Striking Teachers

Striking Teachers


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28 Oct 05
09 May 18

From your own religious, philosophical or ideological point of view, what are the moral considerations and implications of people like teachers going on strike for better pay and conditions?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
09 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
From your own religious, philosophical or ideological point of view, what are the moral considerations and implications of people like teachers going on strike for better pay and conditions?
What are your thoughts, Kiddo?

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
09 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
From your own religious, philosophical or ideological point of view, what are the moral considerations and implications of people like teachers going on strike for better pay and conditions?
The right to strike should be something everyone is entitled to do.

I think...


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
09 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
From your own religious, philosophical or ideological point of view, what are the moral considerations and implications of people like teachers going on strike for better pay and conditions?
Better pay and conditions for teachers?

What about for students? Seems education for students has morphed into an institution of indoctrination, and a cash cow for unqualified educators.


28 Oct 05
09 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Better pay and conditions for teachers?
Yes. That's why teachers would be taking industrial action.


28 Oct 05
09 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
What about for students? Seems education for students has morphed into an institution of indoctrination, and a cash cow for unqualified educators.
If you envisage teachers going on strike "for students", describe what exactly it would be for - and how it would work - to your way of thinking.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Better pay and conditions for teachers?

What about for students? Seems education for students has morphed into an institution of indoctrination, and a cash cow for unqualified educators.
Sounds like a perfect description of the charter school system.

The last thing we needed in America was unregulated, privatized education. It's why Arizona is ranked 48th in education. The Republicans here went for it whole hog, even closing many public schools in favor of this abomination.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
09 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
The right to strike should be something everyone is entitled to do.

I think...
Not if agreeing not to strike is part of their contract.

You think police officers and firefighters should be able to strike? You think nurses in hospitals should be able to strike?

When air traffic controllers went on strike in America in the 1980s, when their contract forbid them from doing so, then-President Ronald Reagan fired all of them and brought in replacements, an incredibly gutsy but dangerous move.

You think air traffic controllers, whose job is to monitor airplanes and keep them from flying into each other, should be allowed to go on strike?

Any job involving public safety should require (and almost certainly does) its employees not to strike.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
09 May 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
Sounds like a perfect description of the charter school system.

The last thing we needed in America was unregulated, privatized education. It's why Arizona is ranked 48th in education. The Republicans here went for it whole hog, even closing many public schools in favor of this abomination.
Charter schools are doing very well in New York City. The students in them, who are mostly minorities, are doing much better academically than most students in NYC public schools.

I’m in favor of charter schools and school choice. Let parents decide what school to send their children to. Just give them a voucher for the per pupil cost in the municipality and let them choose the school for their child.

Competition would help to improve public schools. Those who had a large exodus of students under a school choice initiative would (and should) probably close.


02 Jan 06
09 May 18

I'm all for striking teachers if they get out of line. 😠

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
09 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
From your own religious, philosophical or ideological point of view, what are the moral considerations and implications of people like teachers going on strike for better pay and conditions?
I do not think that missing several weeks of school or even a whole semester is some insurmountable obstacle to the average student.

So, sure, why not.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
10 May 18

Originally posted by @philokalia
I do not think that missing several weeks of school or even a whole semester is some insurmountable obstacle to the average student.

So, sure, why not.
Teachers knew the pay going in.

It’s a great misnomer to think salaries are determined (or should be determined) by how important the job is. Instead salaries are determined by how many other people can do the job.

That’s why a professional baseball player will always make more money than a teacher despite the former “just playing a game.” Only a handful of people can hit a 100 mph pitch. The number of people capable of teaching - or being trained to capably teach - is exponentially higher.

01 Oct 04
10 May 18

Originally posted by @romans1009
Teachers knew the pay going in.

It’s a great misnomer to think salaries are determined (or should be determined) by how important the job is. Instead salaries are determined by how many other people can do the job.

That’s why a professional baseball player will always make more money than a teacher despite the former “just playing a game.” Only a h ...[text shortened]... ber of people capable of teaching - or being trained to capably teach - is exponentially higher.
By that logic do you reckon a high school physics teacher should earn more than an elementary teacher?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
10 May 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
By that logic do you reckon a high school physics teacher should earn more than an elementary teacher?
Not necessarily. I think there is (obviously) more to teaching than just knowledge of subject matter. Is being able to handle a class of 30-35 second-graders easier than handling a class of 30-35 teenagers? I wouldn’t know but I’d rather try the latter than the former.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
10 May 18

Amazing, just amazing that the people who are responsible for educating the next generation of our country are totally crapped upon by our society. Teaching is a calling and great teachers are incredible people. Imagine spending over 4 years in college and ending up drawing food stamps. Any wonder why America is behind many "lesser countries" ?
I am seeing cracks developing in the "War on Education" here in this country. At last a ray of hope.