The Most Important Writing to Understand

The Most Important Writing to Understand


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03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16
3 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
You could just answer the question...

Why are you here instead of out on the streets pleading with people to avoid being tortured for eternity by the God who loves them so much he came and died for them?
Why are you here instead of out on the streets pleading with people to avoid being tortured for eternity by the God who loves them so much he came and died for them?

If I answer the question as I wish to, you most likely will:

1.) Ask another argumentative question (rejecting that reply)

2.) Complain about long winded answers and boast how you don't bother with mine.

These are the kinds of things that can happen when you poison the well with bitter comments because someone doesn't see everything as you do.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
Why are you here instead of out on the streets pleading with people to avoid being tortured for eternity by the God who loves them so much he came and died for them?

If I answer the question as I wish to, you most likely will:

1.) Ask another argumentative question (rejecting that reply)

2.) Complain about long winded answers and ...[text shortened]... when you poison the well with bitter comments because someone doesn't see everything as you do.
You are just dodging the question.

Telling me I'm "poisoning the well" when it is YOU who are preaching a gospel about a God who will burn you in hell for eternity if you don't turn to him, is quite rich, laughable actually.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
Did I hear you some time back say that the Son of God was not eternal ?
Excuse me if it was someone else.
You may have heard me say that the "son" is not eternal and that nowhere in the Bible does the phrase "eternal son" appear. It would have been couched within an explaination about offices/manifestations of God and that the Bible says the "the son will hand over all authority to the Father" even though Isaiah says "of his reign there will be no end". This is because the son and the father are the same entity manifested in two offices. The office of sonship and the office of the father. ONE God manifested in multiple ways. The office of the son will end when he hands over all authority to the father.

Not sure why you are on about this again, at this present moment.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
You are just dodging the question.

As you dodge my replies with excuses of "longwindedness"..

Tell me I'm "poisoning the well" when it is YOU who are preaching a gospel about a God who will burn you in hell for eternity if you don't turn to him, is quite rich, laughable actually.


I am preaching a Gospel about salvation through Christ including His full salvation.

And in doing so I am adhering to Paul's word to Timothy that he keep the teachings of the apostles without prejudice or partiality.

" I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels that you keep these things without prejudice, doing nothing by way of partiality." (1 Tim. 5:21)

Did you reply to my question about if you believe that the Son of God was eternal ?



04 Apr 04
11 Jun 16

Originally posted by divegeester

I write very straightforward posts. I've explained my position on the godhead to you, personally, several times.
You accept what the devils say about torment but reject what the same devils say about Jesus being the Son of God. Its called ignorant cherrypicking.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16
3 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
You may have heard me say that the "son" is not eternal and that nowhere in the Bible does the phrase "eternal son" appear.

So the Son of God is not eternal ?

It would have been couched within an explaination about offices/manifestations of God and that the Bible says the "the son will hand over all authority to the Father" even though Isaiah says "of his reign there will be no end". This is because the son and the father are the same entity manifested in two offices. The office of sonship and the office of the father. ONE God manifested in multiple ways. The office of the son will end when he hands over all authority to the father.

Not sure why you are on about this again, at this present moment.

I ask because I wonder if it is often people who do not fully recognize that the One Who suffered and died on the cross for us was God, who also have a problem with the consequences of the rejection of that Person.

That is why I asked.

My other thoughts I withhold for now.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
You accept what the devils say about torment but reject what the same devils say about Jesus being the Son of God. Its called ignorant cherrypicking.
You accept what the devils say about torment but reject what the same devils say about Jesus being the Son of God. Its called ignorant cherrypicking.

The proper word should be demons not "devils".

And your tree seems to have only one cherry.
You always pick the same subject matter on every single thread practically.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16

Originally posted by sonship
[b]You may have heard me say that the "son" is not eternal and that nowhere in the Bible does the phrase "eternal son" appear.

So the Son of God is not eternal ?

It would have been couched within an explaination about offices/manifestations of God and that the Bible says the "the son will hand over all authority to the ...[text shortened]... the rejection of that Person.

That is why I asked.

My other thoughts I withhold for now.[/b]
You know my answer to this and you are just trying to divert attention away from the other topic here, eternal suffering.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16

I am preaching a Gospel about salvation through Christ including His full salvation.

