Unintelligent Design

Unintelligent Design


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The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
16 Apr 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
At least you're not saying that language was English. 🙂
I believe the original language was not any of the languages we have today.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
16 Apr 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I believe the original language was not any of the languages we have today.
well done

Care to explain how Mandarin, Maori, Iroquian and French
all descended from a common language in 4,000 years?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
16 Apr 13

Originally posted by wolfgang59
well done

Care to explain how Mandarin, Maori, Iroquian and French
all descended from a common language in 4,000 years?

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
16 Apr 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
Good answer.
Use it more often.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Apr 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
No rush Kelly. I'm not going anywhere.
🙂 Thanks

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Apr 13
3 edits

Linquist, Ancient Language Translator, Bible Expositor Arthur Custance on "Who Taught Adam To Speak?"

Scientifically documented and rather interesting to me.

First two paragraphs

MANY YEARS ago Humboldt observed that if there was a transition from animal to man, that transition took place with the acquisition of speech. (1) But he added with rare insight, that in order to speak, man must already have been human. The problem of accounting for the origin of speech appeared to him therefore to be insoluble. Apart from revelation, it still is.
Because of the influence of Darwin's theories, it seemed at one time unnecessary to question the derivation of human speech from animal cries. Essentially the two were the same; it was merely a question of the degree of complexity. Following in the steps of earlier social anthropologists, who were arranging the various primitive cultures in a sequence from the simple to more complex, thereby illustrating man's supposed climb to Parnassus, those who philosophized about language assumed that the strange grunts, clicks, and grimaces of the lowliest "savages" were evidence that speech, like all else, had evolved by barely perceptible steps from simple to complex. (2)

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by sonship
Linquist, Ancient Language Translator, Bible Expositor Arthur Custance on [b]"Who Taught Adam To Speak?"

Scientifically documented and rather interesting to me.

First two paragraphs

MANY YEARS ago Humboldt observed that if there was a transition from anima ...[text shortened]... e all else, had evolved by barely perceptible steps from simple to complex. (2)
But the discovery from time to time of "wild" or feral children without
speech, showed clearly that it results only where there has been social contact.
Moreover such contact must be with speaking individuals, for it was further
discovered that someone else has to start the process off for each one of us.
Company alone does not create communication by speech. Without the spark
from one party already the possessor of the faculty, there is no conversation

Is false.
Look up idioglossia; babies instinctively want to talk and although rare can
sometimes develop a real language between themselves.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by sonship
But he added with rare insight, that in order to speak, man must already have been human.
The ability to communicate would give any hominid a huge advantage on a hunt.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by wolfgang59
[i]But the discovery from time to time of "wild" or feral children without
speech, showed clearly that it results only where there has been social contact.
Moreover such contact must be with speaking individuals, for it was further
discovered that someone else has to start the process off for each one of us.
Company alone does not create communica ...[text shortened]... ely want to talk and although rare can
sometimes develop a real language between themselves.
It was God who started it off by speaking to Adam and Eve. However, he had already made them with the ability to understand and speak back. That is not true of a monkey. They will never be able to speak back no matter how much you talk to them.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
22 Apr 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
It was God who started it off by speaking to Adam and Eve. However, he had already made them with the ability to understand and speak back. That is not true of a monkey. They will never be able to speak back no matter how much you talk to them.
Not true. They can communicate just fine with sign language, having been taught that language they do pretty well considering the size of their brains. I guess it is one of your built in precepts that humans are so superior to apes there is no comparison. Sorry to dis-illusion you but apes have gotten as high as 80 on non-verbal IQ tests. There are a lot of humans who can't score that high on ANY IQ test.

As far as speaking goes, their larynx is not designed for it. They do pretty well in spite of that.

Detailed analysis of Neandertal throats shows they would have trouble speaking also. But as far as you are concerned, they are totally human. Kindly explain THAT one.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Apr 13
6 edits

Is false.
Look up idioglossia; babies instinctively want to talk and although rare can
sometimes develop a real language between themselves.

I didn't see how this negates the paragraph you say it does.

It is not disputed that babies want to talk.
They are probably imitating the communication they see in older humans between themselves.

The point was that an already speaking (probably adult) would start the learning process off.

I think you're agreeing with the paragraph wolfgang.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Volcanic ash Kelly can only come from a volcanic eruption. There's a fragmentation process which happens to the magma as it is blown into the sky due to the intense heat and pressure's involved. The magma turns into very small grains of glass. So when volcanic ash is found in ice core samples it has to have come from a volcanic eruption.

As for your ...[text shortened]... nd hundreds of metres deep within an ice shelf and time not be involved. How did it get there?
Once again not denying ash in ice; however, how deep the ice has as much to
do with how the ice got there, and that does not always relate to time. If you
have lived where weather causes snow and ice you'll know that both can come
in large amounts in short periods of time it isn't always a constant rate. What
the ash itself can tell you jumps back into the discussions we have had in the
past as well on your dating methods, so what makes this a problematic is
suggesting you can look at it and know how much time has passed to cause
what we see to occur.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Not true. They can communicate just fine with sign language, having been taught that language they do pretty well considering the size of their brains. I guess it is one of your built in precepts that humans are so superior to apes there is no comparison. Sorry to dis-illusion you but apes have gotten as high as 80 on non-verbal IQ tests. There are a lot of ...[text shortened]... peaking also. But as far as you are concerned, they are totally human. Kindly explain THAT one.
Oh, so you think God used sign language instead of a spoken language with Adam and Eve? Brilliant! You should submit that as a scientific theory for you would be a sure nominee to get a Nobel Prize in Science and Religion.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Not true. They can communicate just fine with sign language, having been taught that language they do pretty well considering the size of their brains. I guess it is one of your built in precepts that humans are so superior to apes there is no comparison. Sorry to dis-illusion you but apes have gotten as high as 80 on non-verbal IQ tests. There are a lot of ...[text shortened]... peaking also. But as far as you are concerned, they are totally human. Kindly explain THAT one.
Those doing the analyzis are stupid.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
22 Apr 13

Originally posted by KellyJay
Once again not denying ash in ice; however, how deep the ice has as much to
do with how the ice got there, and that does not always relate to time. If you
have lived where weather causes snow and ice you'll know that both can come
in large amounts in short periods of time it isn't always a constant rate. What
the ash itself can tell you jumps back into ...[text shortened]... ng you can look at it and know how much time has passed to cause
what we see to occur.
The whole point of studying ice core data is to see what years have thicker layers. Of course ice buildup varies year to year but the record of thin V thick is left in the core. How could it be otherwise?

You have a year where you get 1 mm of ice then a year with 2 mm of ice, those thicknesses do not go away or change, it is 1 mm now and 1 mm 10,000 years from now since water is incompressible mostly and certainly at the pressures encountered by a mile or two of ice.

Of course there is a lot of force on the bottom of a two mile column of ice but at those pressures, admittedly great, are not even CLOSE to where just that pressure would make much of a difference in the layer thicknesses.