USA baited Russia into Ukraine war

USA baited Russia into Ukraine war


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Jun 23

Well comrade, why don't you tell us since you are all knowing.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
08 Jun 23

@metal-brain said
The USA did everything they could to get Russia to invade Ukraine.
The USA wanted that war badly.
So, does Putin ever allow you to be on top between the satin sheets?


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
08 Jun 23

@kevcvs57 said
Liar liar pants on fire comrade.
Putin badly wanted that war to bolster his hard man image at home.
He simply miscalculated.
He overestimated the prowess of the Russian military.
He underestimated the prowess of the Ukrainian military.
He underestimated the resolve of the Ukrainian people to be free of the Russian yolk.
And very importantly he underestimated the resol ...[text shortened]... rself as a leader and nobody dares to disagree with you these miscalculations are almost inevitable.
Putin thought he could flatten Ukraine in a matter of weeks. It's like the German Schlieffen Plan at the outset of World War 1 all over again.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Jun 23

@jimmac said
Nice, you start with "The fact still remains" totally ignoring that my post actually proved what it was intending to prove. You stick to whatever "facts" suit you, and ignore those that do not ( it seems ) I will stick with mine.
Newsflash: People who shout at clouds get ignored.


07 Dec 05
08 Jun 23

@soothfast said
Putin thought he could flatten Ukraine in a matter of weeks. It's like the German Schlieffen Plan at the outset of World War 1 all over again.
What is your source of information?


07 Dec 05
08 Jun 23

Why did Nuland say "F the EU" in her leaked phone call regarding Ukraine?


18 Jan 05
09 Jun 23

@kevcvs57 said
Stop effing lying your face off, Ukraine was desperate to join the EU and what the hell has Putin got to say about it
Ukraine is a sovereign state and can join any alliance it wants to join,
You must be stuck in the 20th century when the US and USSR ruled the world between them.
That’s over son the worlds moved on and Ukraine has stood its ground and hopefully it will pu ...[text shortened]... scow and Beijing’s game plan in Ukraine. To isolate the US and replace it as the worlds super power.
Yet it applied 28 Feb 2022, just "after" the invasion.


18 Jan 05
09 Jun 23

@sonhouse said
POKE THE BEAR? It is not the Soviet Union any more in case you have been living under a rock for the past 50 years.
The GNP of Russia is less than Germany now, about 4 tril V 5 tril in just Germany.
Their military is falling apart, hundreds of thousands of people leaving Russia to avoid that stupid draft where the recruits don't even have adequate clothing much l ...[text shortened]... orld leaders considers Trump a worthless CLOWN. That is how they think of this psycho ward EX POTUS.
You seem to be claiming that I said a lot of things that I am sure I did not say.
1/- How can I be betting on a loser, I am not betting on ANYBODY, ok, simples, besides, if I was betting, it would not be hard not to as, by all accounts, they are both losers.

2/- I NEVER said Ukraine was corrupt, I claimed that your beloved mainstream media was claiming that they were. Not me.

3/- Of course nobody but nobody attacked Ukraine but Putin. Pushed along by Kamala though.

4/- I NEVER claimed that corruption was an adequate reason, never. But that was not even the point of my pointing it out. It was my responding to Suzianne's question. Quote " So your takeaway is that Ukraine is corrupt? "

5/- How on earth can you extrapolate anything that I said to " I guess you figure Russia is a far worse threat than China" Attaching that statement to me has an absurd naivety to it, or are you trying naively to be manipulative.

6/- Lastly " I bet dimes to donuts you think if Trump was POTUS he would stop Putin in two days. Quote
"The sad truth is the entire population of world leaders considers Trump a worthless CLOWN. That is how they think of this psycho ward EX POTUS."
Where does trump fit in with anything I said, Wow talk about diversionary tactics. And I do know that Trump is a whack job, it's just that he does it overtly, Biden's lot covertly, which,for my money is way worse. Pretending that you are something that you are not. And I would have thought Trump would take at least a week to end the war.

When the facts don't fit, make up your own, right. Got it, but please do not make up mine for me. 🙄 🙄 🙄


18 Jan 05
09 Jun 23

@suzianne said
Newsflash: People who shout at clouds get ignored.
Nice comeback, lets ignore facts shall we.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
09 Jun 23

@metal-brain said
What is your source of information?
Russian deployment and tactical strategies during the first several weeks of the war. They were textbook exemplars of actions that a military high command expecting a quick victory would undertake.

Very Mysterious

23 Aug 04
09 Jun 23

@metal-brain said
What is your source of information?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Jun 23

@metal-brain said
Why did Nuland say "F the EU" in her leaked phone call regarding Ukraine?
Stop spamming the thread.


07 Dec 05
09 Jun 23

@soothfast said
Russian deployment and tactical strategies during the first several weeks of the war. They were textbook exemplars of actions that a military high command expecting a quick victory would undertake.
Bull Crap. You just heard a rumor and naively believed it.
Russia knew the US was arming Ukraine. They never expected it to be easy.

bunny knight

planet Earth

12 Dec 13
09 Jun 23

@suzianne said
Thus we see, in a nutshell, the reason for the decline in post quality in Debates. Far-right-wing ideologues not only accepting, but promoting, any nonsense as long as it badmouths people they don't like. They'll even believe that Putin is not the insane megalomaniac that he is. This war is HIS fault and his fault alone. No one made him invade another sovereign nation. ...[text shortened]... gets on my knees to pray that we don't get fooled again. The sad part is that it doesn't look good.
Your ignorance of world affairs is beyond belief.

If Russia is so insane, then how much do you hate the US gov. for slaughtering, bombing, poisoning and burning alive tens of millions of civilians in other nations since 1950? And now they want to control an ex-Soviet state so they can completely destroy Russia because Russia refuses to bend the knee to gangster capitalists.
And what about the 500 million American children purposely poisoned by artificial food since 1948, which erupted into epidemics of cancer, diabetes and a thousand other diseases? Do you hate the US gov. for any of that?

Let's hear your juvenile, useless response that shows us how clueless you are.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Jun 23

@bunnyknight said
Your ignorance of world affairs is beyond belief.

If Russia is so insane, then how much do you hate the US gov. for slaughtering, bombing, poisoning and burning alive tens of millions of civilians in other nations since 1950? And now they want to control an ex-Soviet state so they can completely destroy Russia because Russia refuses to bend the knee to gangster ca ...[text shortened]... . for any of that?

Let's hear your juvenile, useless response that shows us how clueless you are.
Whataboutism. Conspiracy theories. Yet you call me ignorant.

Come back when you develop a realistic idea of the monster Putin is.

Then ask yourself why Trump would align himself with such a monster.

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