Did you reply to my question about if you believe that the Son of God was eternal ?
If you believe that people will be burnt alive for all eternity by the same God who in Jn 3:16 said he loved them so much that he sent his own son to die for them, then why aren't you out in the street pleading for people to come to Christ, instead of writing long-winded sermons about stuff most lay-interested parties wouldn't even understand?

To your question... Yes.



04 Apr 04
11 Jun 16

Originally posted by divegeester
If you believe that people will be burnt alive for all eternity by the same God who in Jn 3:16 said he loved them so much that he sent his own son to die for them, then why aren't you out in the street pleading for people to come to Christ, instead of writing long-winded sermons about stuff most lay-interested parties wouldn't even understand?

To your question... Yes.
Forget about who understands .. his longwinded sermons is a bunch of baloney that is not even scriptural.



04 Apr 04
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
You accept what the devils say about torment but reject what the same devils say about Jesus being the Son of God. Its called ignorant cherrypicking.

The proper word should be demons not "devils".

And your tree seems to have only one cherry.
You always pick the same subject matter on every single thread practically.
My one cherry is about the teachings of Christ which is the road to eternal life. A road on which you do not aspire to be. Plus there is no virtue in thinking you are, or being, a Bible scholar. The Scribes and Pharisees were the greatest of scholares and Jesus had nothing but insults for them.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16
7 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
So let's answer your questions.

1.) I believe that in the final judgment, whoever's name is not written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire.

2.) I do not know that much about the "lake of fire" but I know nothing about it sounds good.

3.) I do not feel guilty for believing the New Testament.

4.) How I conduct the Lord's commission to preach the gospel through prayer, testimony, living and speaking, God will judge. I am not concerned with your judgment.

5.) I am burdened for sinners to know the Gospel. I am not obsessed so that I am living day and night in the streets. Nor do I feel guilt for not being obsessed to the point of hysteria.

" Why are you not hysterical ? ". is the tone of your question.
If Paul had been hysterical about his burden to preach the Gospel then perhaps there would be nothing in the 13 or so Pauline epistles except thousands of repetitions of frantic shouting.

I am burdened for this and other aspects of the Great Commission. I am not hysterical or obsessed as you wish me to be.

And I write about it because you attack me on it to give reasons why I should believe Christ's words. So I take the required time to answer.

Most of my writing here IS about the gospel. It just does not focus on only that aspect - eternal punishment.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jun 16
2 edits

"Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. " (Rom. 8:33,34)

It appears that Rajk999 and Divegeester are going to give it a good try.

One condemns us for having no confidence in anything but the indwelling Spirit of Christ, the other condemns us for taking the words of Jesus at face value about the eternally lost.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
So let's answer your questions.

1.) I believe that in the final judgment, whoever's name is not written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire.

2.) I do not know that much about the [b]"lake of fire"
but I know nothing about it sounds good.

3.) I do not feel guilty for believing the New Testament.

4.) How I conduct the Lord's com ...[text shortened]... iting here IS about the gospel. It just does not focus on only that aspect - eternal punishment.[/b]
I'm not hysterical, as you put it, nor am I "poisoning the well", as you put it. These are your words because you don't like being challenged on your beliefs.

Saying you "do not feel guilty for believe the New Testament" as an excuse to propagate eternal suffering, just makes you sound like, Galveston75.

You make choices about how you have interpreted the NT as all Christians and the cults do, from those choices comes the flavour of the gospel we preach.

You choose a gospel where your version of a loving God subsequently chooses to burn people alive in an eternal inferno for not accepting him, I don't. You choose a gospel where you believe this suffering is as you put it "the lost being hung in chains of punishment as a warning to those on other worlds". I don't.

Based on these beliefs alone, you and I don't follow the same version of God. Your version God makes no sense whatsoever.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
[b] "Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. " (Rom. 8:33,34)

It appears that Rajk999 and Divegeester are going to give it a good try.

...[text shortened]... st, the other condemns us for taking the words of Jesus at face value about the eternally lost.[/b]
I'm not "condemning" you. This is your word.

I'm not "poisoning the well" these are your words.

I'm not "hysterical" this is your word.

You are being rightfully challenged about certain aspects of what you believe. You challenge me about what I believe; I don't accuse you of "condemning" me!

Stop talking like the JWs do when they are in a strong exchange.