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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime

14 Mar 15
10 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
Yes , its easy to scoff at others who have put thought into their posts. BTW, what WAS your theory on the evolution of the human race? Natural selection and physical evolution? What was your take on the bible? Pure fiction? (No rush, but these ARE genuine questions) . Lemon-limes question was much better than yours. His question opened doors. Your questions are just going around trying to close them.
You create a thread about clarity and yet have provided nothing of the sort.

If you make the claim that the bible is an account of alien DNA being mingled with apes and even go as far as to describe this as a 'no-brainer' then I do not think it unreasonable for people to ask you to explain yourself. So far you have not explained what has led you to this belief, only saying there is no direct reference in the bible and that you will 'come to this later.'

'Later' has arrived sir.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
10 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime
No, but I do question the aliens purpose is to enslave mankind.
Aliens don't need slaves because they have advanced technology.
Using slave labor instead of highly developed technological machinery would be an enormous step backwards in the development of their civilization.
So the good news is a resounding "no", they do not wish to enslave us...

...[text shortened]...

The bad news is the other day I overheard two of them discussing our "nutritional values".
There are many assumptions here. the worst of which is that we are not enslaved.Granted that things have gotten better in the last 2000 years but the same 'people' run the world. Make no mistake. The only personal freedoms you have these days are to make and spend money. And money is the main system of control.

Forgive me if I dont agree with your version of what aliens are like.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
10 Aug 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Your posts really are just a jumbled hodgepodge of whatever thoughts happen to be in your head at the time of writing, aren’t they.
Yes and no. Some of it is planned, some of it reacting to the other post.
Do you have a problem,? Do you need something explained? Do you think that because you can label my posts as 'hodge podge' they are somehow lacking?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
10 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
You create a thread about clarity and yet have provided nothing of the sort.

If you make the claim that the bible is an account of alien DNA being mingled with apes and even go as far as to describe this as a 'no-brainer' then I do not think it unreasonable for people to ask you to explain yourself. So far you have not explained what has led you ...[text shortened]... irect reference in the bible and that you will 'come to this later.'

'Later' has arrived sir.
I'm not sorry that you cant follow along. Feel free to boot off along with Suzy, who has come back for some spurious reason no doubt.
You have had exactly zero input into this thread. You are trying to play the part of a neutral however there is no such thing. Either you are on the side of good (open minded, intelligent) or the other side (ignorant or downright deceptive) .
Your forum handle is THE biggest joke I've come across.

If in doubt re-read this post. It will remind you of exactly how much effort you've put into engaging me in an honest way.
You do not understand the most basic of points of spirituality when you post to me. You clearly have a personal bias.
So in the interests of peace I suggest you refrain from replying to me.

Clear enough ?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
10 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
There are many assumptions here. the worst of which is that we are not enslaved.Granted that things have gotten better in the last 2000 years but the same 'people' run the world. Make no mistake. The only personal freedoms you have these days are to make and spend money. And money is the main system of control.

Forgive me if I dont agree with your version of what aliens are like.
My 'version' of what aliens are like was tongue in cheek.
Your version is fine, except I have no idea what your version entails... as opposed to mine, which clearly entails entrails.

You're saying we are enslaved and the same 'people' have been running the world for the past 2000 years.
Are these 'people' part human part alien, mostly alien, mostly human...? How do aliens fit into this narrative? If we are enslaved by aliens then enslaved for what purpose?
What do they want from us?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime
My 'version' of what aliens are like was tongue in cheek.
Your version is fine, except I have no idea what your version entails... as opposed to mine, which clearly entails entrails.

You're saying we are enslaved and the same 'people' have been running the world for the past 2000 years.
Are these 'people' part human part alien, mostly alien, mostly ...[text shortened]... rative? If we are enslaved by aliens then enslaved for what purpose?
What do they want from us?
"What do they want from us?"

They just want karoly. I mean, after all he's the most enlightened "sound-light vibration" being on the planet.

What else could they possibly want? 😉

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime
My 'version' of what aliens are like was tongue in cheek.
Your version is fine, except I have no idea what your version entails... as opposed to mine, which clearly entails entrails.

You're saying we are enslaved and the same 'people' have been running the world for the past 2000 years.
Are these 'people' part human part alien, mostly alien, mostly ...[text shortened]... rative? If we are enslaved by aliens then enslaved for what purpose?
What do they want from us?
Do some honest, unbiased research. I will admit there is a whole lot of disinformation out there, however there is also much good stuff. Remember to cross reference.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime
My 'version' of what aliens are like was tongue in cheek.
Your version is fine, except I have no idea what your version entails... as opposed to mine, which clearly entails entrails.

You're saying we are enslaved and the same 'people' have been running the world for the past 2000 years.
Are these 'people' part human part alien, mostly alien, mostly ...[text shortened]... rative? If we are enslaved by aliens then enslaved for what purpose?
What do they want from us?
Toungue in cheek? Of cours it was... Why would I think anyone would be in the spirit of my posts? My bad. "What do they want form us? " . They've already got it. Our wills, our subservience,our time, control of our loved ones but most importantly the power to keep us in ignorance of who we are.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
11 Aug 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @secondson
"What do they want from us?"

They just want karoly. I mean, after all he's the most enlightened "sound-light vibration" being on the planet.

What else could they possibly want? 😉
They've got you clearly. I came to you in the spirit of Christian harmony and you have just denegrated me and my posts, much like Ghosty. You and your ilk ARE what turns people off Christianity.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @secondson
"What do they want from us?"

They just want karoly. I mean, after all he's the most enlightened "sound-light vibration" being on the planet.

What else could they possibly want? 😉
If that's true then I obviously don't possess a superior alien mind thought process, nor the patience (and life span) required for implementing a two thousand year long advanced strategic plan for capturing him...

I would just walk on over and grab him.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
Toungue in cheek? Of cours it was... Why would I think anyone would be in the spirit of my posts? My bad. "What do they want form us? " . They've already got it. Our wills, our subservience,our time, control of our loved ones but most importantly the power to keep us in ignorance of who we are.
Okay, but why?
What's in it for the aliens... how does this benefit them?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @lemon-lime
Okay, but why?
What's in it for the aliens... how does this benefit [b]them
you must start with a sound premise: We are eternal beings trapped in mortal vessels. This life is a dream from which we can awaken. Direct your enquiries to yourself. Be calm. Think plainly and logically.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
Do some honest, unbiased research. I will admit there is a whole lot of disinformation out there, however there is also much good stuff. Remember to cross reference.
I could do some honest and unbiased research if I knew where to look.
This why I asked if there is a name I could google, or a website that explains this. How can I 'cross reference' what you are telling me if the only information I have is coming from you?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
11 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
you must start with a sound premise: We are eternal beings trapped in mortal vessels. This life is a dream from which we can awaken. Direct your enquiries to yourself. Be calm. Think plainly and logically.
Direct your enquiries to yourself.

Well, I am a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, and notoriously unbiased, so....

Okay, I'll give it a shot.