Lying - A social necessity?

Lying - A social necessity?


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The Axe man


11 Apr 09
16 Mar 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
My mother always would say, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all." So, sometimes nice things were said that I didn't mean. And sometimes, friendships were started which wouldn't have bloomed otherwise.
My mum said ' If you cant find something nice to say about someone then you are not trying hard enough' .
So many apologies for lying here. Only the lyer would know if its for the greater good, I reckon most times it's not . Life is simple

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
16 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Sorry everybody. I think I broke Thinkofone.
What thread are you reading?

As pointed out before those that dont lie needn't worry. They cant be faulted however those that entertain deciet are always looking over their shoulder. Simple


15 Oct 06
16 Mar 18
4 edits

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
You answered this once, years ago, I think. Your position was that the homeowner shouldn't lie to the Gestapo about harboring Jews.

That was probably when you got paranoid about answering questions. No doubt the backlash was severe.
Evidently you still haven't gotten over when you recently asked me that loaded question and I gave you an answer appropriate to a loaded question. Then came the nonsensical "nice dodge", "a paranoid person perceives loading", etc. I had to explain it to you.
The best part might have been when you called me a "hypocrite" when I asked a rhetorical question. I had to explain that to you too.

You didn't embarrass yourself enough on that thread? Now you're playing the same riff on this thread?

It's really too funny that you're also back on the "paranoid" bit. Listen, I understand that you and GoaD post on this forum largely to troll, but c'mon.

My favorite GoaD moment was when he kept bringing up his degree in theology and I commented on that fact. Of course, he denied it which was a blatant lie. He kept denying it so I posted a half-dozen or so recent examples. It's what he does. He routinely employs lies and other forms of deceit in his efforts to "stir the pot". Even his recent aside to Suzianne is an example of his regular shtick.


15 Oct 06
16 Mar 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
What thread are you reading?

As pointed out before those that dont lie needn't worry. They cant be faulted however those that entertain deciet are always looking over their shoulder. Simple
What's also remarkable are the people who routinely lie and use other forms of deceit, yet see themselves as having integrity. I know someone like that. It took years for her to acknowledge that about herself. In fact, she's still struggling to reconcile her self-image with reality. It's a cautionary tale.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
16 Mar 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @thinkofone
Evidently you still haven't gotten over when you recently asked me that loaded question and I gave you an answer appropriate to a loaded question. Then came the nonsensical "nice dodge", "a paranoid person perceives loading", etc. I had to explain it to you.
The best part might have been when you called me a "hypocrite" for asking a rhetorical question. ...[text shortened]... fforts to "stir the pot". Even his recent aside to Suzianne is an example of his regular shtick.
People like Ghost covet others . Its simple.
They seek to elevate themselves because thats the way they see life.
They dont undrstand basic tenets of Christianity like 'blessed are the poor in spirit' , not to mention 'blessed are those that live their own lives '

14 Mar 15
16 Mar 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
Evidently you still haven't gotten over when you recently asked me that loaded question and I gave you an answer appropriate to a loaded question. Then came the nonsensical "nice dodge", "a paranoid person perceives loading", etc. I had to explain it to you.
The best part might have been when you called me a "hypocrite" for asking a rhetorical question. ...[text shortened]... fforts to "stir the pot". Even his recent aside to Suzianne is an example of his regular shtick.
My theology degree still unnerves you, hey? Funny how you roll out all the normal defensive tactics you deploy when you find yourself thoroughly out argued and looking like a prize plum.

A Christian can validate the truthfulness of Christ by their belief in the Bible being the word of God. You, on the other hand, tender the Bible as your basis for attributing the teachings of the Gospels to Jesus, while simultaneously attacking that very same Bible as being unreliable and at times fabricated. Your position is a joke. Clearly you do not view the Bible as the word of God and therefore can offer nothing to support your assertion that the words attributed to Jesus are genuine and were actually said by him.

