One World Religion

One World Religion


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Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
08 Dec 19

@wolfe63 said
"flowery language designed to fool the masses into marching to the beat of the drum"
- secondson

If that doesn't describe the preachy motive of most "evangelical" religions, I don't know what does.
Hey wolfe, I don't know about you, but I don't subscribe to any man's voice, especially that of those that seek to impose a form of government on me without my consent.

Do you understand that? Not without my consent.

Trust me. You have no clue about what the "motive" of the church is.

23 Nov 09
08 Dec 19

@secondson said
As sure as you live and breathe it's coming.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
08 Dec 19

@kegge said
When God says so.

16 Feb 08
08 Dec 19

Q. When will this supposed one world government actually come into existence?
A. Don’t know but it will, oh yes.

Q. When will this supposed one world religion actually come into existence?
A. Don’t know, but it will , oh yes.

Q. How do you know?
A. Because writings on stones in a field and because of Daniel and how it explains Revelation. And other stuff on the internet which I can’t find at the moment...


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@secondson said
Do you suffer from micro vision?
I don't think "micro vision" - whatever that means - explains our different perspectives. I think it's more likely to be caused by our backgrounds, education, experience, travels etc.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
08 Dec 19
1 edit

@divegeester said
Q. When will this supposed one world government actually come into existence?
A. Don’t know but it will, oh yes.

Q. When will this supposed one world religion actually come into existence?
A. Don’t know, but it will , oh yes.

Q. How do you know?
A. Because writings on stones in a field and because of Daniel and how it explains Revelation. And other stuff on the internet which I can’t find at the moment...
1) I don't know correct, but messrs Bush, Bush, Clinton, Brown; Cameron; Obama and Kissinger have all referenced it so clearly they think that it's on the table.

2) We don't know, this is true, but two blocks appear to be vying to sit at its head at the moment, who knows there may be a third.

3) How do we know, because presidents and prime ministers have referenced it. Labour, Conservative, Republican, and Democrat.

The world wouldn't agree to this stuff, which is why they haven't had a vote.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@secondson said
History proves that man cannot govern himself. All forms of human efforts to establish government have always degenerated into nothing. What exists today in the form of the U.N. is being built on the ash heap of failed efforts by man from the past. Power in the hands of man leads to eventual tyranny and demoralization of the human spirit.

The world of man is headed in a ...[text shortened]... aith in the true and living God. If you could hear His voice in the scriptures you'd know I'm right.
This is all so thoroughly riddled with superstition and misanthropy and impotence that I'd barely know where to begin. As far as all this stuff you've typed here is concerned, let's just agree to disagree.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@medullah removed their quoted post
What would the purpose of "the tyranny of the governmental system" be if they plan to not use the world's resources and if there were only 500 million people to rule?


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@medullah removed their quoted post
I said "something like" 9 billion. What's the matter with that?

16 Feb 08
08 Dec 19
1 edit

@medullah said
1) I don't know correct, but messrs Bush, Bush, Clinton, Brown; Cameron; Obama and Kissinger have all referenced it so clearly they think that it's on the table.

2) We don't know, this is true, but two blocks appear to be vying to sit at its head at the moment, who knows there may be a third.

3) How do we know, because presidents and prime ministers have referenced ...[text shortened]... ican, and Democrat.

The world wouldn't agree to this stuff, which is why they haven't had a vote.
So you admit that basically you haven’t got the first clue and your key evidence is based on some unreferenced, unproven sayings by an idiot President and his father, another President who is a proven adulterer and liar and 2 ex UK Prime Ministers one of whom is a politically disgraced pigs head-fuker and the other a one-eyed dour Scott.



28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@medullah said
My religious beliefs would not deter or dissuade me from morally sound acts, on the contrary it would encourage them. Why would you welcome failing to do what is morally sound? Doesn't make sense.
Typo: I meant unsound not sound.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 19

@medullah said
Not if I can help it, but you have said that you do.

What's the attraction?
He perhaps explains what you appear to believe more effectively than you do.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
08 Dec 19

@fmf said
What would the purpose of "the tyranny of the governmental system" be if they plan to not use the world's resources and if there were only 500 million people to rule?
The worlds resources are currently being gobbled up - in particular by the US/UK alliance. Despite claims that they are doing well, both countries are too far overdrawn (the UK has had its credit rating down graded a couple of times over the last few years. You can run a company that is loosing money for some time providing the cash flow is good. The resources currently being stolen from the Arab peoples in particular provides that cash flow.

As you know full well it is YOU that are stipulating 500 million. As I have already said, I think that lot of this is a wind-up and that this isn't a genuine debate from your prospective.

On the way to the end point control of resources provides control of the people, because its a control mechanism that it being implemented. Catholicism has shown how deeply a set of instilled idea (heel fire) can control people. It makes perfect sense to have a one world religion. Christianity is not (in theory) loyal to the state (hence its prohibition in China).

It will be interesting to see what happens when 5g is rolled out (which is a battlefield weapon and hasn't had a penny spent on safety research). In laboratory conditions if you wanted to test a new drug to fight diabetes on rats (standard procedures in the development of clinical trials) you would need to induce diabetes like conditions in those rats; 5g works just fine.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
08 Dec 19

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
08 Dec 19

@secondson said

Since 1900 the global average life expectancy has more than doubled and is now above 70 years. The inequality of life expectancy is still very large across and within countries. in 2019 the country with the lowest life expectancy is the Central African Republic with 53 years, in Japan life expectancy is 30 years longer."
It's going into reverse now in some places.

In the western world cancer rates have increased by 33% in the last 15 years (300% in India in the last two).

Survival rates from an individual spending 5 years on Chemotherapy is less than 5%. The Average life expectancy in America went into recession a few years ago. The UK has just followed suit.

Japan does indeed have a great life expectancy. Another group that has caught the eye is the Ashkanzi (European Jews of the line of Japheth that have migrated from the Caucasus - a common greeting is may you live to be 120 - they regularly get over 100. Clinical experiments are taking place to see if they can replicate this genetic enhancement - last that I heard they were going to trial Metformin, where patients apparently have also experienced unusually long lifetimes.

Just thought somebody might be interested.