New world!!!!

New world!!!!


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Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Well yes it was. So God had to come down to earth to speak to Adam?
Are you asking me a question? or a statement!! my question was simple.

The Garden of Eden was where? Answer: Earth
Who was talking and walking with Adam in this garden? Answer: God




04 Apr 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Well then. We are getting somewhere. IF you don't understand it, why do you think we don't? How can you prove that at least on some levels we don't understand?
And secondly why don't you understand it?
You do not understand it because you have been proven wrong hundreds of times.

I do not understand it.

The difference between us is that you have claimed to be Gods chosen organisation so you cannot say that you dont understand anything because then people will know you are lying.

Smarter people like myself can see that you people are liars.



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by menace71
Are you asking me a question? or a statement!! my question was simple.

The Garden of Eden was where? Answer: Earth
Who was talking and walking with Adam in this garden? Answer: God

Its called deflection. A childish ploy small minded people use when they have nothing to say.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
05 Jul 12
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Perhaps you should take some classes on the english language and the meanings of the words you fail to understand. Just a thought...
LOL your the one who has comprehension issues and can't spell. Even with spell check LOL if you have windows you have spell check.

Try mixing in a spell check or two 🙂


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
05 Jul 12
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Well yes it was. So God had to come down to earth to speak to Adam?
Yes: God came down to the earth.


PS: and your argument will be "No man can see God and live"


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by Rank outsider
No it doesn't.

But here is a question I have refrained from asking for a while, as I read the Bible.

[quote]32 While the sons of Israel were continuing in the wilderness, they once found a man collecting pieces of wood on the sabbath day. 33 Then those who found him collecting pieces of wood brought him up to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembl ...[text shortened]... ar moralist, you will, I hope, at least appreciate why these passages are such a problem to me.
Robbie pretty much hit that right.
But maybe something else to consider. Jehoavh could read that mans heart and as a result he knew him in a way we could never know any human.
Of course we know nothing of that man and he could have been a model citizen or he could have just not cared about God's laws. We don't know so it's really not fair to question why God had him put to death.
But God formed those laws for a reason and it was up to each individual to obey them.
For instance God had a law about washing ones hands after touching anything dead. Why way that? Well we know it was for their health and the dieseases that one could get.
But they didn't know that. No idea why God had that law.
But we know why. It was for their protection. ( Lev. 11:32-38; Num. 19:11-22.

So this is where "faith" comes into play. There has been and there always will be things that we just don't understand about God's ways and his laws. If we understood them all we would be pretty much like him and that will never happen.
We have to have faith first of all and then learn about him as much as we can to understand these things that are a puzzle at times.



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by menace71
LOL your the one who has comprehension issues and can't spell. Even with spell check LOL if you have windows you have spell check.

Actually RHP spell checks the words and offers suggestions. That means that Galveston does not even know which of the offered suggestions to take. He is a product of the JWs brainwashing their followers about evils of education. Clearly RC and Galveston had very little schooling.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by menace71
Yes: God came down to the earth.


PS: and your argument will be "No man can see God and live"
Well I didn't write that scripture. It say what it says. Is it a lie?

The problem again that keeps you from that simple fact in that simple scripture Manny is the trinity.

Until you ever grasp that Jehovah and Jesus are not the same being, you'll never get it.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by Rajk999
Actually RHP spell checks the words and offers suggestions. That means that Galveston does not even know which of the offered suggestions to take. He is a product of the JWs brainwashing their followers about evils of education. Clearly RC and Galveston had very little schooling.
Yup ser..Iz a reel dummeee.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by Rajk999
Its called deflection. A childish ploy small minded people use when they have nothing to say.
So again...why don't you understand it?????????????????


11 Oct 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by menace71
Yes: they know the truth about their organizations historical record. They and all of us do not live in a vacuum. G-man and R.C. can look at historical documents/literature from their organization (something I/anyone can't make up or lie about) and see for themselves what was written. An untruth=lie same thing. I might be able to allow for ignorance ( igno ...[text shortened]... (I don't buy the ignorance because they've been presented with their own documents)

i had understood that you had said that they made a prediction and it was untrue.

Do you believe they made this prediction, knowing it was untrue? If not, it was not a lie. Or did you mean they lied about something else.

I can't believe you really think that an untruth and a lie are the same thing. Honestly?


11 Oct 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Robbie pretty much hit that right.
But maybe something else to consider. Jehoavh could read that mans heart and as a result he knew him in a way we could never know any human.
Of course we know nothing of that man and he could have been a model citizen or he could have just not cared about God's laws. We don't know so it's really not fair to questio ...[text shortened]... learn about him as much as we can to understand these things that are a puzzle at times.
I don't think it is logical to speculate that God has taken into account something specific to that individual person.

Later Moses called the entire assembly of the sons of Israel together and said to them: “These are the words that Jehovah has commanded, to do them: 2 Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day it will become something holy to YOU, a sabbath of complete rest to Jehovah. Anybody doing work on it will be put to death.

The passage from Numbers follows on logically from this passage in Exodus. You work on the Sabbath, you die. Plain and simple. Nothing in the Bible I have read suggests that any other considerations are at play.



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
So again...why don't you understand it?????????????????
Probably the same reason why YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jul 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Rank outsider
I don't think it is logical to speculate that God has taken into account something specific to that individual person.

[quote]Later Moses called the entire assembly of the sons of Israel together and said to them: “These are the words that Jehovah has commanded, to do them: 2 Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day it will become something ...[text shortened]... d simple. Nothing in the Bible I have read suggests that any other considerations are at play.
And the bottom line is, you are correct. The law was the law. God gave the laws and gave very clear warning to all what would happen if they broke it.
So the issue that you brought up was, why so harsh?
Why did God have to have the man killed even if it were a mistake by that man?
But...could God legally, righteously and morally look away and not follow up on his own laws and let tht man live?

One point right up front though, is that man will live again once God resurrects him. All who have died because of sin will be resurrected.

Now back to the point here. First is how do you feel about a government that renegs on it's laws? Is that fair? Will that establish order and piece and respect? Is that fair to some who have paid the price for a certian law to have others walk away from it or have a lesser sentence?

And finally the question has to be asked, why did God make those laws to begin with when it was obvious not all could ever live up to them and most would fail?


28 Oct 05
05 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
But the point is we can never, even after thousands of years or in evolutionist believes gazillions of years, have not gotten any better.
Yes they have.