Gay 'Marriage', Do you attand

Gay 'Marriage', Do you attand


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Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
18 Sep 12
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
I do not think we can attribute all homosexual feelings and tendencies to sin. I believe that in at least some cases, the biological reproduction process has introduced an error that is the direct cause of these homosexual feelings and tendencies. There are some people that have a mismatch in their emotions and their bodies. In other words, some men shoul ...[text shortened]... ust lust. We know that hetrosexuals have demonstrated an awful lot of lust instead of love too.
Wow...a thoughtful, compassionate post. Good job, RJ.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by checkbaiter
From my Pastor...
It was recently suggested to me that as a Christian I should love and accept homosexuals. The Scripture quoted to me was Galatians 5:14: “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” It is true that love is the fulfilling of the law. But it is not the whole truth concerning sin o ...[text shortened]... d salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. To hide the truth from someone is unloving and wrong.
So many words, and yet only one reason given to condemn homosexuality - God doesn't like it. Not good enough for me.

Remove the imaginary god, and the problem goes away.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
I do not think we can attribute all homosexual feelings and tendencies to sin. I believe that in at least some cases, the biological reproduction process has introduced an error that is the direct cause of these homosexual feelings and tendencies. There are some people that have a mismatch in their emotions and their bodies. In other words, some men shoul ...[text shortened]... ust lust. We know that hetrosexuals have demonstrated an awful lot of lust instead of love too.
I do not believe anyone is born this way...I remember a few years ago when some scientist "found" proof that homosexuals were indeed born this way. The media did not cover the news when fraud was discovered and that the researcher was gay himself.
It is out there to find with a quick search...I don't remember all the details.
I believe this is a choice, a lust in perversion, then it is encouraged by those who want it to be true, that they are born this way....It is the same with people that don't want God to be real. If He is real then they would have to be held accountable for their sins. Then there is a right and wrong...Homosexuality strikes at the very commandment of God. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Satan wants to pervert all that God has made with a counterfeit, God ordained marriage between a man and a woman, and Satan says, no! Two men is ok, or two woman..God said don't eat of the fruit, Satan says eat...

29 Dec 08
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I do not believe anyone is born this way...I remember a few years ago when some scientist "found" proof that homosexuals were indeed born this way. The media did not cover the news when fraud was discovered and that the researcher was gay himself.
It is out there to find with a quick search...I don't remember all the details.
I believe this is a choic ...[text shortened]... n says, no! Two men is ok, or two woman..God said don't eat of the fruit, Satan says eat...
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

David Rakoff:

"Well, of course not Adam and Steve. Never Adam and Steve. It's Adam and Steven."

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by JS357
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

David Rakoff:

"Well, of course not Adam and Steve. Never Adam and Steve. It's Adam and Steven."
Thanks for the correction JS..🙂

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by SwissGambit
So many words, and yet only one reason given to condemn homosexuality - God doesn't like it. Not good enough for me.

Remove the imaginary god, and the problem goes away.
Except God is not can only wish..but it is a losing bet. 🙂

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I do not believe anyone is born this way...I remember a few years ago when some scientist "found" proof that homosexuals were indeed born this way. The media did not cover the news when fraud was discovered and that the researcher was gay himself.
It is out there to find with a quick search...I don't remember all the details.
I believe this is a choic ...[text shortened]... n says, no! Two men is ok, or two woman..God said don't eat of the fruit, Satan says eat...
Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
18 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone.
No one is casting stones here, at least not me...I am simply pointing out biblical truth.
2 Tim 4:2
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I do not believe anyone is born this way...I remember a few years ago when some scientist "found" proof that homosexuals were indeed born this way. The media did not cover the news when fraud was discovered and that the researcher was gay himself.
It is out there to find with a quick search...I don't remember all the details.
I believe this is a choic ...[text shortened]... n says, no! Two men is ok, or two woman..God said don't eat of the fruit, Satan says eat...
The only 'lust in perversion' in all this is this comes from the Biblical God. He is the one who is hung up on what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults. Seeing as how he is supposedly omniscient you would have thought he'd be over it already.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
18 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
The only 'lust in perversion' in all this is this comes from the Biblical God. He is the one who is hung up on what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults. Seeing as how he is supposedly omniscient you would have thought he'd be over it already.
As usual, your comment is on or near the mark. I see you as one of those consistent, interesting atheists around here, but that post in and of itself ,(without context), just sounds as mad as bro.

There are just so many debatable , ridiculous and mythological concepts in there that the interpretation of one reader to the next is going vary GREATLY just from those 2 sentences.

( This is of course because you have tried to follow a theists line of logic/reason. And where do we end up whenever someone tries to follow biblegod's logic/reason? Gobblydygooktown, that's where. )

thanks all the same Proper Knob

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by Proper Knob
There is no victim in a gay marriage, there is in a murder. Not only that but if someone is murdered then that persons family and friends will spend the rest of their lives bereaving the murdered person, the same cannot be said of a gay marriage. Now i appreciate that you think in the eyes of God they are both sins and can be viewed as the same, but down here in the real world they are quite clearly not.
Taking away my beliefs and that of what stands in the Bible - it must be clear, whether or not you'r theist or atheist, being gay is immoral and unnatural.