No wonder you don't want your beliefs put under the microscope. (Thanks for making my evening).

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
16 Mar 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
What thread are you reading?

As pointed out before those that dont lie needn't worry. They cant be faulted however those that entertain deciet are always looking over their shoulder. Simple
Deceit is not just lying, and also, not every lie is the product of deceit. I think most people realize this once they get well into adulthood, while others just cling to what they think proves they are better than someone else.

It's actually relatively easy to spot liars.

They're the ones claiming that they never lie. Simple.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
Deceit is not just lying, and also, not every lie is the product of deceit. I think most people realize this once they get well into adulthood, while others just cling to what they think proves they are better than someone else.

It's actually relatively easy to spot liars.

They're the ones claiming that they never lie. Simple.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @freakykbh
Seriously, it's okay to admit you don't understand something. That sure beats claiming you do and then in the same breath, proving that you don't.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
Seriously, it's okay to admit you don't understand something. That sure beats claiming you do and then in the same breath, proving that you don't.
no one?
some ones?
any ones?

We all lie.
Just varying degrees therein.

I look fine, thanks.


31 May 12
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
My theology degree still unnerves you, hey? ...
You've a degree in theology? My, but you're just a bundle of surprises!

When I lived in CA in the 1970s, I founded a church; there was a mail-order place you could sign up with and for 50 bucks they'd send you all the necessary paperwork to get tax-free status as a charity. "Universal Life Church" they called themselves. ACLU had defended them in court several times and won. I'm a Cardinal; got a certificate to prove it. Strictly non-denominational, you understand.

14 Mar 15
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @moonbus
You've a degree in theology? My, but you're just a bundle of surprises!

When I lived in CA in the 1970s, I founded a church; there was a mail-order place you could sign up with and for 50 bucks they'd send you all the necessary paperwork to get tax-free status as a charity. "Universal Life Church" they called themselves. ACLU had defended them in court s ...[text shortened]... won. I'm a Cardinal; got a certificate to prove it. Strictly non-denominational, you understand.
Well old chap, was over 20 years ago (Thinkofone doesn't like me talking about it).

Is it okay to refer to a Cardinal as old chap?

(Worth noting that I have usually only referred to my degree in response to a theist referring to atheists as ignorant or theologically lazy and that I have arrived at my atheism due to a lack of intellectual effort. Mention of my Theology degree invariably brings such erroneous assumptions to a conclusion. - In short, I have given serious study to all the major religions of the world and still emerged as an atheist).

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Well old chap, was over 20 years ago (Thinkofone doesn't like me talking about it).

Is it okay to refer to a Cardinal as old chap?

(Worth noting that I have usually only referred to my degree in response to a theist referring to atheists as ignorant or theologically lazy and that I have arrived at my atheism due to a lack of intellectual effor ...[text shortened]... ve given serious study to all the major religions of the world and still emerged as an atheist).
I don’t see that as evidence that your atheism is correct. Not by a long shot. If you only tried to comprehend or discover God with your head - and not your heart - your atheism is a logical consequence of your efforts.

14 Mar 15
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @romans1009
I don’t see that as evidence that your atheism is correct. Not by a long shot. If you only tried to comprehend or discover God with your head - and not your heart - your atheism is a logical consequence of your efforts.
No, I agree. Emerging as an atheist from my studies in no way means I am right and all the theists are wrong. It does however dispell the myth that all atheists are theologically lazy. (I was by no means the only atheist on my course). I hope., at least, we can agree on that.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
17 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
No, I agree. Emerging as an atheist from my studies in no way means I am right and all the theists are wrong. It does however dispell the myth that all atheists are theologically lazy. (I was by no means the only atheist on my course). I hope., at least, we can agree on that.
I never considered all atheists as theologically lazy. Certainly many are, but the same could be said for believers. I obviously can’t speak for all religions but I think the Resurrection of Jesus Christ can be accepted on an intellectual level but such an acceptance goes nowhere unless it transfers from the head to the heart.