Eleven Reasons for  Assurance of Salvation

Eleven Reasons for Assurance of Salvation


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04 Apr 04
06 Aug 19
1 edit

@sonship said

There are earthly rewards in this life, and there are heavenly rewards in the next life as Jesus states categorically.

You may think that by saying "heavenly rewards" you are talking about going TO heaven in order to get the reward. This would be not be necessarily the case.

As the phrase "the kingdom of the heavens" means the k ...[text shortened]... ny.
Yet some attend "summer school" and partake of the graduation latter.

All graduate is the teachings of the church.
it is not the teachings of Christ.

Only those who obey the commandments are REWARDED WITH eternal life in the Kingdom of God

14 Mar 15
06 Aug 19

@sonship said
Thread Reminder:

Ghost who is proud of displaying that he has no interest in being saved is making an issue of something that in that case wouldn't matter.
It's bad enough you're dumping 11 consecutive items into a thread, but not to say where they came from and passing them off as your own is profoundly disingenuous and self-serving.

I can only assume you're trying to hide the source, in the same way a JW doesn't immediately identify where their info is coming from.

No snake oil for me thanks.

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 19
1 edit

@sonship said
Thread Reminder:

Ghost who is proud of displaying that he has no interest in being saved is making an issue of something that in that case wouldn't matter.
I’ve asked you during and after your 11 point mega-blog for your human source. Now I’m asking a third time.

I noticed with interest how you purposefully made inter-blog-point interjections such as “I’ve nearly finished” and then left a long pause between posting points 10 and 11.

It was as if you were trying to create the impression that you were busy in your priest-hole creating these final words of wisdom.

Your integrity is an issue.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19


This thread is about the foundation of the Christian experience which you attack - the assurance of salvation.

As expected you are totally unable to refute the 11 aspects. And I could mention more reasons for the assurance.

14 Mar 15
06 Aug 19

@sonship said

This thread is about the foundation of the Christian experience which you attack - the assurance of salvation.

As expected you are totally unable to refute the 11 aspects. And I could mention more reasons for the assurance.
No, this thread is all about plagiarized material you arrogantly refuse to provide the source for.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19
3 edits


Your integrity is an issue.

Maybe for you and someone urging you on.

The real issue is the eleven excellent reasons for assurance of eternal redemption and salvation.

You're craving a red herring to obsess over because you have nothing else to contribute to the subject. And it irks you that you cannot control people.

Assurance based on the Will of God
Assurance based on the Selection and Calling of God
Assurance based on the Love and Grace of God
Assurance based on the Righteousness of God
Assurance based on the Covenant of God
Assurance based on the Power of God
Assurance based on the Life of God
Assurance based on God Himself
Assurance based on the Redemption of Christ
Assurance based on the Power of Christ
Assurance based on the Promise of Christ

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19


No, this thread is all about plagiarized material you arrogantly refuse to provide the source for.

Tells readers much more about that.
Someone may find the accusation thoroughly intriguing.

Others who want to discuss the following points and more about assurance, I'll wait to hear from.

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 19

@sonship said
You're craving a red herring to obsess over because you have nothing else to contribute to the subject. And it irks you that you cannot control people.
Are you going to be honest and cite the human source of these 11 points?

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 19

@sonship said
Others who want to discuss the following points and more about assurance, I'll wait to hear from.
What others?

The Christians in this forum hardly, if ever, engage with you.

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 19

@sonship said
This thread is about the foundation of the Christian experience which you attack - the assurance of salvation.
No one is attacking “the assurance of salvations sonship. I haven’t even read your 11 points.

What people don’t like is posters such as yourself copy/pasting material which you have gleaned from other people and pasting in here as if it’s your own intellectual productivity.

Peppering your blog with “I’m nearly finished” is a punctuation which reveals your blatant dishonesty.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19
1 edit


What others?

The Christians in this forum hardly, if ever, engage with you.

Oh, stop exaggerating.
Besides, it could be a good sign that they are considering the matters posted about. Perhaps some are looking up the verses.

You just hope everyone is as apathetic as yourself.

I myself sometimes simply want to muse about what other Christians posted, with consideration.

I have confidence in the wonderful truth of God's word.
A personal popularity contest is quite secondary.

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 19

@sonship said
A personal popularity contest is quite secondary.
I don’t believe you.

Are you going to cite the human source of the material ylnjave posited?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19
1 edit


You bragging that you didn't even read the eleven points?

Your main contribution (even without reading the eleven points) was that you agreed with the main idea of the thread.

I am a firm believer in eternal security, that salvation itself is a matter of one time spiritual regeneration and that our hope is dependent on Christ and him alone.

Good enough.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Aug 19
4 edits

Folks, the New Testament book of Hebrews quotes the Old Testament very, very much. The funny thing is that it never tells us who or where these things were said in the Old Testament. The authors are never named.

Other NT books often mention the sourced prophet or the book, but not Hebrews. God reserves one whole book in which He makes the point that it is God who is speaking. The human channel is irrelevant to the important fact that it was the word of God.

This thread is in a similar spirit. Certain losers have nothing to contribute but to hound me about where I got these outline points.

Let them salivate over their accusation that I am a plagiarizer. Let them. No problem!

The point is that God has spoken in the Bible. And these are some of the things which His speaking has indicated, regardless of who collected or arranged the points.

Assurance based on the Will of God
Assurance based on the Selection and Calling of God
Assurance based on the Love and Grace of God
Assurance based on the Righteousness of God
Assurance based on the Covenant of God
Assurance based on the Power of God
Assurance based on the Life of God
Assurance based on God Himself
Assurance based on the Redemption of Christ
Assurance based on the Power of Christ
Assurance based on the Promise of Christ



04 Apr 04
06 Aug 19

@sonship said

This thread is about the foundation of the Christian experience which you attack - the assurance of salvation.

As expected you are totally unable to refute the 11 aspects. And I could mention more reasons for the assurance.
You are a very stupid man. I attacked your notion that every single person who professes with their mouth their belief in Christ have the assurance of eternal life.

This is not the case at all. Eternal life is dependent on the person following the commandments of Christ and living righteously.

Your doctrine is church garbage