This forum is ruined

This forum is ruined


Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by Taoman
divegeester, vishvahetu and tacoandlettuce,
(oh! the shock of placing them together in the same embracing sentence);
these and all of us,
who or whatever we are,
are one thing in common.
Each is a supremely, utterly unique "individual"

Ming, Grandpatzer and the Chief Justice
not one like them again
in all the universe of universes
shall we meet ...[text shortened]... nt of final definition, so empty and unique.

Oh, Samantabahdra, Bring it on, bring it on!
Cool; now we need our greenpawn to evaluate the position


26 Aug 07
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by black beetle
I know Nan-an's sword was sharp; how sharp is yours?
my weapons are a different kind my friend, not of my own originality, for he who seeks to establish his own speaks from his own originality, he who speaks on behalf of another, the will of him that sent him. It absolves me dear beetle of certain responsibilities, some would say passivity and others still delusion i know, but the load is light and the yoke kindly. Its kind of like saying, ok, if your gonna beat me up, then my big brothers gonna get you and even if you do, my mom will comfort me🙂


26 Aug 07
05 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Rob, i think that's the most eloquent thing you've ever posted on this forum.

The irony is that your one posting with regards to Zen, is worth more than the countless gibberish you've posted on Christinaity over the years. 😉
after all my years of patient teaching this is how a disciple treats his master! bah, all is vanity and a striving after the wind and its a wretched pupil that does not surpass his master. 😛

Lol, actually my friend, the very sentiment is expressed by the Christ himself, but i understand that Christianity is not to everyone's taste, never the less, i love these type of saying myself, always have, although i hold no real pretensions to understand them.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
my weapons are a different kind my friend, not of my own originality, for he who seeks to establish his own speaks from his own originality, he who speaks on behalf of another, the will of him that sent him. It absolves me dear beetle of certain responsibilities, some would say passivity and others still delusion i know, but the load is light and the ...[text shortened]... y. Its kind of like saying, ok, if your gonna beat me up, then my big brothers gonna get you 🙂
I see!
Unlike you, my trusty feer rabbie, I use my sword in order to cut the superimpositions of inherent existence wherever they arise;
Nothing Holy😵


02 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Christian brothers and sisters, don't be intimidated by participants like Agerg.

Preach, Bible study, and have fellowship with one another. As long as it is with spirituality there is no problem.

It may be a problem for those who know nothing about the excercise of the human spirit, or who do not want to know about it.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by jaywill
Christian brothers and sisters, don't be intimidated by participants like Agerg.

Preach, Bible study, and have fellowship with one another. As long as it is with spirituality there is no problem.

It may be a problem for those who know nothing about the excercise of the human spirit, or who do not want to know about it.
A spectre is haunting this forum -the spectre of Absolute Truth. All the powers of Atheism have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: twithehead and Proper Knob, bbarr and black beetle, Atheist Radicals like Aqerq and Atheist Socialists like rwingett😵


02 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by black beetle
A spectre is haunting this forum -the spectre of Absolute Truth. All the powers of Atheism have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: twithehead and Proper Knob, bbarr and black beetle, Atheist Radicals like Aqerq and Atheist Socialists like rwingett😵
Atheists do not also proclaim an "aboslute truth" ?

Atheists do not say it is an absolute truth that God does not exist ?
Are you absolutely sure ?

"Holy alliance" ? Aren't you borrowing some phrases that more properly belong in the Christian realm ? I mean what to an Atheist is "holy"?


26 Aug 07
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by black beetle
I see!
Unlike you, my trusty feer rabbie, I use my sword in order to cut the superimpositions of inherent existence wherever they arise;
Nothing Holy😵
yes, its is good and noble dear beetle, but an endless task me thinks, please be careful when wielding the claymore in a room full of mirrors, once they are gone you will be left standing in the buff, staring at the night sky wondering about the moon 🙂

anybody seen my


01 Sep 06
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
By two spamming idiots vishvahetu and tacoandlettuce.

You people who encourage and tolerate their trolling are not doing this site any favours.
while I agree that certain contributors could certainly excercise the credo of less is more, I wonder if perhaps instead of criticism, you and others could be more productive and contribute your thoughts on any number of interesting threads already in existance.

just a thought

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by jaywill
Atheists do not also proclaim an "aboslute truth" ?

