Wheres Gertrude?

Wheres Gertrude?



29 Nov 22
27 Feb 23

I seriously doubt it's the end of the discussion 🙄

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
27 Feb 23

@endlame said

So now that another clan is better at your game you're complaining?
Are you capable of comprehending the language?
READ what I said. UNDERSTAND the content.
DON'T inflect your misconceptions.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
27 Feb 23

@mghrn55 said
I played Anglian twice.
He came across as a 1900 rated player.
Nope. Just better than you. And you don't have to be rated that high to beat you. At one time you would not play texasnurse and I proved right when her rating is around 1400 to 1500 because she plays so much. Anglian plays high rated and lower rated players but plays a lot. He is not a 1900 rated player. Take your loss and stop crying. Players are blasting your clan and you turn on mine and Bad Bishops. Pete is as honest as they come.

I have not said one bad word about your clan Or your players. So many people do and I don't join in or support pointing fingers.

Leave mine out. Why would you give anyone merit by arguing with them about your clan? You are the leader, be better than that and let them run their mouth. Nobody takes them seriously. Why should you?

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
27 Feb 23

@very-rusty said
Booger or Endlame which ever you want to call him has nothing to do with our clan. He knows nothing about Anglian. I don't know much more as he is a new player and I know he plays with another Clan, then how many do play with more than one clan. I am pretty sure you have a few yourself. Should I get their stats on what they have won for you and what they have won for their other clan?

Maybe Rusty should go up and down Metallica's players. My players ratings are about where they should be with just a few that go up and down more than others because they play more. All honest players just playing the game.

You get attacked and start pointing fingers at other clans, and players.

It's a disgrace. You should just ignore the people who are attacking your clan. You are a leader, act like one.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
27 Feb 23

@mghrnss said

Well well, look who's put his head above the parapet .... the clan leader for the original inventors of sandbagging, and as we know with his clan mates illuminator and my2sons heading the cast ... see how easy it is to cast aspertions 😉

Anyways, no point in going over that old ground .... that horse has been well and truly flogged over the years ..

Of cour ...[text shortened]... 'm 100% sure ....

Just need to introduce a clan-specific rating ..... you know it makes sense 🙈🙉🙊
Good Post and I agree with a "clan rating". I think it would help. I think a lot of people agree with this or at least most leaders I have spoken to believe in it. 🙂

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23

@shortcircuit said
You are welcome to do that if you like, but that doesn't answer the question that was asked. Look at the records for both clans combined. The rating will not and cannot match. He is unloading it somewhere else. But who the hell cares because the rating system is a total joke as I have said for years?

Our point is you cannot gripe about your perception of what other cl ...[text shortened]... s for his own clan, he simply spends his time churning out matches for his drones to do their thing.
I've never known you to be sore loser, perhaps I've never known you. Why point out our players when you have players on your clan who are playing multiple clans. Should I take time to find out what their stats are for you and for the other clan(s) they may be on? You can't point out players in our clan without taking a close look at your own players.


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23

@vespin said
Good Post and I agree with a "clan rating". I think it would help. I think a lot of people agree with this or at least most leaders I have spoken to believe in it. 🙂
Last time it was Voted down and only Clan leaders got a vote. I say this time everyone get a vote on it. 🙂


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23

@shortcircuit said
Are you capable of comprehending the language?
READ what I said. UNDERSTAND the content.
DON'T inflect your misconceptions.
Why are you even bothering with a person who is a 1 man clan?

Appears to be a re-incarnation of lemondrop/Gertrude to me.


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23


Lets stay away from the name calling. Doesn't solve a damn thing.



07 Feb 09
27 Feb 23

@vespin said
Nope. Just better than you. And you don't have to be rated that high to beat you. At one time you would not play texasnurse and I proved right when her rating is around 1400 to 1500 because she plays so much. Anglian plays high rated and lower rated players but plays a lot. He is not a 1900 rated player. Take your loss and stop crying. Players are blasting your clan and y ...[text shortened]... ader, be better than that and let them run their mouth. Nobody takes them seriously. Why should you?
I know what know kind of players I am playing against.
Don't lecture me on that.

Explain why a player of yours is 61W8L for your clan with a rating below 1550.
Instead of spewing at me.

As to texasnurse, she quotes her 1800+ rating on her profile.
And I've heard she is a former Texas women's champion.
I don't match anyone in my clan with her because I can't.
My 1700 players are out of the 200 point range.
And I'm not sending my 1400-1500 players against her.


07 Feb 09
27 Feb 23

@vespin said
Maybe Rusty should go up and down Metallica's players. My players ratings are about where they should be with just a few that go up and down more than others because they play more. All honest players just playing the game.

You get attacked and start pointing fingers at other clans, and players.

It's a disgrace. You should just ignore the people who are attacking your clan. You are a leader, act like one.
Knock yourself out

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23
2 edits

@mghrn55 said
I know what know kind of players I am playing against.
Don't lecture me on that.

Explain why a player of yours is 61W8L for your clan with a rating below 1550.
Instead of spewing at me.

As to texasnurse, she quotes her 1800+ rating on her profile.
And I've heard she is a former Texas women's champion.
I don't match anyone in my clan with her because I can't.
My 1700 players are out of the 200 point range.
And I'm not sending my 1400-1500 players against her.
I was hoping we wouldn't go there, but your so called 1400-1500 players are more like 1600-1700 players. You don't like fair matches, you want it all in your favor. Just like the one you sent us my first year in my new clan we may have won one and you had the other 3 matches. Everyone likes to have an edge, but as I've said before you love a landslide. All one has to do is look, we have hashed this all out many times. It comes down to the Clan Leader doesn't have to except them. We know there are Clans give you points on a silver platter.

EDIT: I don't make a secret that my rating jumps between 1300-1500...... I am working at trying to get it back to where it was between 1400-1600 plus before my medical issues. I play higher rated players not to sandbag but to try and improve my game. I also carry a lot of games for my Clan which I also did with my old clan Metallica. We probably want to stay away from saying things we can not prove. That includes myself. I am getting tired of this crap to be honest.

EDIT2: Perhaps VESPIN is correct have the Clan ratings as a separate rating is the only way to fix these kinds of arguments?



29 Nov 22
27 Feb 23

@very-rusty said

Lets stay away from the name calling. Doesn't solve a damn thing.


20 May 16
27 Feb 23

Suspiciously blended in with a cappuccino stain on the carpet, every little booger needs a home even those with lame endings.

Everyone’s welcome, Join Faith Hope Love, we need many more players now to continue being competitive!

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Feb 23

@mike69 said
Suspiciously blended in with a cappuccino stain on the carpet, every little booger needs a home even those with lame endings.

Everyone’s welcome, Join Faith Hope Love, we need many more players now to continue being competitive!
Good luck Mike, but you will have a hard time finding games for your 2200 plus players.


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