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01 Oct 04
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF
He was trying to land a forum blow when I was discussing the covering up of child sex abuse with robbie. Suddenly he has personal experience of how it was the right thing to do to cover up such abuse. Just as he was trying to land a blow about how my Christianity may have been "inaccurate" and I may have just "gone along with the flow" when he suddenly mentioned ...[text shortened]... ve personal experience about how very, very atheist such universities are. etc. etc. ad nauseam.
I spoke of my personal experience with the cover up of my sisters rape. I respected her decision not to go public. I also found out later that they guy responsible threatened to kill her if she told anyone. So I am really in no position to judge her for not going to the police and I respect her decision. The fact that you don't believe this is neither here nor there.

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16 Feb 08
11 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by dj2becker
I spoke of my personal experience with the cover up of my sisters rape. I respected her decision not to go public. I also found out later that they guy responsible threatened to kill her if she told anyone. So I am really in no position to judge her for not going to the police and I respect her decision. The fact that you don't believe this is neither here nor there.
So she was raped and threatened with murder and didn't tell anyone for 17 years despite living with her Christian parents and a huge Christian corporate body...?


28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
I spoke of my personal experience with the cover up of my sisters rape. I respected her decision not to go public.
And what did that have to do with the inquiry into the systematic and chronic institutionalized cover up of child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization?

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16 Feb 08
11 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by dj2becker
I respected her decision not to go public. I also found out later that they guy responsible threatened to kill her if she told anyone.
Your sister was raped and threatened with murder by a guy in religious cult which you left because of the religious abuse (or whatever), and you "respected" her decision and decided not to say anything to that what you are expecting us to believe?



28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by divegeester
So she was raped and threatened with murder and didn't tell anyone for 17 years despite living with her Christian parents and a huge Christian corporate body...?
His parents were complicit in their psychological abuse for many years (24 years in his case), so she probably didn't trust her parents.

01 Oct 04
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by divegeester
So she was raped and threatened with murder and didn't tell anyone for 17 years despite living with her Christian parents and a huge Christian corporate body...?
She left the cult when she was 18 shortly after being raped.


28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
She left the cult when she was 18 shortly after being raped.
And what measures were put in place to protect other children as a result of her being raped?

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16 Feb 08
11 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
And what did that have to do with the inquiry into the systematic and chronic institutionalized cover up of child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization?
Ah, thank you. I was desperately trying to remember the circumstances of him posting that. That right, it was child sex abuse and he was defending the attacks on the JWs by myself and others.

To FMJ/Becker...

didn't you at the time try to support whatever Mickey Mouse argument it was you were making, by claiming you had "experience" due to what happened to your sister. And now you also tell use that not only was sexually abused but she was also threatened with murder. And yet you found it necessary to intervene with forum attacks on the JWs who were defending their church.

Can you see how your story appears to be complete and utter bollox?

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16 Feb 08
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
She left the cult when she was 18 shortly after being raped.
So when was the threat of murder made at the time?
And when did you find out about the threat, at the time she told you of the rape or later? It reads in your post as if it was later.


28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
I did a 4 year bachelors degree on campus and then after I left the cult I did a 2 year post grad via correspondence or via distance tuition or whatever you want to call it.
A couple of hours ago you said that you did your bachelors degree "via correspondence".

01 Oct 04
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF
And what did that have to do with the inquiry into the systematic and chronic institutionalized cover up of child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization?
I was merely pointing out that the victims should be respected and not forced to go public if they don't want to.


28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
I was merely pointing out that the victims should be respected and not forced to go public if they don't want to.
And who was proposing that victims be "forced" to do anything in that discussion about the inquiry into the JWs? No one. They have thousands and thousands of victims who are straining to be heard. What was the relevance of your claim about your sister?

01 Oct 04
11 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
A couple of hours ago you said that you did your bachelors degree "via correspondence".
That is a lie FMF. I said honors degree, do you have any clue what the difference between a bachelors degree and an honors degree is? Go back and read my post.

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16 Feb 08
11 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
That is a lie FMF. I said honors degree, do you have any clue what the difference between a bachelors degree and an honors degree is?
A bachelor degree can have honours. Perhaps it is you who doesn't know the difference. Perhaps you don't have a degree and you are not a teacher at all.


28 Oct 05
11 Jun 17
2 edits

Originally posted by dj2becker
That is a lie FMF. I said honors degree, do you have any clue what the difference between a bachelors degree and an honors degree is? Go back and read my post.
A bachelors degree and an honours degree are the same thing. If you get less than a 'Third' [i.e. only a "Pass"] then your bachelors degree isn't an honours degree. If you get a 3rd, 2.2., 2.1, or 1 then your bachelors degree is an honours degree. And "post grad" means further study and/or a masters degree thereafter. You ought to know all this.