This forum is a joke

This forum is a joke


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16 Feb 08
07 Jul 17

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by apathist
My parents had a fancy red-letter bible, with pages to ink full of lineage. They never cracked the cover. Church was special day, with no grounding in reality. My parents conformed with society. As dad abused, and mom turned a blind eye. Good holy people.
I see.

So you paint all Christians with the same brush that you feel your parents deserve?

You should know that when I say 'Christians', I don't mean people like this. These people will fall away in the last days. They have no faith with which to 'overcome to the end'. Most of them will end up pledging to the Beast and taking his mark just so they can stay comfortable a little while longer.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
You have a low opinion of many you don't know.
I certainly do have a low opinion of those who are, right now as we speak, working on providing a healthcare bill that will take away care for millions of the most vulnerable citizens in this country and concurrently give billions to the insurance corporations who will then turn around and reward these lawmakers with "campaign funds". Congressmen and Senators who call themselves Christian, and yet all they really care about is money. Money is their God, not Jesus, and they have truly "erred from the faith".


28 Oct 05
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by Suzianne
I certainly do have a low opinion of those who are, right now as we speak, working on providing a healthcare bill that will take away care for millions of the most vulnerable citizens in this country and concurrently give billions to the insurance corporations who will then turn around and reward these lawmakers with "campaign funds". Congressmen and Senat ...[text shortened]... care about is money. Money is their God, not Jesus, and they have truly "erred from the faith".
In so far as they profess a belief in Christ, do you think the Democrat senators are better Christians ~ or perhaps, more authentic Christians ~ than the Republican senators?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by FMF
In so far as they profess a belief in Christ, do you think the Democrat senators are better Christians ~ or perhaps, more authentic Christians ~ than the Republican senators?
'And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." -- Matthew 25:40, KJV

The Democrats passed the ACA, which provided healthcare to many millions of the "least of these my brethren", while the Republicans can only counter with taking it away from them and substituting a far, far worse system, the AHCA, because of their own "love of money". I think the answer to your question is obvious.


28 Oct 05
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by Suzianne
I think the answer to your question is obvious.
And yet something inhibits you from making an unequivocal statement on it. Here is the question again:

Do you think the Democrat senators are better Christians ~ or perhaps, more authentic Christians ~ than the Republican senators?

Matthew 25:40 certainly does not address the issues of provision of government services and taxation to pay for them or, for that matter, issues of self-reliance and individualism, communal obligation, free will and charity.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by FMF
And yet something inhibits you from making an unequivocal statement on it. Here is the question again:

[b]Do you think the Democrat senators are better Christians ~ or perhaps, more authentic Christians ~ than the Republican senators?

Matthew 25:40 certainly does not address the issues of provision of government services and taxation to pay for them or ...[text shortened]... t matter, issues of self-reliance and individualism, communal obligation, free will and charity.[/b]
Duchess64 has recently reminded me of what I think is the perfect word for your rather persistent trolling forum technique. Microagressions. Every question you ever ask me is loaded with them.

You don't even believe half the crap you say, you just like to see me wig out about it. It's all a game to you. I see this for what it is every time you do it. And I'm getting really, really, really tired of playing along. The problem is, when I stop playing, you claim "victory". And bam!, another microaggression. You think you can't lose doing this, and this has been the bulk of your "success" in these forums. You do it to all of your forum opponents, and some even stop coming to this site, like GB did. Whenever you think you're going to lose a playmate, you just ratchet things up, like you've done to me a couple of times. The only time you concede defeat is when a multitude of people rise up and stop taking your "side", which is what happened in the Debates forum, and that's why you haven't been back.

I answered your question. Now leave me alone.


28 Oct 05
07 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
Duchess64 has recently reminded me of what I think is the perfect word for your rather persistent trolling forum technique. Microagressions. Every question you ever ask me is loaded with them.

You don't even believe half the crap you say, you just like to see me wig out about it. It's all a game to you. I see this for what it is every time you do it. ...[text shortened]... s forum, and that's why you haven't been back.

I answered your question. Now leave me alone.
Is there a bible verse that could be interpreted as urging Christians to take concerted obligatory action with people of other religions and with non-believers under the direction and administration of secular authorities?

If there were a Republican senator who argued that it was not an appropriate role for a secular government to be providing health care, but who was a big donor to health related charities and promoter of activism and provision in the private sector etc. etc., would that not be legitimate approach for a Christian to take?

You see, I am not asking you if you agree or disagree - politically - with Republican senators. I am more interested in how you justify framing your political disagreement in terms of how "good" or "bad" the manifestation of Christianity is that they embody.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
I certainly do have a low opinion of those who are, right now as we speak, working on providing a healthcare bill that will take away care for millions of the most vulnerable citizens in this country and concurrently give billions to the insurance corporations who will then turn around and reward these lawmakers with "campaign funds". Congressmen and Senat ...[text shortened]... care about is money. Money is their God, not Jesus, and they have truly "erred from the faith".
Did you hold the Dem's to that standard when they passed their healthcare bill, because
millions lost their healthcare due to it? Millions can no longer afford to use what they have
due to rising costs due to it, you think that is bad, and someone is to blame?

There are greedy on both sides of it, and both sides use and misuse "campaign funds"
even Berny drives nice cars, and has more than one house if I'm not mistaken.


28 Oct 05
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Did you hold the Dem's to that standard when they passed their healthcare bill, because
millions lost their healthcare due to it? Millions can no longer afford to use what they have
due to rising costs due to it, you think that is bad, and someone is to blame?

There are greedy on both sides of it, and both sides use and misuse "campaign funds"
even Berny drives nice cars, and has more than one house if I'm not mistaken.
Personally, I think 'pre-ACA', ACA and AHCA were and are all awful arrangements and would favour a system like they have in many European countries or in Japan. That isn't the point here, really. On this forum, I am simply questioning the justification of the 'good Christians' v 'bad Christians' paradigm for the reasons I have given.


12 Jul 08
07 Jul 17

Originally posted by Suzianne
'And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." -- Matthew 25:40, KJV

The Democrats passed the ACA, which provided healthcare to many millions of the "least of these my brethren", while the Republicans can only counter with taking it awa ...[text shortened]... the AHCA, because of their own "love of money". I think the answer to your question is obvious.
There is no person so low and helpless as an unborn child.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Did you hold the Dem's to that standard when they passed their healthcare bill, because
millions lost their healthcare due to it? Millions can no longer afford to use what they have
due to rising costs due to it, you think that is bad, and someone is to blame?

There are greedy on both sides of it, and both sides use and misuse "campaign funds"
even Berny drives nice cars, and has more than one house if I'm not mistaken.
When the ACA was passed, millions of Americans GOT healthcare that they couldn't afford before. Those who lost their jobs over the ACA were employees of evil corporations who decided they wanted more profit instead of providing for their employees. And the prices recently went up because Marco Rubio and others have been busy defunding the ACA and destroying its risk corridors so that insurance companies would either pull out or raise their rates. You can put the blame for that one at the foot of Republicans where it belongs.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
There is no person so low and helpless as an unborn child.
Tell that to her homeless mother who tries her best to provide for that child while people like you step over her and curse at her on your way to work.


12 Jul 08
08 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
Tell that to her homeless mother who tries her best to provide for that child while people like you step over her and curse at her on your way to work.
So you are all for allowing homeless parents to euthanize their children?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
So you are all for allowing homeless parents to euthanize their children?
What is wrong with you?