Gay 'Marriage', Do you attand

Gay 'Marriage', Do you attand


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03 Sep 12
10 Sep 12
1 edit

I would like to start a meaningful dialog on the appropriateness of Christians attending gay 'marriages', I am not interested in bashing of any type. What do you think, do Christians attend Gay 'marriages and what is you view/opinion based on? This ought to be interesting, looking forward to the comments.


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
I would like to start a meaningful dialog on the appropriateness of Christians attending gay 'marriages', I am not interested in bashing of any type. What do you think, do Christians attend Gay 'marriages and what is you view/opinion based on? This ought to be interesting, looking forward to the comments.

Depends on if they are friends with the couple I suppose. BTW, is that a ham call? KD2ACZ sounds like one to me. DE AI3N. 73!


03 Sep 12
10 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Depends on if they are friends with the couple I suppose. BTW, is that a ham call? KD2ACZ sounds like one to me. DE AI3N. 73!
What do you think from a spiritual (biblical) standpoint for friends, family or otherwise? Is it acceptable from the biblical point of view?


24 May 10
10 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by kd2acz
I would like to start a meaningful dialog on the appropriateness of Christians attending gay 'marriages', I am not interested in bashing of any type. What do you think, do Christians attend Gay 'marriages and what is you view/opinion based on? This ought to be interesting, looking forward to the comments.

I find it difficult to understand the Christian fixation with homosexuality, to the putting aside of far more important issues in the world, like poverty or injustice towards women or the spread of nuclear weapons. Why do we not hear from the followers of Jesus about these too? How two people want to live in private is really none of another's business. It makes me feel like we are hanging around the window, trying to catch them at it. Live and let live.
Why should you not attend such a marriage? To show your disapproval? On the basis of ideas from more than 2000 years ago, in a somewhat primitive and cruel Middle East ?
I believe you don't wish to "bash", although its unfortunate you even have to add that rider. I expect two men or women in love enough to commit themselves to each other for life is as serious as it is for heterosexuals. Homosexual preference is a minority preference (or else we would be done for as a species!), but its important to recognize that homosexual behaviour has been found in many hundreds of species. It is within the range of normal human behaviour in my opinion. However, I am not a Christian adherent.


03 Sep 12
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by Taoman
I find it difficult to understand the Christian fixation with homosexuality, to the putting aside of far more important issues in the world, like poverty or injustice towards women or the spread of nuclear weapons. Why do we not hear from the followers of Jesus about these too? How two people want to live in private is really none of another's business. It ma ...[text shortened]... the range of normal human behaviour in my opinion. However, I am not a Christian adherent.
Thanks Taoman for your comments!

It is true that belivers sometimes get hung up on different things and they become mainstream... so to speak, with different issues getting more attention over others. My point here is not to just chat about the subject matter and get an argument going or spark controversy, but to gain some constructive input., as it is a matter I am dealing with personally. As for poverty, injustice towards women, nuclear weapons, etc. I am sure (I know) Christians (followers of Jesus) are active and working towards bettering society in these area, we just don't always hear about it, afterall confrontation is more desirable (sarcasm) and is what gets the news. As far as hanging around windows, I can think of a million things that I would rather do than hang around windows and catch somebody doing something wrong, I do have better things to do and afterall... I have my own faults (sins) to deal with let alone others.

As someone who has not spent a lot of time searching the scriptures on the subject of homosexuality, I do understand the consequences as written therein. My intent to not attend such a wedding would never to be to make some point as to offend, but not to offend the creator of us all. As a person trying to live the Christian life fully, I am seeking thoughts/experiences of others who have been faced with a similar situation and how they handled it. Do you go, do you not, why not?

Thanks again for the comments... from the land down under! Cheers


24 May 10
10 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by kd2acz
Thanks Taoman for your comments!

It is true that belivers sometimes get hung up on different things and they become mainstream... so to speak, with different issues getting more attention over others. My point here is not to just chat about the subject matter and get an argument going or spark controversy, but to gain some constructive input., as it is go, do you not, why not?

Thanks again for the comments... from the land down under! Cheers
I appreciate your response and its nature. From a Christian perspective, how would one of the varietes of sexual behaviour "he" created be an offense to "Him". The presupposition is that it is bad, or abnormal, rather than just part of the range of "his" human creation?
Homophobia has an ancient and sad history, much of it being promulgated by the historic church and ancient near eastern cultures. Difference is too often the occasion for prejudice, one that has stretched way back. We are now more educated and knowledgable about the human personality and sexuality, we need to move away from continuing ancient prejudices. Rampant promiscuity is known in both heterosexual and homosexual spheres. And committed love is too.
Go to the damn wedding! 🙂 however, you may refrain from dancing with the groom or..bride?? errr, - we have to invent a new way of talking about this.
Christians can follow their gracious heart and surely God will smile. We mustn't think like lawyers with the Bible and Jesus..."Oh, here's a precedent 2000 year ago...ahemm...etc" 🙂 Anyway, leave ya with it.

