Yet Another JW Thread

Yet Another JW Thread


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04 Apr 04
21 Jan 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]For some reason the word """Evil""" comes to mind when I see your postings

The Holocaust was evil, winding someone up on the internet about their religious beliefs isn't.[/b]
LOL ... I dont think they know what 'winding up' is.

I dont think they saw the humour in my 'Google' post.



04 Apr 04
21 Jan 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
His name is Rajk!!!!!!
No biggie .. a horse by any other name is still a horse ... ๐Ÿ˜€



04 Apr 04
21 Jan 10

Originally posted by galveston75
Jesus's teaching are what we all have to learn and follow which are in the Bible for all to see. We adhere to them in a way we feel is honest and true. Raj has never been to a single meeting of the Witnesses to test his doubts out. So it would seem before someone sticks his neck out and condems a certian religion, he should try to get his facts straight. ...[text shortened]... It's the slanderous things he says are fact, aren't. And that really makes him look unwise.
So --
'I teach no Bible truths' and
'I have some doctrines straight'

Which is it?
Both cant be right.



04 Apr 04
21 Jan 10

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Excuse me?

Don't you have any better arguments against my postings than this? Then your opinions really must be weak!
I'm glad that you are a rare exception of those who call themselves christians. I've never seen anyone so full of fright of other people opinions.
This kind of arguments shows clearly what witness stands for and why I think JW is a cu ...[text shortened]... of hate from within.

You're on my ignore list, and you'll stay there. Like you care...
You cant blame those guys Fabian .. they are totally under the influence of their leaders .. mindless drones, unable to think clearly.


26 Aug 07
21 Jan 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
You cant blame those guys Fabian .. they are totally under the influence of their leaders .. mindless drones, unable to think clearly.
when you shall provide one shred of evidence which states that you have a right to judge anothers freedom, then you shall have recourse to call into question the beliefs of others based on the exercise of their own conscience, as it stands you have produced none. Galvo was correct, for Plato himself equates evil with ignorance, which in your case, is quite fitting, dont you think, for all you can do is go to anti witness websites and churn out the endless drivel, hardly original , is it, and hardly the result of a reasoning and thoughtful mind, is it?


26 Aug 07
21 Jan 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
His name is Rajk!!!!!!
his name is Raj a ma Taj, cause he is full of it!



04 Apr 04
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
when you shall provide one shred of evidence
The evidence is glaring for all to see becuase I listed restrictions of the JW faith and both you and Galveston treated it like an attack on you personally. A sure sign of irrational loyalty to a religious organisation.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
The evidence is glaring for all to see becuase I listed restrictions of the JW faith and both you and Galveston treated it like an attack on you personally. A sure sign of irrational loyalty to a religious organisation.
sorry but thats just as empty as the assertions themselves, so where is your powers of reasons? you do exercise them, dont you? you have stated that these things cannot be established Biblically, therefore, where is your evidence.


The Smoke

24 Feb 08
22 Jan 10
3 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry but thats just as empty as the assertions themselves, so where is your powers of reasons? you do exercise them, dont you?
is it just me or has Robbie totally lost it ? this thread started by someone providing a list of alleged JW's rules & bylaws & moral codes & doctrines and whatnot... if that was my religion and it was true, I'd say "yes, that's about right.. I chose to live by and according to them for I believe in them and now sod off" (i.e. I don't think one needs to explain or justify his or her religion/devotion for it being irrational in the first place) if they, in turn, were false, I'd say so and point to a more credible source or refute them, or explain how things really stand and shed more light on the subject, have seen neither from Robbie.. hiding behind some generic and meaningless statements such as 'do you know what God's will is?' is just ridiculous..

while on the subject - people seem to mention God's word or God's will, what about 'free will' then? or are we only allowed to exercise free will within constraints set by God's word?



