Wheres Gertrude?

Wheres Gertrude?


Standard memberRemoved

10 Jan 22
28 Feb 23


I'm not sure why have chosen to single me out like this, but have had time now for a considered response ..

Firstly, I play a lot of chess. Being largely house-bound nowadays chess is my main hobby. I play to a decent standard, for sure, but I also play a lot of games and in most of those I move quickly .. and I mean blitz-like.

I was invited to join a couple of clans and have enjoyed the feature (which no other chess sites can offer), and enjoy having games set up for me. I don't really care what ratings my clan leaders set up ... I'm as happy to play a 1300 as a 2100.

I have played many players who are much better than their ratings (like Bob58), and many who seem much worse (I would put you in this category based on our two games, and I understand you are too scared to play me again!)

What I would say, though, is that you are a hypocrite.

I've read all the historical threads about sandbagging and other deceitful activities, and the one clan that features in all of them is your clan! I would suggest that your previous success is built on deceit and sandbagging. One only has to look at your players current vs 1 year/TER/5 year ratings to see how low some of your players have fallen of late .... no response required, as this is a fact!

Take @Illuminator, for example. I am having two good games against him, he's rated 1751, but his TER is 1947 and his 1 year high is 2047. His 90 day low is 1644.

So, I've never been higher than 1765, and on that basis @illuminator is actually 300 points better than me ....... but no matter, I haven't complained to anyone about this 'mismatch' ... I'm just having 2 good games of chess!

I would humbly suggest that your attack on me is to deflect from the reality that you and your clan are starting to feel the heat from Breaking Bad having you in their sights, despite you carrying over in excess of 100 points from last year. Now that is sandbagging in my definition.

Desperate times, @mghrn55

There's a saying about people in glass houses .... and yours is the glassiest house on this site


07 Feb 09
28 Feb 23
1 edit

@anglian said

I'm not sure why have chosen to single me out like this, but have had time now for a considered response ..

Firstly, I play a lot of chess. Being largely house-bound nowadays chess is my main hobby. I play to a decent standard, for sure, but I also play a lot of games and in most of those I move quickly .. and I mean blitz-like.

I was invited to join a coupl ...[text shortened]...

There's a saying about people in glass houses .... and yours is the glassiest house on this site
The question remains.........
When others have come after our clan, one of the duly noted facts was that our players had a good won lost record.
And by that I mean that a player might have a record of 300W200L which has raised eyebrows amongst those who continue to come after Metallica.

You seem like a pretty good guy, and you are a good player and you have given me tough games (though you resigned one game that was slightly to your advantage).

But my question remains........ if players in my clan come under fire for having a won lost record on the ratio of 3 to 2, than I have the right to ask how you are compiling a won lost record of 61W9L while carrying a rating of 1526 at present.
(I won't go into your record with Bad Bishops, no need to draw them in)
Vespin's best response so far has been to say you are a pretty good guy and a good player. And I won't argue with that.
I just need an answer. Maybe you can help with that.

As to the historical threads of sandbagging and Metallica comes up all the time.
We are not coming up in these discussions because we sandbag. We come up because of our winning record which has led to us being the best clan on the site.
Just to set that straight.


07 Feb 09
28 Feb 23


Further, regarding Illuminator, he is still new to our clan and he been a valuable member to our clan and a great teammate.
Yes, he did reach 2047, which governs his TER which will stay at 1947 till the 2047 rating falls off the yearly best statistic.
I see him as a 1800-1900 rated player who had a good rating spike when playing tournament games.
My rating hit 1950 once, but I am not a 1950 player. But my TER stayed at 1850 for a year, which is misleading.
I don't pay much attention to that statistic.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
02 Mar 23

@mghrn55 said
The question remains.........
When others have come after our clan, one of the duly noted facts was that our players had a good won lost record.
And by that I mean that a player might have a record of 300W200L which has raised eyebrows amongst those who continue to come after Metallica.

You seem like a pretty good guy, and you are a good player and you have given me toug ...[text shortened]... our winning record which has led to us being the best clan on the site.
Just to set that straight.
You are not the best on the site anymore. And when you won those championships that was under a different system. The new system you lost the last two years. win ten titles under the new system then you can call yourselves the best.

Now, you are just one of the best.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
02 Mar 23

@vespin said
You are not the best on the site anymore. And when you won those championships that was under a different system. The new system you lost the last two years. win ten titles under the new system then you can call yourselves the best.

Now, you are just one of the best.
You make a very good point finishing 4th and 2nd the last two years does not make them the best Clan on the site anymore, just one of the top Clans.


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
02 Mar 23

@very-rusty said
You make a very good point finishing 4th and 2nd the last two years does not make them the best Clan on the site anymore, just one of the top Clans.

Thank you Rusty. They are for sure one of the best and in it to win the championship every year, but not the best on the site anymore.



18 Apr 10
03 Mar 23

Net points list again.
Does anyone ever look at the order on "most challenges won" or any other list for that matter?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
04 Mar 23

@venda said
Net points list again.
Does anyone ever look at the order on "most challenges won" or any other list for that matter?
Yes, "Most Challenges Won" will win the Clan Challenge majority of the time. 🙂


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