Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....

Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....


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04 Apr 04
09 Feb 22

@sonship said

Well, at least I know now what you really mean by Rajk999 is "more sensible."
When you promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, like-minded people will naturally think you are more sensible than those who do not. I dont know why you would think otherwise and why you thought people will think you are a sensible person when you promote a doctrine which runs contrary to what Jesus preached.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 22
1 edit

God is very merciful. And sometimes a wrongly preached Gospel message He will use to save someone. Thankfully this is so. After all it is the touch with the living Person that brings salvation.

That goes for everyone who would announce the Good News of the Lord Jesus.



04 Apr 04
09 Feb 22

@sonship said
God is very merciful. And sometimes a wrongly preached Gospel message He will use to save someone. Thankfully this is so. After all it is the touch with the living Person that brings salvation.

That goes for everyone who would announce the Good News of the Lord Jesus.
God is suddenly very merciful when it comes to you, but unmerciful to the billions you say will be tormented for eternity ?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 22

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Feb 22
1 edit


I am not interested in discussing Rajk’s theology with you. He’s quite capable of expressing it for himself and already did so.

He's quite capable of ad homs, insults, and anathemas.

Your knowledge of Scripture is prodigious,

Maybe, maybe not.
But what is really important is getting down to the kernel of Scripture's revelation.
That is God imparting the livnig Christ as life into us.

Lots of pther things are lesss crucial.

yet you go astray with it, time and again, browbeating people with miles and miles of quoted passages and arguing arcane points into a hole in the ground.

Yes I gho astray. What is "arcane" is often matter of opinion.
Some athiets find the issue of God's existence "arcane."
They may do an argument by boredom or disinterest.

I remind you of the parable of the Roman centurion, presumably a pagan, who came to Jesus on behalf of his sick servant.

I could findit not. I don't think it was a parable.
What about it?

You can no doubt cite chapter and verse by heart. Jesus’s reply to the centurion was telling. “Go home now. YOUR faith has healed him.” Note that Jesus does not say that HE Jesus has healed the sick servant, but that the pagan’s faith has done so. So, what did the pagan centurion’s ‘faith’ consist in? Simply this, that he, a Roman centurion, a man of high rank, had humbled himself before a Jew in an occupied province to ask a favor, not for himself but for someone else of low rank.

This must be something that has impresed you for awhile.
What's its relevance here?

There you have essence of what Jesus taught in one simple parable; no dogma, no virgin birth, no resurrection, no afterlife, no trinity, no basilica-sized belief structure about any fancy-pants theological concepts. Just humble service to others less fortunate than oneself.

This is just a case of you having a favorite theme and amplifying this passage to be the main thing. It is one of hundreds of important things which you find impressed you.

Do you think that passage means all else about the Father - Son - Holy Spirit is therefore trivial ?

Some say "Take a little wine for the stomach's sake" is the main teaching of the New Testament. So there is the tendency:

"What kind of Bible you have depends on what kind of person you are."

The lesson of the centurions recognition that the Son of God was under authority is wonderful. Even Jesus marveled. I wouldn't say it renders say the redemption or resurrection of Christ or the nature of God quite unimportant.

Now, go out and walk your faith, if you have any. If all you have is miles and miles of quoting Scripture, then you are a fraud.

Go out and walk my faith also may include debunking some modernist when a public discussion of the faith is being had.


31 May 12
10 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
in quotation marks ?
He quoted my earlier post.


31 May 12
10 Feb 22
1 edit

@sonship said

Well, at least I know now what you really mean by Rajk999 is "more sensible."
Clearly he does not share your interpretation on many theological points, and neither do I (with either of you). Nonetheless, I find him more sensible than you.

EDIT. Apparently what you don’t get is that it’s much less about content (doctrinal points) than you think, and much more about his and your manner of engaging in discussion. That is what I mean by saying I find him more sensible than you.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Feb 22


EDIT. Apparently what you don’t get is that it’s much less about content (doctrinal points) than you think, and much more about his and your manner of engaging in discussion. That is what I mean by saying I find him more sensible than you.

His manner is very obnoxious.

If you mean obnoxious is the way to go, then I can see why you approve.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
10 Feb 22

@sonship said

EDIT. Apparently what you don’t get is that it’s much less about content (doctrinal points) than you think, and much more about his and your manner of engaging in discussion. That is what I mean by saying I find him more sensible than you.

His manner is very obnoxious.

If you mean obnoxious is the way to go, then I can see why you approve.
I've been on the recieving end of obnoxious from Rajk and from you, and yours was hands down worse. No contest whatsoever.



04 Apr 04
10 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
I've been on the recieving end of obnoxious from Rajk and from you, and yours was hands down worse. No contest whatsoever.
Really ? Then I need to improve on my obnoxious skills 😀

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Feb 22


I've been on the recieving end of obnoxious from Rajk and from you, and yours was hands down worse. No contest whatsoever.

Really ?!

Hey, if I said anything out of the way to injure you I apologize.

Now we haev had some pointed disagreements, no doubt.
BUt I'll watch that tone more carefully if you say you prefer his treatment to mine.

Point taken.


31 May 12
10 Feb 22

@sonship said

EDIT. Apparently what you don’t get is that it’s much less about content (doctrinal points) than you think, and much more about his and your manner of engaging in discussion. That is what I mean by saying I find him more sensible than you.

His manner is very obnoxious.

If you mean obnoxious is the way to go, then I can see why you approve.
Rajk has never been obnoxious to me.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
10 Feb 22

@moonbus said
Rajk has never been obnoxious to me.
rajk999 exclusively (and viciously) insults Christians on here.


31 May 12
11 Feb 22

@pb1022 said
rajk999 exclusively (and viciously) insults Christians on here.
"Exclusively"?? HA! You Christians are insulting and lambasting each other all the time! Denouncing each other as false and fake Christians left, right, and center. That's not the exclusive speciality of Rajk.

The title of this thread is "Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....", and I believe I have answered that. He has never been insulting or obnoxious to me.

If you all find he is insulting and obnoxious to you, may I suggest that you just





Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Feb 22

@moonbus said
"Exclusively"?? HA! You Christians are insulting and lambasting each other all the time! Denouncing each other as false and fake Christians left, right, and center. That's not the exclusive speciality of Rajk.

The title of this thread is "Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....", and I believe I have answered that. He has never been insulting or obnoxious to me.
...[text shortened]...




<<He has never been insulting or obnoxious to me.>>

So you base your evaluation of someone solely on how they treat you?

And the only “Christian” on here (and I honestly don’t think rajk999 is a Christian, nor do I think he would disagree with me on that) I see lambasting another Christian is rajk999 - until one of his targets gets sick of his abuse and returns fire.