This forum is ruined

This forum is ruined


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Sharp Edge

Dulling my blade

11 Dec 09
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Your first post is clearly in opposition to divegeester's thread:

"Really? Two new threads to call them out on?
I understand your anger, but this is just as annoying. I think the three of you should work on something nice to contribute to the spirituality forum."
Ah, lost in semantics. Yeah I'm in disagreement with the thread, not dive 😛

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by ua41
Ah, lost in semantics. Yeah I'm in disagreement with the thread, not dive 😛
sorry...I made an edit in my last post. I believe you do take a contrary stance to divegeester. He thinks they are pillocks and ought to be told via a forum thread to (in so many words) eff off, and caution others about entertaining their drivel. You seem to disagree.


15 Oct 06
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Ah give a running score so far it's 10 posters definitely taking divegeester's side:
divegeester, Rwingwett, John W Booth, Agerg, BBarr, Josephw, FreakyKBH, Hand of Hecate, Zahlanzi, Avelanchethecat
6 taking an opposing side:
Tacoandlettuce, Ua41, ThinkofOne, Robbie Carrobie, Jaywill, Kellyjay

and 7 I cannot yet assign a side.

Go geester go!!! 😵
Not so sure eveyone was commenting on the same issue. For example, what I oppose are DG's ongoing juvenile attacks and the inherent hypocrisy of accusing them of "trolling" and "spamming". Can't imagine you and all the others are for that.

Sharp Edge

Dulling my blade

11 Dec 09
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
sorry...I made an edit in my last post. I believe you do take a contrary stance to divegeester. He thinks they are pillocks and ought to be told via a forum thread to (in so many words) eff off, and caution others about entertaining their drivel. You seem to disagree.
Trust me, I think their drivel is nonsense. But I also don't see too many people entertaining them, they just kind of pop in. Certainly there is a number of us that TRY to hold conversations with them, maybe pull out some bit of essence (from personal experience, these words can only be applied to Vish since I've only had conversation with him and not taco). Been more than decent with them and already pleaded and suggested to calm down and actually get points across, and stop being so slanderous. At this point, I just don't think a whole threads gonna do it if a whole mass of posts and personal messages hasn't already.

I'm A Mighty Pirateâ„¢

PaTROLLING the forum

01 Dec 04
05 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Ah give a running score so far it's 10 posters definitely taking divegeester's side:
divegeester, Rwingwett, John W Booth, Agerg, BBarr, Josephw, FreakyKBH, Hand of Hecate, Zahlanzi, Avelanchethecat
6 taking an opposing side:
Tacoandlettuce, Ua41, ThinkofOne, Robbie Carrobie, Jaywill, Kellyjay

and 7 I cannot yet assign a side.

Go geester go!!! 😵
Make that 11 for DG.

For years I've quite happily read the interesting discussions in this forum but recently it's devolved into a situation which reminds me of those 'preachers' you get standing on street corners with megaphones and sandwich boards trying to force their views upon people.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
05 Nov 10
6 edits

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Not so sure eveyone was commenting on the same issue. For example, what I oppose are DG's ongoing juvenile attacks and the inherent hypocrisy of accusing them of "trolling" and "spamming". Can't imagine you and all the others are for that.
I'd agree with you if their garbage was localised to divegeester alone or divegeester and a further (small) collection of posters. This however, is not the case; indeed a number of threads I claim have been buried under the onslaught of taco's blunderbuss delivery of "amens" "huhuhu =p"s "!"s, etc... Conversations have been wildly derailed by his merciless non-sequitur scripture tossings and poorly spelt/formulated/typed analysis of such, and hollow yet cringe-worthy claims that he personally *loves us*
As for vishvahetu he's single-handedly shat on the intellect and morality of pretty much every person in the world...never mind this forum, he contributes little to discussion other than crappytastic rants about how Vedanta teachings are perfect (for no reason other than they just are...because he says so...because what he says is always true...because he gains his insights from the teachings of vedanta...which happen to be perfect...because he believes them...and he only has perfect beliefs...because his thoughts are guided by his perfect religion......), how atheists are lying, scheming, child abusing, meat eating, religiously fanatical mounds of festering sputum, and that all other theists are foolish, stupid, etc... for following false teachings. Don't even think of challenging him on a point (ie: engaging in debate) else he'll just rant on about how you're a cheating, fault finding, lying, close-minded scientist type with "defective intelligence"

They're both tossers in their own special ways and have spoilt my enjoyment of this forum not just through their own spamming at me (directly or indirectly), but by the fact they are driving away the more intelligent and battle hardened members of this forum.

I state explicitly that I endorse divegeesters thread here even if it is a form of spamming (in a localised sense).

16 Feb 08
05 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Not so sure eveyone was commenting on the same issue. For example, what I oppose are DG's ongoing juvenile attacks and the inherent hypocrisy of accusing them of "trolling" and "spamming". Can't imagine you and all the others are for that.
I refer you to my post to KellyJay on page 7.


24 May 10
06 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Ah give a running score so far it's 10 posters definitely taking divegeester's side:
divegeester, Rwingwett, John W Booth, Agerg, BBarr, Josephw, FreakyKBH, Hand of Hecate, Zahlanzi, Avelanchethecat
6 taking an opposing side:
Tacoandlettuce, Ua41, ThinkofOne, Robbie Carrobie, Jaywill, Kellyjay

and 7 I cannot yet assign a side.

Go geester go!!! 😵
"The Supreme Way is not difficult
if you do not only pick and choose.
Neither love nor hate,
And you will clearly understand.
Be off by a hair,
and you as far apart as heaven from earth.
Be neither for nor against.
For and against opposing each other;
this is the mind's disease."