Atheists do not say it is an absolute truth that God does not exist ?
Are you absolutely sure ?

"Holy alliance" ? Aren't you borrowing some phrases that more properly belong in the Christian realm ? I mean what to an Atheist is "holy"?
I 'm a miserable atheist and I do not proclaim such a thing as “absolute truth”.

For the time being, I am (subjectively, that is) absolutely sure that the observer universe and all the observers contained within it, are manifested and work fine without the necessity of the invention of a so called “creator” who created them. But I may be wrong; if the so called “creator” is really an epistemic object that I cannot monitor due to various reasons, kindly please feel free to let me know what exact epistemic instruments you used and you became in person aware of the existence of this entity;

“Holy Alliance” -oh well, I just used a bit bemused the famous two sentences of that ole CM with a bit of a twist🙂

Nothing Holy

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes, its is good and noble dear beetle, but an endless task me thinks, please be careful when wielding the claymore in a room full of mirrors, once they are gone you will be left standing in the buff, staring at the night sky wondering about the moon 🙂
No thing in the world can jump out of my enso

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by jaywill
Christian brothers and sisters, don't be intimidated by participants like Agerg.

Preach, Bible study, and have fellowship with one another. As long as it is with spirituality there is no problem.

It may be a problem for those who know nothing about the excercise of the human spirit, or who do not want to know about it.
Atheist brothers, sisters, and hermaphrodites
See?...atheism is inclusive!

Please bombard this forum with excerpts from "The God Delusion". Never allow one post, however innocuous, to remain untouched by this endeavour. As long as it is in opposition to Christian spiritualty.

Wouldn't that be lovely eh?


04 Feb 05
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, jaywill yeah, joseph, meh!
you became less annoying lately and more rational-ish human being. you fail to make the vegetable club.


02 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by black beetle
I 'm a miserable atheist and I do not proclaim such a thing as “absolute truth”.

For the time being, I am (subjectively, that is) absolutely sure that the observer universe and all the observers contained within it, are manifested and work fine without the necessity of the invention of a so called “creator” who created them. But I may be wrong; if th ...[text shortened]... bit bemused the famous two sentences of that ole CM with a bit of a twist🙂

Nothing Holy
I 'm a miserable atheist and I do not proclaim such a thing as “absolute truth”.

You don't have to be self depravating black beetle.

And you should have had enough experience with Christain apologists by now to know that to this we might reply "Is it an absolute truth then that there is no such thing as absolute truth ?"

You have a self contradiction there.

For the time being, I am (subjectively, that is) absolutely sure that the observer universe and all the observers contained within it, are manifested and work fine without the necessity of the invention of a so called “creator” who created them.

Well, I think you're presuposition is that man has "invented" a creator, is question begging.

I might agree that man sometimes supposes this or that charateristic or identity of such a creator. But I think some people detect a Creator legitimately, though intuitively.

I would not go along with your presupposition that "We have invented a creator". In fact maybe you have "invented" the absence of a creator.

But I may be wrong; if the so called “creator” is really an epistemic object that I cannot monitor due to various reasons, kindly please feel free to let me know what exact epistemic instruments you used and you became in person aware of the existence of this entity;

I don't think your problem is garuanteed to be addressed simply by giving you that information, if I did know.

An old saying is "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."

What can I do if you simply and firmly just don't like the idea of there being God ?

“Holy Alliance” -oh well, I just used a bit bemused the famous two sentences of that ole CM with a bit of a twist

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
By two spamming idiots vishvahetu and tacoandlettuce.

You people who encourage and tolerate their trolling are not doing this site any favours.
So start writting things worth reading and debating no one is forcing you to
read their posts or answer them when they write.

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