Over here, Aussie Rules football is being challenged to be more accepting of its tough but gay players ( just a few apparently 🙂 ). It is awkward but overcomable.

Cheers from down under, 'mate'..


04 Feb 05
11 Sep 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
I would like to start a meaningful dialog on the appropriateness of Christians attending gay 'marriages', I am not interested in bashing of any type. What do you think, do Christians attend Gay 'marriages and what is you view/opinion based on? This ought to be interesting, looking forward to the comments.

if i have friends getting married, and they want me there to share, i will attend

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by kd2acz
What do you think from a spiritual (biblical) standpoint for friends, family or otherwise? Is it acceptable from the biblical point of view?
My guess is it is not acceptable from biblical view. They would tout the abomination verses and such. So are you a ham? Nevermind, I got it on QRZ. hi hi.


03 Sep 12
11 Sep 12

hey hey, I am. Working towards the General and Extra in one shot, hopefully I will be on HF by the end of the year. What kind of rig do you have? I am using a Yaesu 897D, I like it but a lot of menus through the dials and buttons.



01 Jun 06
12 Sep 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
Thanks Taoman for your comments!

It is true that belivers sometimes get hung up on different things and they become mainstream... so to speak, with different issues getting more attention over others. My point here is not to just chat about the subject matter and get an argument going or spark controversy, but to gain some constructive input., as it is ...[text shortened]... go, do you not, why not?

Thanks again for the comments... from the land down under! Cheers
Hi and welcome to the bun-fight that is the Spirituality forum.

To ask what 'Christians' would do implies that you think there is one view that all Christians (should) follow. Most Christians probably do think this but what they think that view is will vary from Christian to Christian, mainly based on what subset of Christianity they subscribe to, what church they go to and what priest they put their trust in.

I think you have to look inside yourself and decide what you think of their relationship and whether you care that a loving relationship that the participants would like to declare is between two people who happen to have the same kind of sex organs.

I wonder what their religion is. Do you know?

It's interesting that you felt the need to put the word "marriage" in scare quotes in the title.

--- Penguin.

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
12 Sep 12

First of all, morally it's just wrong. Technically there is no problem getting married as that will only legally bind them according to human law. In the law of God, it is sin.

Same gender sex is sick. From a Christian point of view, i will never attend one even if it is my child getting married. I can just as well agree to have my child murder someone, standing aside saying nothing.

Gay is wrong. It is only lust in a very sick way.


24 May 10
12 Sep 12
3 edits

Originally posted by Nicksten
First of all, morally it's just wrong. Technically there is no problem getting married as that will only legally bind them according to human law. In the law of God, it is sin.

Same gender sex is sick. From a Christian point of view, i will never attend one even if it is my child getting married. I can just as well agree to have my child murder someone, standing aside saying nothing.

Gay is wrong. It is only lust in a very sick way.
The purest of uninformed prejudice. Beautiful sample.

How is it "sick"? Most types of sexual activity is also found in the heterosexual community. Is that also "sick? Does love and caring come into it or is it all just about the "SEX" for you?
Why is what two people do in private such a big issue for you?

Equivalent to murder !! Talk about holy c--p! I know the ones who do the murdering the most. Those who promulgate such obscene ugliness. I hope none of your offspring turn out gay - I wonder what would happen to them? What would you do? Let's see your dark heart.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
12 Sep 12

Originally posted by Nicksten
First of all, morally it's just wrong. Technically there is no problem getting married as that will only legally bind them according to human law. In the law of God, it is sin.

Same gender sex is sick. From a Christian point of view, i will never attend one even if it is my child getting married. I can just as well agree to have my child murder someone, standing aside saying nothing.

Gay is wrong. It is only lust in a very sick way.
Fundamentalism is a sick and twisted form of lust, whereby somebody substitutes positive human hormone based appetites for a set of dry barren rules from a book written by charlatans, and seized upon by bullies who get their 'rocks off' by controlling and judging others.

29 Dec 08
12 Sep 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
I would like to start a meaningful dialog on the appropriateness of Christians attending gay 'marriages', I am not interested in bashing of any type. What do you think, do Christians attend Gay 'marriages and what is you view/opinion based on? This ought to be interesting, looking forward to the comments.

Considering that attendance at a marriage is by invitation, I would not expect a couple to invite a person who they know strongly disapproves of their marriage. If they did so, I would not expect the person invited to attend. This is independent of the invitee's reasons for disapproving.

Incidentally, it is not automatic that a person who considers him or herself to be a Christian will disapprove of gay marriage per se.


28 Oct 05
12 Sep 12

Originally posted by JS357
Incidentally, it is not automatic that a person who considers him or herself to be a Christian will disapprove of gay marriage per se.
I didn't when I was a Christian.