Seng Ts'an
Third Patriarch.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
It is of course your easy choice to take an aloof position and not sully your hands with the filthy business of demanding some kind of forum order; and in so doing to allow others to speak out and risk your meek disdain.
Demand some kind of order, really? I've been called all kinds of things here, and
there are only two posters I'll not bother with here. One it took me a few years to
get fed up with, the other in short order. I don't feel the need or desire to publically call
them out, I hope they and others get along, that they have many friends here.
I just refuse to enter into conversations with them, that is that! It is a public forum
no one again is pushing you to join these two in conversation, you don't even have
to say their names here, yet you go out of your way to highlight them. Is it really
worth your time and energy if you feel they are not worth the effort? Seriously,
why bother? I don't care one wit if someone dislikes me to the point of not reading
my posts! (Well maybe a wit worth to be honest) Not trying to slam you here, but
why are you bothering, it is a public forum anyone can say pretty much anything,
do you really want to be the forum police?

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
06 Nov 10

Originally posted by jaywill
You spoke about crimes against "Life" with a capital L.

Please tell me what you mean by [b]"Life"
with a capital L.[/b]
Life in this context is to me the sum and the equilibrium per se of all the ecosystems of our planet, and in there I include all the sentient beings and the plants

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
06 Nov 10

Originally posted by Agerg
I'd agree with you if their garbage was localised to divegeester alone or divegeester and a further (small) collection of posters. This however, is not the case; indeed a number of threads I claim have been buried under the onslaught of taco's blunderbuss delivery of "amens" "huhuhu =p"s "!"s, etc... Conversations have been wildly derailed by his merciless non ...[text shortened]... divegeesters thread here even if it is a form of spamming (in a localised sense).
Edit: "indeed a number of threads I claim have been buried under the onslaught of taco's blunderbuss delivery of "amens" "huhuhu =p"s "!"s, etc... Conversations have been wildly derailed by his merciless non-sequitur scripture tossings and poorly spelt/formulated/typed analysis of such, and hollow yet cringe-worthy claims that he personally *loves us*"

Bestir yourself! If the posts of our Taco and our Vishvahetu are indeed capable to make you loose the track of the conversations that you are interested, then your ability for concentration must be extremely puir😵

16 Feb 08
06 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
Demand some kind of order, really? I've been called all kinds of things here, and
there are only two posters I'll not bother with here. One it took me a few years to
get fed up with, the other in short order. I don't feel the need or desire to publically call
them out, I hope they and others get along, that they have many friends here.
I just refuse to rum anyone can say pretty much anything,
do you really want to be the forum police?
1) Try not get obsessed with semantics ("forum order" is just a phrase, it's not a belief structure!)

2) If you're so strong and insulated from it all (yet you still felt the need to call me out) - then frankly...(edit) why get involved now?


02 Aug 06
06 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by black beetle
Life in this context is to me the sum and the equilibrium per se of all the ecosystems of our planet, and in there I include all the sentient beings and the plants
Life in this context is to me the sum and the equilibrium per se of all the ecosystems of our planet, and in there I include all the sentient beings and the plants

You know a sentient being is a being with consciousness and can sense feeling.

Do you have a sense of the preciousness of a being who has a consciousness of something that perhaps you have little consciousnesss of ? Or are you only protective of beings who are only conscious of what you have consciousness of ?

If we talk about crimes against "sentient beings" I would include a concern for crimes against a sentient being with a higher consciousness and sense then man.

I think the highest sentience, the highest ability to perceive or feel was demonstrated by the man Jesus Christ. The sentience demonstrated by Jesus surpassed all other sensativity and consciousness, I think.

And when we speak of capital L Life, it was this Jesus who made that claim that He was THE Life.

"Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and THE LIFE." (John 11:25 my emphasis)

"Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and THE LIFE ..." (JOhn 14:6 my emphasis)

[b]"Jesus said to them, I am the bread of LIFE ..." (John 5:35 my emphasis)

The Bible teaches that the uncreated and eternal Life, which had no beginning and cannot be destroyed, was embodied in the man Jesus Christ. This highest Life is the most sentient, the most sensative, and the most conscious.

"In Him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the light of men." (John 1:4 my emphasis) [/b]

In your concern for crimes against Life, is there any concern for crimes against the uncreated Divine Life Whose sentience is the ultimate sentience ?

Do you even believe that there COULD be sins against this highest Life?

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
06 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by black beetle
Edit: "indeed a number of threads I claim have been buried under the onslaught of taco's blunderbuss delivery of "amens" "huhuhu =p"s "!"s, etc... Conversations have been wildly derailed by his merciless non-sequitur scripture tossings and poorly spelt/formulated/typed analysis of such, and hollow yet cringe-worthy claims that he personally *loves us*" ...[text shortened]... s that you are interested, then your ability for concentration must be extremely puir😵
k 😴

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
1) Try not get obsessed with semantics ("forum order" is just a phrase, it's not a belief structure!)

2) If you're so strong and insulated from it all (yet you still felt the need to call me out) - then frankly...(edit) why get involved now?
I'm not counting you out, I'm not insulted by your stance...I actually agree with you
on their posts, but at the same what? We all have 24 hours in a day and
you are putting effort into this over them, are they worth it, really? I'll not carry on
this conversation any more with you, I was just pointing out...there are better things
to do with your time than go after other posters like this. Feel free to conitinue if you
will, it is after all your life, spend as you will.