Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....

Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....


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31 May 12
09 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
There is only one way to show your love for Christ or for God and that is to show charitable love for others.

Your way is to talk and there is no virtue in that.
Skippy Peanutbitter shows up and the red thumbs appear. Coincidence? I wonder.


31 May 12
09 Feb 22

@fmf said
Oh, the irony.
Skippy Peanutbitter shows up and the red thumbs appear. Coincidence?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
09 Feb 22

@moonbus said
Skippy Peanutbitter shows up and the red thumbs appear. Coincidence? I wonder.
That’s Mr. Skippy Peanutbutter to you, pal.

And did the red thumbs ruin your day?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
09 Feb 22

@moonbus said
Skippy Peanutbitter shows up and the red thumbs appear. Coincidence? I wonder.
And don’t bother FMF with silly questions.

He’s trying to figure out if his “moral compass” is still under warranty.



04 Apr 04
09 Feb 22

@moonbus said
Skippy Peanutbitter shows up and the red thumbs appear. Coincidence?
That is probably one his few pleasures in life so let's not deny him.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
09 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
That is probably one his few pleasures in life so let's not deny him.
Unlike you, I delight in the Lord and in meditating on His Word. It sets me in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day.

You should try it sometime. It may cut your daily insults and lies in half and eventually get ‘em down to double digits.


31 May 12
09 Feb 22
1 edit

@pb1022 said
That’s Mr. Skippy Peanutbutter to you, pal.

And did the red thumbs ruin your day?
No, it did not ruin my day. But just out of curiosity, would it have brightened your day if it had?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
09 Feb 22

@moonbus said
No, it did not ruin my day. But just out of curiosity, would it have brightened your day if it had?
No, why would it?

And that was a rhetorical question that I asked.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 22
3 edits


Go in peace, Sonship. I have no quarrel with you. You asked why I don't as often cross swords with Rajk as with some others. He quite sensibly did not allow himself to be maneuvered into your false dichotomy a) or b). Now you know.

You were asked three times. Third time I accounted for YOU pointing out a third or more possibility. Because I asked for you to give a third alternative if you had one, it was NOT a dichotomy, and not a false one.

So next time you could be more honest about what it is you were asked.
And if you don't want to get into a brow beating exchange, try to avoid starting

A. the free gift was revoked at some time so that the goats HAVING possessed it lost it. The justification was only on temporary loan.

B. The goats are justified but condemned anyway. ?!?
And that with the devil and his angels for whom the punishment was prepared.

Or moonbus, do you see a third alternative ?
He's more sensible. Right?
So what did he mean ?


31 May 12
09 Feb 22
1 edit

@sonship said
Go in peace, Sonship. I have no quarrel with you. You asked why I don't as often cross swords with Rajk as with some others. He quite sensibly did not allow himself to be maneuvered into your false dichotomy a) or b). Now you know.

You were asked three times. Third time I accounted for YOU pointing out a third or more possibility. ...[text shortened]... do you see a third alternative ? [/b]
He's more sensible. Right?
So what did he mean ?
I don't care enough about your theological issues to bother thinking up a third or fourth option. I have no stake in theology. None whatever. It is no skin off my nose whether the godhead is unitary or trinitarian, transcendent to the universe or immanent in each man's soul. You know what? Neither did Jesus (care about theological issues). He preached no doctrine; he exemplified a mode of living. A mode of living which Christian dogma resists and subverts. And that is my beef with Christianity.

I am sometimes confronted by proselytisers on the street who ask me the seemingly innocuous question, whether I know Him. I say seemingly innocuous, because it never is (innocuous). There is always an unspoken subtext which runs: "I know Him and I'm going to heaven and if you don't know Him you're going to hell in a hand basket, but you can be saved if you just believe all the stuff I believe..." This subconscious condescension I meet with a silent thought in my heart of hearts: maybe, like the Roman centurion, if I ask Jesus to heal this man of the sickness of presumptuous condescension, all will be well after all. But I never speak this silent thought aloud, from not wanting to injure the other man's sensibilities.

If you met Jesus, what would you ask for? Eternal life? Salvation? Escape from the Lake of Fire? If I met Jesus, I would not ask anything for myself. I do not have to meditate on this; it is just my nature. But Christians want to 'convert' me to the dogma that my nature is fallen and corrupt because some guy ate an apple 4,000 years ago. You're welcome to dispute the finer points of that (whether it's allegorical or literally true history) with Rajk or anyone else if you feel the need, but I'm not buying into it.


31 May 12
09 Feb 22

@pb1022 said
No, why would it?

And that was a rhetorical question that I asked.
Well then, Mr. Skippy Peanutbutter, have a rhetorically nice day.



04 Apr 04
09 Feb 22

@moonbus said
I don't care enough about your theological issues to bother thinking up a third or fourth option. I have no stake in theology. None whatever. It is no skin off my nose whether the godhead is unitary or trinitarian, transcendent to the universe or immanent in each man's soul. You know what? Neither did Jesus (care about theological issues). He preached no doctrine; he exemplif ...[text shortened]... r literally true history) with Rajk or anyone else if you feel the need, but I'm not buying into it.
There we go. Nice post. I think sonship will go off on a little vacati0n to digest all of that.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 22
1 edit


Well, at least I know now what you really mean by Rajk999 is "more sensible."

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
09 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
There we go. Nice post. I think sonship will go off on a little vacati0n to digest all of that.
So Jesus Christ never talked about dying in your sins if you believe not in Him, never talked about being born again being a requirement for seeing the Kingdom of God, never talked about His blood being shed for the forgiveness of sins, never talked about God’s Holy Spirit indwelling believers, never talked about the importance of belief and faith in God?



04 Apr 04
09 Feb 22
1 edit

@sonship said

Well, at least I know now what you really mean by Rajk999 is "more sensible."
in quotation marks ?