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
18 Sep 12

Originally posted by SwissGambit
Let's say you have failed as a parent and your kid went gay despite your strict teachings against that lifestyle. It happens often.

Why are so many of these kids choosing the gay lifestyle even though they know that they'll be kicked out of their family if the family finds out?

The myth is that you can stop the choice by education. They are educated, yet choose it anyway.
With that I agree. I can only hope and pray that my children and grandchildren do not become gay. If it does happen, (I pray to God that it doesn't) then I will inform them of their unnatural and immoral act. I will still love my children, how could I not.

I do not even have gay friends, at all. Not interested being part of such friendships in anyway as it does come to me telling them it's wrong and eventually getting into a argument where after we part our own ways.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
18 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Nicksten
Taking away my beliefs and that of what stands in the Bible - it must be clear, whether or not you'r theist or atheist, being gay is immoral and unnatural.
So we are trying to get our crap together and unify the planet so it may enter the greater universal community of enlightened planets and you are worried about gays because they are immoral and unnatural.

As for being unnatural, I'm not so sure anyone could give me a definition of "natural" that we could even loosely agree on to continue that line of thought. I mean is plastic natural? Or, because it is not found in nature but made by man is it unnatural? Because people are natural so whatever they create must come from nature too (?). Anyway, if you are interested you could maybe give me a line or two about what you think about "nature".

As for 'immoral', I really dont see the reason for pointing out that consentual, private adult activity is a very good use of your "morality meter". For one, it's not going to change very much at all. Most gays I've met are very secure in their (sexual)identity and show no signs of being affected very much by comments referring to their immorality when FAR, FAR greater immoral acts are carried out everyday which dont get as much attention as gays. So yeah, what's the deal there? Is it your mission, to make gays aware of their immorality? It might be, which is cool, but if it is not, then why not make better use of that morality meter, aye?

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
19 Sep 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
So we are trying to get our crap together and unify the planet so it may enter the greater universal community of enlightened planets and you are worried about gays because they are immoral and unnatural.

As for being unnatural, I'm not so sure anyone could give me a definition of "natural" that we could even loosely agree on to continue that line of ...[text shortened]... is cool, but if it is not, then why not make better use of that morality meter, aye?
So we are trying to get our crap together and unify the planet so it may enter the greater universal community of enlightened planets and you are worried about gays because they are immoral and unnatural.
Well, this is what the discussion is about, isn't it?

As for being unnatural, I'm not so sure anyone could give me a definition of "natural" that we could even loosely agree on to continue that line of thought. I mean is plastic natural? Or, because it is not found in nature but made by man is it unnatural? Because people are natural so whatever they create must come from nature too (?). Anyway, if you are interested you could maybe give me a line or two about what you think about "nature".
Yes, we could argue that everything in nature as natural and everything man made as unnatural. A different discussion though and the same about nature too being a different discussion. Getting too technical on the issue is not going to bring us anywhere.
Isn't it obvious, maybe even a with a bit of logic, that gay SEX is unnatural? This is final from my side, if you don't agree, you have a sick mind too.

As for 'immoral', I really dont see the reason for pointing out that consentual, private adult activity is a very good use of your "morality meter". For one, it's not going to change very much at all. Most gays I've met are very secure in their (sexual)identity and show no signs of being affected very much by comments referring to their immorality when FAR, FAR greater immoral acts are carried out everyday which dont get as much attention as gays. So yeah, what's the deal there? Is it your mission, to make gays aware of their immorality? It might be, which is cool, but if it is not, then why not make better use of that morality meter, aye?
Nothing we say will change gays, maybe for a few but not all. It is not my mission, nor a passion to focus on gays, or any specific thing. The focus is on sin, and if you're doing it, you should be told that it is wrong. If you're not told, you will do it again, if you've been told but you still continue doing sin, God will sort you out - and I will still tell you sinning is wrong and by doing this shows respect and caring for the other. If you agree good, if not, well then you don't.

Being gay is wrong. It is unnatural and immoral. I've said it 5 times, and I will say it a billion more times.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
19 Sep 12

As a gay man, perhaps I can contribute to this discussion. I can assure anyone in doubt that I did not choose my sexual orientation. At least, if I did, I have no recollection of it and it must have been before the age of reason when I could be culpable for such a choice. Of course, it is my choice whether I have sex or not; it is not my choice, however, what sexual impulses I experience. These are beyond my power.

I appreciate others may find homosexual sex discomforting. I feel the same way about heterosexual sex. Even if, however, we grant that the procreative nature of heterosexual sex somehow makes it the normative form of sex, what about the many heterosexual couples who engage in oral or other non-procreative sexual activities? Shouldn't these also be gross.