04 Apr 04
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by Renars
is it just me or has Robbie totally lost it ? this thread started by someone providing a list of alleged JW's rules & bylaws & moral codes & doctrines and whatnot... if that was my religion and it was true, I'd say "yes, that's about right.. I chose to live by and according to them for I believe in them and now sod off" (i.e. I don't think one needs to explai ...[text shortened]... e only allowed to exercise free will [b]within constraints set by God's word?[/b]
Exactly .. those would be a rational responses, and I was hoping for one of those two. Apparently neither of the two JWs in this thread are capable of a rational response.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 10
1 edit

Originally posted by Renars
is it just me or has Robbie totally lost it ? this thread started by someone providing a list of alleged JW's rules & bylaws & moral codes & doctrines and whatnot... if that was my religion and it was true, I'd say "yes, that's about right.. I chose to live by and according to them for I believe in them and now sod off" (i.e. I don't think one needs to explai e only allowed to exercise free will [b]within constraints set by God's word?[/b]
that you are unaware of what out actual stance is with regard to any of these allegations illustrates the point entirely. Gods will has nothing to do with this, it was a mere side point. The opening poster has made an assertion, that these so called codes of conduct whether they are rational/irrationality, our doctrines or not are unsubstantiated in scripture, i want to know how he came to that conclusion, in effect, what evidence he has. if that is ludicrous, then i would like to know why. For the matter is perfectly clear in my mind. he has stated that we are mindless drones, i have consistently stated that we are at liberty to exercise our own consciences, a process which takes reasoning and weighing up principles, the very opposite of what he has asserted. he now has a chance to show that he is a reasoning individual himself, by producing the reasons behind his assertions, if you please, so where are they? i know why i profess certain things, for they are the product of reason, why cant he?

Religion without reason is blind faith, you should learn the difference before making assertions of irrationality!


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
Exactly .. those would be a rational responses, and I was hoping for one of those two. Apparently neither of the two JWs in this thread are capable of a rational response.
a response to what? you were the one making the assertions, where are your reasons if you are a reasoning individual? i have searched the post and cannot find one? where are your reasons?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
So --
'I teach no Bible truths' and
'I have some doctrines straight'

Which is it?
Both cant be right.
You do no teaching at all. And you do state some of our beliefs correctly. Simple enough?


02 Aug 06
22 Jan 10
5 edits

Originally posted by Renars
is it just me or has Robbie totally lost it ? this thread started by someone providing a list of alleged JW's rules & bylaws & moral codes & doctrines and whatnot... if that was my religion and it was true, I'd say "yes, that's about right.. I chose to live by and according to them for I believe in them and now sod off"... if they, in turn, were false, I'd sa we only allowed to exercise free will [b]within constraints set by God's word?[/b
[/b] You are free to choose. You are not always free to change the consequences of your choice.

Gravity is a law. If I am in a 10 story building I may be free to jump out the window. Having jumped, I may try to decide to choose not to fall. But the law of gravity will not allow me to change the consequences of what I chose.

So yes, we in God's creation have a freedom of will. But if we transgress the law of God we may not be free to alter the consequences of our free choice.

Before you object remember, the Bible does not end with the third chapter of Genesis. Adam made a wrong choice. Then there is the unfolding story of how God in His love would not let man go without a plan of salvation.

God knew better than man the consequences of a choice outside of His will. And He went to the uttermost to save man from those ultimate consequences. This is the story of the rest of the Bible. And this is the real meaning of the cross of Calvary where God takes into Himself in the Son, the damage inflicted by man's transgressions.

" Christ has redeemed us out of the curse of the law, having become a curse on our behalf ..." (Gal. 3:13a)

"Who Himself carried up our sins in His body on the tree, in order that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness, by whose bruise you were healed." ( 1 Pet .2:24)

"Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Cor. 5:21)

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
22 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
his name is Raj a ma Taj, cause he is full of it!
I was responding to Badwater. I didn't think he would make the same mistakes as you two.
Of course I know you cant get anyones name right๐Ÿ˜‰