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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
Well you have yourself have conceded that 'We all could sit here and name the good things" and you've also said that "Many things are better" ~ plus the fact that various people have typed out the indicators of improvement and made the case for positivity and optimism on numerous occasions and you've never before been willing to discuss them ~ so you are obviously admitting that there has been progress.
Why would I say there has been no progress?

So yes the medical field has made progress. The oceans are also dying.
So see some differences there? One helps many millions of people live better life's today. The other if not checked and reversed by all the nations of the world, if it is already not too late, could mean the extinction of most sea life and in turn could me most humans would also die as that would eventually affect the land on this planet.
One out weighs the other but a long shot....


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by galveston75
Why would I say there has been no progress?

So yes the medical field has made progress. The oceans are also dying.
So see some differences there? One helps many millions of people live better life's today. The other if not checked and reversed by all the nations of the world, if it is already not too late, could mean the extinction of most sea lif ...[text shortened]... would eventually affect the land on this planet.
One out weighs the other but a long shot....
I agree that many millions of people live better lives today and therefore your OP is pessimistic and unrealistic. Mankind will tackle its challenges just as it has done in the past. If that is done without your help, because you are preoccupied with prophesies about the end of the world, then so be it.


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by galveston75
The oceans are also dying. [...] ... if not checked and reversed by all the nations of the world, if it is already not too late, could mean the extinction of most sea life and in turn could me most humans would also die as that would eventually affect the land on this planet.
If you say it will eventually "affect the land on this planet", why are you heralding the "end of times" now?


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by galveston75
I never claimed this year about anything. It actually started in 1914 with WWI
Why are you heralding the "end of times" now, today, this week, on this forum?

Life on earth is considerably better in most regards for more people than ever now than it was in 1914.


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok the discussion here is on what's happening in the world today and what the bible says.
If you are claiming, among other things, that the imminence of "time of the end" is indicated by "everyone" who is Christian being "persecuted", then how can you possibly claim that such a situation has arrived in the world as it is today?

16 Feb 08
09 Jan 15
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
The point is with you dive dude is you spout off a thousand times a day just as your buddy FMF does about all the things we do wrong and yet to this day you have never proven from the BIBLE by 1 scripture why we are wrong with something you seem think exist in the bible that proves it.
But you haven't yet proved from the bible that you are right.

"Lol" [sic]


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Just wondering if those who say, "no nothing has changed in our day from the past", still feel the same with all the things happening in the world now?
Health indicators continue to improve. Preventative health care increasingly embraces the poor and the marginalized. Infant mortality will continue to fall. There is falling maternal mortality, longer life expectancy.

Literacy will continue to increase and spread. Access to education will become a reality for more and more people.

Tricky issues like water supply and food security will be addressed with determination and, in part, by framing these issues in terms of the rights of citizens rather than just the rights of those who happen to control them. Infrastructure will continue to spread and therefore continue to raise standards of living and create opportunities and autonomy for more and more people.

Democracy will increasingly replace authoritarianism as it has been for 20 years. Rule of law will continue to grow and spread. Human rights will continue to spread and get more and more legal traction. Fighting discrimination will continue to make its way up the political agendas around the world.

Civil society will continue to get stronger [as it has, dramatically, in the last few decades] as ordinary people are increasingly empowered to participate in decision making about social and economic issues around them. etc. etc.

If your religious literature has prophesized any of this, show me where. If not, why not?

16 Feb 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
Health indicators continue to improve. Preventative health care increasingly embraces the poor and the marginalized. Infant mortality will continue to fall. There is falling maternal mortality, longer life expectancy.

Literacy will continue to increase and spread. Access to education will become a reality for more and more people.

Tricky issues like water ...[text shortened]... c.

If your religious literature has prophesized any of this, show me where. If not, why not?
But there was a high profile terrorist attack yesterday, duh!

16 Feb 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
Health indicators continue to improve. Preventative health care increasingly embraces the poor and the marginalized. Infant mortality will continue to fall. There is falling maternal mortality, longer life expectancy.

Literacy will continue to increase and spread. Access to education will become a reality for more and more people.

Tricky issues like water ...[text shortened]... c.

If your religious literature has prophesized any of this, show me where. If not, why not?
Besides it all started going wrong from 1914, duh again!


28 Oct 05
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Besides it all started going wrong from 1914, duh again!
On one occasion when I tried to tackle galveston75's jaundiced view of the world with my positive outlook (replete with numerous reasons for my optimism) he asked me to look at a YouTube clip of youths being rude to an old lady on a bus and he asked me something along the lines of 'what the world was coming to' with stuff like that going on.

16 Feb 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
On one occasion when I tried to tackle galveston75's jaundiced view of the world with my positive outlook (replete with numerous reasons for my optimism) he asked me to look at a YouTube clip of youths being rude to an old lady on a bus and he asked me something along the lines of 'what the world was coming to' with stuff like that going on.
I think I may have pressed one of his "buttons" by suggesting that even if the world ended tomorrow, his beliefs and claims regarding the Jehovah's Witness religion would still be wrong.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by divegeester
But you haven't yet proved from the bible that you are right.

"Lol" [sic]
What you can't find any scriptures at all that would teach me or anyone here at RHP about your beliefs and why mine are so wrong? Not even one?
Is this the typical level of spiritual knowledge that many who call themsleves christian have? Very sad indeed but it must be true at least in your situation....

So here let me show you an example of using the bible to back up ones thoughts. This is to back up mine right now.

2 Tim 3:16-17:

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living,
17 so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.

So you see the bible itself explains what the bible can be used for, like teaching, correction, etc. All the answers to all the problems with this planet and the universe are in the bible. So if one like yourself wants to show that his opinions are supported in the bible, then one should be able to qoute a few scriptures to back up his belief.
Being able to do this would then qualify one to teach.

Where are your scriptures that back up your beliefs? I've not seen you post any.....

Perhaps you could re read that scripture that I posted just now and try to get the depth of it and how a Christian should be if he is truly a Christian in reguards to being able to open his bible and teach with it.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Besides it all started going wrong from 1914, duh again!
Duh..yep it did.


26 Aug 07
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by galveston75
What you can't find any scriptures at all that would teach me or anyone here at RHP about your beliefs and why mine are so wrong? Not even one?
Is this the typical level of spiritual knowledge that many who call themsleves christian have? Very sad indeed but it must be true at least in your situation....

So here let me show you an example of using ...[text shortened]... uld be if he is truly a Christian in reguards to being able to open his bible and teach with it.
Evidently personal opinion carries more weight than Gods word the Bible.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
09 Jan 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Evidently personal opinion carries more weight than Gods word the Bible.
You are right on that some here don't seem to understand that using the bible is a very important thing to do if your going to teach or to back up your claims to others.
Dive dude doesn't seem to understand that. Even if he quotes a scripture and misapplies it at least it would show he's trying. But nothing from him at all that I can remember.
I really don't think he can....