Wheres Gertrude?

Wheres Gertrude?


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
26 Feb 23

@endlame said

So you're saying... other clans are sandbagging their rating so they can have easier clan games and rack up the wins and that is wrong and should be fixed?

Or are you seriously suggesting that "it's normal because other people do it?"

Which one?
Booger you are a 1 man clan with no intentions on even building a Clan.

You are almost like a re-incarnated Lemondrop/Gertrude.



29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23


Let him answer the question.


07 Feb 09
26 Feb 23

@endlame said

So you're saying... other clans are sandbagging their rating so they can have easier clan games and rack up the wins and that is wrong and should be fixed?

Or are you seriously suggesting that "it's normal because other people do it?"

Which one?
What I am saying is that your motivation is too focused on one clan.
What I have also slipped in is that much of the ratings variations are not sandbagging at all.
Simply just ratings fluctuations.

But for someone who has been on an anti-sandbagging crusade, you haven't done a very good job.


07 Feb 09
26 Feb 23


And ...... You haven't answered to my question about Anglian.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
26 Feb 23

@mghrn55 said

And ...... You haven't answered to my question about Anglian.
Booger or Endlame which ever you want to call him has nothing to do with our clan. He knows nothing about Anglian. I don't know much more as he is a new player and I know he plays with another Clan, then how many do play with more than one clan. I am pretty sure you have a few yourself. Should I get their stats on what they have won for you and what they have won for their other clan?


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
26 Feb 23

@endlame said

So you're saying... other clans are sandbagging their rating so they can have easier clan games and rack up the wins and that is wrong and should be fixed?

Or are you seriously suggesting that "it's normal because other people do it?"

Which one?
What he is insinuating is why do the same ones who gripe about the so called "practice", employ the very same methods and then still gripe about it?

Like you, they speak from both sides of their mouth, whenever it suits them.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
26 Feb 23

@very-rusty said
Booger or Endlame which ever you want to call him has nothing to do with our clan. He knows nothing about Anglian. I don't know much more as he is a new player and I know he plays with another Clan, then how many do play with more than one clan. I am pretty sure you have a few yourself. Should I get their stats on what they have won for you and what they have won for their other clan?

You are welcome to do that if you like, but that doesn't answer the question that was asked. Look at the records for both clans combined. The rating will not and cannot match. He is unloading it somewhere else. But who the hell cares because the rating system is a total joke as I have said for years?

Our point is you cannot gripe about your perception of what other clans are doing, when your clan leader is the biggest manipulator on the site. PERIOD. There are players on your roster that I spoke to him about in PM's on what there real playing level was and he was there continuing to match them up against far inferior players munching up wins while claiming ignorance. I saved the PM's in case his memory fails him. You never know. He doesn't play games for his own clan, he simply spends his time churning out matches for his drones to do their thing.


07 Feb 09
26 Feb 23

@shortcircuit said
What he is insinuating is why do the same ones who gripe about the so called "practice", employ the very same methods and then still gripe about it?

Like you, they speak from both sides of their mouth, whenever it suits them.
Exactly !!
Endlame/Booger/mghrnss (pick one) isn't griping about sandbagging.
He is using sandbagging to gripe about Metallica.


29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23
1 edit

You clowns think it's about your clan and not the actions of the clan?


If other clans are using your tactics... which seems to be the case...then obviously something needs to change.

I have no problem exposing another clan.

Give me some time to look around. 😉


29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23


29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23


So now that another clan is better at your game you're complaining?


29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23

@endlame said

So you're saying... other clans are sandbagging their rating so they can have easier clan games and rack up the wins and that is wrong and should be fixed?

Or are you seriously suggesting that "it's normal because other people do it?"

Which one?



15 Jan 23
26 Feb 23


Well well, look who's put his head above the parapet .... the clan leader for the original inventors of sandbagging, and as we know with his clan mates illuminator and my2sons heading the cast ... see how easy it is to cast aspertions 😉

Anyways, no point in going over that old ground .... that horse has been well and truly flogged over the years ..

Of course, it's very difficult to prove sandbagging, after all if someone chooses to play a lot of games and loses a few non-clan games then it's not their fault the current rating system keeps their rating lower .... surely that's been your rationale over the years?

I believe, but stand to be corrected, the clan leaders had a chance to stop sandbagging a while back by introducing a clan-specific rating, sort of a TER for clans, but the leading clans rejected it as they thought it would give other clans a more even chance .....

I also note you haven't mentioned the 120 points you sandbagged from last year ..... although I see Vespin is slowly reeling you back in, and good luck to him!

Dear Russ ..... I do think its time you sorted this once and for all .... easy to do system wise I'm 100% sure ....

Just need to introduce a clan-specific rating ..... you know it makes sense 🙈🙉🙊


29 Nov 22
26 Feb 23


If you think that's me you couldn't be more wrong.

Although I do agree with him.


07 Feb 09
27 Feb 23

@endlame said

What I was talking about is your biased evidence gathering.
Which basically makes your argument pointless. And a waste of time.

End of discussion.

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