Deification of man

Deification of man


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04 Apr 04
22 Mar 21

@sonship said
No one has offered to me a convincing argument why "God-men" is not a very good term to describe those who have received "His seed".
Nobody cares to.
People cannot be bothered with your foolishness.
Believe whatever you want.
Go in peace God-man


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 21

@sonship said
As for all the matters of obedience, in First John obedience is a matter of obeying the teaching of the anointing. And that is a moving around of the Holy Spirit kind of anointing or rubbing God into their personality.
Do you believe God has been "rubbed into [your] personality", and, if so, how is it evident in your behaviour and demeanour here in this community, aside from reciting lots of religious dogma, which, frankly, anyone can do?

16 Feb 08
22 Mar 21

@sonship said
Do you agree with this non-biblical babble?

It appears Ghost started this thread hoping to get some backup.
Maybe he is waiting for atheist comrades to encourage him.
He doesn’t need back up.

You’re in another hole.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
3 edits


People cannot be bothered with your foolishness.
Believe whatever you want.
Go in peace God-man

I will indeed go in peace believing that "God-men" is a good term for the regenerated Christian.

For the audience that objects that "God-men" is not written in the Bible I will suggest that "man of God" is there. They can refer to that. Or the term "godliness" is also there. They can refer to that.

I will point out in peace that "sons of God" in the New Testament sense is people with an "organic" or intimate life union and relationship with a begetting living Father. This virtually amounts to God producing "God-men".

I will also peacefully maintain that NONE OF THIS carries some automatic implication that the commandments of Christ should be disobeyed. Not one syllable of my explanation implies that.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
4 edits

The commandments of Jesus Christ are minut [edited]. They are detailed. They are spontaneous. They are learned by abiding in His indwelling presence and letting Him make home more and more in our heart through faith.

"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith." (Eph. 3:17)

This is my experience that I trust. This is not me regurgitating by rote things I read. This is experience first hand. I had mentors and more experienced saints to shepherd me and help me.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
1 edit

We initially can receive Christ as our Lord and Savior for eternal life.
This only needs to be done ONCE. After we have received Christ as our Savior for eternal life . . BY FAITH we open up each and every chamber of our heart and receive Him in the same way to be us. That is to live in us.

Day #1: "Lord Jesus, I need You to be my patience. I my own patience fails."

Another Day: " Lord Jesus, come into my emotions. I am so wild. I need You to control and give me Your emotions. Thankyou Lord Jesus."

Another Day: " Lord Jesus, I remember terrible things. I need You to come into my memory. Lord move into my way of remembering. Thankyou Lord."

Another Day: "Lord Jesus, I am so stubborn. Lord come into my will more. Thankyou Lord Jesus. I believe You can regulate my decision making. Praise the Lord."

etc. etc. on and on, for the rest of our lives.

In this way we first confess our sins as He shines upon them. We agree with Him about our sins. Then by faith we receive Him deeper into our lives. He spreads from our innermost being out into our soul.

And this is the way we learn to keep His commandments in a minute, moment by moment, quantum level and regulating way. He infuses Himself into our living in a smooth comfortable way. WE DO NOT STRUGGLE AND STRIVE. We open and turn over more of our living, our personality to Jesus Christ by faith.

"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and length and height and depth are

And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fulness of God." (Eph. 3:17-19)


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 21
1 edit

@sonship said
The commandments of Jesus Christ are minute. They are detailed. They are spontaneous.
They are "minute"?


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 21

@sonship said
We initially can receive Christ as our Lord and Savior for eternal life.
This only needs to be done ONCE.
After you "receive" Christ once you only need what?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21

"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and length and height and depth are

And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fulness of God." (Eph. 3:17-19)

We initially receive Christ for the GIFT of eternal life. Then we must learn to live by Christ, to abide in Christ, and to successively open each and every area of our living for His spreading into our soul.

In this utterance of Paul Christ is described as the infinite dimensions of the universe.

