone assumes they were not losing already.

Now, if you want to revise the scoring and make every game meaningful and played to the end, revise the scoring system. I personally am not sure rewarding the losing team has merit or not, but, you could make every won game a point for the winning team, but then you are just really playing a bunch of sigles matches. The team concept is moot. I don't think you could really add on a winning team bonus because a one man challenge vs a 10 man challege you not be able to win the same prize. Perhaps a staggered award might work, who knows?

There is a faction here who have actively tried to blow up the clan system for years now. There have been three sets of rules employed here since I began as a clan leader 16 years ago. They are still at it. Flipping the finger at the system won't solve anything. Changing the rules just changes the effect. Figure out how to stop the collusion. Figure out how to stop the ones hellbent on blowing things up and you have won the battle.

For the record, I avoid the forums these days because there are too many juveniles in here with their thumbs down or their sniping. I was asked to post a position, and I have done so. Anyone that wishes to speak about this intelligently can message me. I just don't have the time or the inclination to play tit for tat.

Good luck


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN I’m glad you are having one of your good days.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN And then here comes the ranting. Hard to regulate, isn’t it?


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN And the third post gets rantier. Guess when you get tired it gets worse, huh?


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN it must be hard to be out of control as much as you are. I’m sorry for you.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN And we end with a cut and paste. Good posting, Michael. Hope you feel better soon.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@lstcyr said
@VESPIN And we end with a cut and paste. Good posting, Michael. Hope you feel better soon.
VESPIN has much more knowledge about the Clan Challenges than you do. You should be ashamed of yourself attacking his health. Try giving us some good pointers on how to improve the Clan Challenges.

All you do is criticize, for the sake of it. Makes you look bad at the end of the day.
You know as well as everyone else does what is going on with IVV being handed points on a silver platter. My best bet is the players don't even know what is going on as they just play their games and don't get involved in the behind the scenes stuff.

Now you have a Great Day, and think about what you say before saying it. I for one may have more respect for you if you did.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty Maybe Spanish? Métete en tus asuntos. I’ll find your main language one of these days.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty Maybe Spanish? Métete en tus asuntos. I’ll find your main language one of these days.
Using a translator doesn't make you look smart. Don't let me stop you though carry on, I am having fun watching you be silly. 🙂


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