Trump's False Statements Regarding His Trial

Trump's False Statements Regarding His Trial


Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@mott-the-hoople said
" He has been convicted of rape. "
straight up lie
Seems the left whingers here have a problem with the truth.

It's ironic that phranny posts an op piece about honesty, but is not honest enough to attribute the sauce.

It's ironic that suziman constantly posts about unproven and unsubstantiated mis-gendering but she intentionally mis-genders other posters her/it-self.

It's ironic the yeah boy immediately knee jerk jumps to the defense of phranny but when phranny's plagarism is exposed - SILENCE.

Madison Square Garde

03 Jan 06
2 edits

@wajoma said
Seems the left whingers here have a problem with the truth.

It's ironic that phranny posts an op piece about honesty, but is not honest enough to attribute the sauce.

It's ironic that suziman constantly posts about unproven and unsubstantiated mis-gendering but she intentionally mis-genders other posters her/it-self.

It's ironic the yeah boy immediately knee jerk jumps to the defense of phranny but when phranny's plagarism is exposed - SILENCE.
Didn't you ask him about your concern before your constant slandering?
What sauce red or white? NZ schools must suck.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@yeah-boy said
Didn't you ask him about your concern before your constant slandering?
What sauce red or white? NZ schools must suck.
Circular sauce, band sauce or pruning sauce?

Madison Square Garde

03 Jan 06

@wajoma said
Circular sauce, band sauce or pruning sauce?
Great tools. Used them many times. Now ask Phranny and lets settle this.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

So that is the only thing you can bitch about? Is it ok for Trump to have said grab em by the pussy? Do you deny that? I guess you just figure that is locker room talk, has nothing to do with Trump morals. BTW, you should thank Pecker for getting your god king Trump elected.
He is spilling the beans to the world now just how much he helped Trump with those catch and kill pieces and attacks on Ted Cruz and Hillary, SHE HAS 6 MONTHS TO LIVE, or she is a racist and other attacks to keep up the stories Trump likes, about himself of course.

It was Trump, Pecker and Cohen who worked out the details of the hush money deal, and Cohen did not get 130,000 bucks, he got FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND for that deal, they made it LOOK like it was 'income' and therefore taxable having nothing to do with the year long mistress playboy model and the short time with Stormy, all while his REAL wife was having his child.
Yep, a real moral character. And of course none of that matters to you, you would say 'he's an assshole but he is OUR assshole'

So this trial will be over well before November and we know good and well he will NEVER go to prison, probably probation or maybe an ankle bracelet or both which would piss off Trump more than jail because he would use jail to make himself a martyr, it would be a bit harder to call himself a martyr just with an ankle bracelet.
Yep, poor dood getting his first amendment rights trampled on.

Getting convicted of 34 felonies would not stop you from voting for your now criminally charged god king would it, because you KNOW the DOJ is corrupt, Biden is corrupt, it is Biden sicking NY on Trump and the NY courts are corrupt, the jury is corrupt. No matter the solid evidence and testimony of people who were with him from the start, Pecker and Cohen, Pecker knew him in 1980 and ran stories praising Trump for YEARS and catch and kill to keep his mistress and Stormy from telling all just before the election.
Which is depriving us voting public the right to know all of the bad side of Trump which BTW IS election interference which is what this trial is all about.

And also OF COURSE you will NEVER watch what is going on in that trial because you are already duped so deeply you will never be able to think for yourself ever again.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Oh, it's a lie Trump said ingest bleach, kills covid in minutes, or stick a UV light in your body, also kills covid.
Or it was a lie Trump had babies literally ripped from the arms of their moms, literally kidnapping them and putting 5000 of those children in cages and OF COURSE you would say OBAMA built the cages, but he on his darkest day ever considered doing that inhumane thing to innocent children and BTW EIGHT of them died due to piss poor medical help. Those are lies?

Trump never had sex with stormy or had that year long mistress, the Playboy model while his real wife was having their child?

It is YOU who have a problem with truth and I bet you will NEVER follow the court case going on right now where the people who were in on the start of the hush money payments, David Pecker, Cohen and Trump together in an office discussing how to make the hush money payment look like income instead of hush money and BTW Cohen did not get 130,000 payback he actually got FOUR HUNDRED THOU where they tried to make it look like income and taxable but they have been caught red handed, with notes written by WEASELBURG, the one who wrote the checks and Trump knew every penny spent, he didn't let a penny go out without his express approval.

There were notes written that the prosecutors got showing notes written about all those transactions and what they really meant.
Yep, just a witch hunt. You are SO duped.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@sonhouse said
Oh, it's a lie Trump said ingest bleach, kills covid in minutes, or stick a UV light in your body, also kills covid.
Or it was a lie Trump had babies literally ripped from the arms of their moms, literally kidnapping them and putting 5000 of those children in cages and OF COURSE you would say OBAMA built the cages, but he on his darkest day ever considered doing t ...[text shortened]... about all those transactions and what they really meant.
Yep, just a witch hunt. You are SO duped.
Trying to work out your rationale here.

Because you like to bang on your keyboard producing crap no one reads anymore, that excuses the hypocrisy of phranny and suziman?

Is that what you're saying? Because no one reads more than the first 5 words of you rants anymore. they're all the same.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@wajoma said
Seems the left whingers here have a problem with the truth.

It's ironic that phranny posts an op piece about honesty, but is not honest enough to attribute the sauce.

It's ironic that suziman constantly posts about unproven and unsubstantiated mis-gendering but she intentionally mis-genders other posters her/it-self.

It's ironic the yeah boy immediately knee jerk jumps to the defense of phranny but when phranny's plagarism is exposed - SILENCE.
For God's sake, stop lying.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@averagejoe1 said
I think the talking heads were predicting him on stand, but the judge, he is proven to be anti trump, is hinting that he will expand witness list, which has talking heads thinking trump on stand not a good idea.
Do you often slander the Blue Line for arresting and prosecuting criminals?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@wajoma said
What's well done? Copy/pasting someone else's work without attribution?

'Ctrl C', 'Ctrl V' and suziman and yeah boy are creaming their panties. Without attributing the copy/write source one is falsely passing off the work as their own.

The dishonesty of left whingers keeps piling up. Suziman the 'thing' (a safe gender neutral, race neutral descriptor) that has done 30 ...[text shortened]... does in fact intentionally mis-gender other posters. making suziman he/him/her/it -self a HYPOCRITE.
Stop lying.

Are you Orange, too?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@yeah-boy said
How do you know that Phranny didn't write it? He does write quite eloquently. He usually give a bibliography.
Why so angry?
Ahem. Phranny is a 'she'.

Don't be like Waa-waa-yo-mama.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@wajoma said
Let's put that question to phranny, see how honest she is.
This is the first time in months I've seen you attributing proper gender to a forum poster.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@mott-the-hoople said
I suspect you ran to the back room and masturbated after reading this
Said the man who uses youtubes of Trump for the same purpose.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@suzianne said
Stop lying.

Are you Orange, too?
What's the 'lie'? Why do you think it is a 'lie'?

I'll prove it otherwise, which will make you the liar.

State the lie, we'll sort it out.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11

@wajoma said
What's well done? Copy/pasting someone else's work without attribution?

'Ctrl C', 'Ctrl V' and suziman and yeah boy are creaming their panties. Without attributing the copy/write source one is falsely passing off the work as their own.

The dishonesty of left whingers keeps piling up. Suziman the 'thing' (a safe gender neutral, race neutral descriptor) that has done 30 ...[text shortened]... does in fact intentionally mis-gender other posters. making suziman he/him/her/it -self a HYPOCRITE.

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