How broad is "the breadth"?
How high is "the height"?
How long is "the length"?
And how deep is "the depth".

These are infinite dimensions. This means for the filling of the saints unto "all the fullness of God" Chris is MORE than enough to fill. His filling is and expression of His knowledge surpassing love of us. His love to build Himself into man surpasses all knowledge.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
3 edits

The question was asked about what is needed after receiving Christ.

After being saved eternally there is being saved daily from our old manner of life.
This is why Paul said as we receive Christ we must go on to walk IN Him.

"As therefore you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him." (Col. 2:6)

The same thought is expressed in living by the Spirit to develop into walking by the Spirit.

"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." (Gal. 3:25)

The Christians received a new life by receiving the Spirit of Christ, the "life giving Spirit" that He became (1 Cor. 15:45b). Having received the gift of eternal life we have a beginning. Now we must learn to step by step WALK by the Spirit of His life.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
2 edits

Above I have shown that after receiving the gift of eternal life via eternal redemption and justification by faith God's desire is that we learn to WALK in this new life.

I love this verse because it so nicely shows that we are saved eternally by His redemption and then saved much more in the realm of living in His life.

"For if we being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled." (Rom. 5:10)

Isn't that good?

1.) Being God's enemies we were reconciled as believers through the death of God's Son.

2.) Having been reconciled by that redemptive death we are to be saved much more in the realm of His life. That is His life spreading more and more, deeper and deeper into our practical living.

" . . . much more we will be saved in His life." .

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
1 edit

Let's not go too far away from the "Deification of man" in all this.

Most people here the word deification and they may think of how Roman emperors made themselves gods. Ah yes. We know how Roman emperors deified themselves to be worshipped.

Witness Lee did not like to use the term deification.
But if we have to it can be used for NT testament salvation.
But it does not mean saints or believers become gods to be worshipped as the Roman emperors deified themselves.

Back to First John. John says that we the believers are not yet fully manifested what we will be. But we are presently children of God. We shall be like Him. Him is Jesus the incarnation of God in a man.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and we are. Because of this the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not yet been manifested what we will be. We know that if He is manifested we will be like Him because we will see Him even as He is." (1 John 3:1,2)

I am not quoting the whole chapter. Rajk999 is fond of poinging out that I missed important words elsewhere in the passage. I am only focusing on this part of the passage.

The Christians share God's life and are now children of God.

The world does not know us in this way as it did not know Christ in the same way.

The manifestation of Christ will also be the manifestation of the children of God as sons of God expressing the divine glory of the Father.

NONE OF THIS means "Go disobey the commandments of Jesus."
That is obvious in the sentences following verses 1 and 2.

This manifestation of us being LIKE HIM is a manifestation, if you will, of the deification (in the proper NT sense) of those saved by Christ.

Everything has not been said about the passage Rajk999. Just this much is said about it here.

14 Mar 15
22 Mar 21

@sonship said

Witness Lee did not like to use the term deification.
But if we have to it can be used for NT testament salvation.
'…In this way the believers become the reproduction, expansion, and physical continuation of the incarnate and incorporate Son of God and indeed the organism of the Triune God Himself.'

Witness Lee

16 Feb 08
22 Mar 21

@ghost-of-a-duke said
'…In this way the believers become the reproduction, expansion, and physical continuation of the incarnate and incorporate Son of God and indeed the organism of the Triune God Himself.'

Witness Lee
I do have to thumb up these posts of yours.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Mar 21
5 edits


'…In this way the believers become the reproduction, expansion, and physical continuation of the incarnate and incorporate Son of God and indeed the organism of the Triune God Himself.'

So what?
Where in that sentence do you see the word deification?

I only reminded that Lee said he didn't like to use the term. I already quoted that admission from Witness Lee. Re-gathering quotes I don't think I'll spend the time to do now.
[quote] Witness Lee did not like to use the term deification.
But if we have to it can be used for NT testament salvation.

And I have to repeat, I no longer think it is likely or possible for you to receive any education on some of these matters.