Yet Another JW Thread

Yet Another JW Thread


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04 Apr 04
16 Jan 10
1 edit

141 Things that JWs are not allowed to do. Would be nice if the JWs on the site can verify these.

1.Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing and friendship with 'worldly' people (Christian or not) who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. (Belonging to a professional association is allowed to the extent that it is required for employment. e.g. a teacher, construction worker, or plumber might be required to join professional organizations or a labor union in order to be employed in their chosen field.)
2.Run for leadership in any organization including their own. (Ministers and leaders within the Watchtower organization are appointed. They do not campaign or run for office. The Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is not a democracy. It is a theocracy.) [1]
3.Hold political office
5.Salute the flag
6.Discuss politics
7.Campaign for a political candidate
8.Contribute to the Presidential Campaign Fund on their tax return
9.Join the armed forces
10.Become a police officer
11.Own a gun
12.Have any job that requires them to carry a gun
13.Wear military uniforms or clothing associated with war
14.Take combat training
15.Actively engage in picketing their company if their union is on strike
16.Be a union steward
17.Smoke tobacco, drugs, ...
18.Attend Alcoholics Anonymous
19.Donate blood
20.Accept blood transfusions. See Abstain From Blood
21.Contribute to religious charitable organizations
22.Buy anything from a church store or business that raises revenue for a church or charitable organization
23.Shop at the Salvation Army or a church run thrift store
24.Buy something at a church garage sale
25.Work for another church
26.Work for a charitable religious organization or church run store
27.Work for the Salvation Army
28.Volunteer to work for any charitable or church run organization
29.Donate stuff to a church run store, or charitable organization
30.Play competitive sports in school
31.Run for class president
32.Play competitive sports professionally
33.Attend university and work towards a professional degree. This is a matter of conscience, but Jehovah's Witnesses who pursue 'worldly' knowledge are looked down upon because armageddon is fast approaching. Watch this video about Witnesses who didn't get an education before 1975
34.Join the Boy Scouts
35.Join the Girl Guides
36.Buy Girl Scout cookies (some consider this to be wrong since their children can't join these clubs)
37.Join the YMCA
38.Become a cheerleader
39.Go to the school prom
40.Attend class reunions
41.Go to a party at their neighbor's house if they're not Jehovah's Witnesses
42.Have close friends and activity 'buddies' who are not Jehovah's Witnesses
43.Associate with coworkers after business hours in social settings
44.Attend social functions sponsored by their employer
45.Attend any non Jehovah's Witness social functions
46.Read psychology, philosophy, sociology, and viewpoints that might shake their faith in Watchtower teachings. (This cannot be easily policed, but it is looked down upon and considered 'dangerous' to their faith.)
47.Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from seeking professional psychiatric help for depression or mental illness
48.Attend another church service even if it's a Christian church
49.Attend a wedding held in another church
50.Get married in another church
51.Dating non believers is judged harshly
52.Casual dating
53.Dating someone without the intent of getting married
54.Having sex before marriage
55.Breaking an engagement is judged harshly
56.Marriage to non believers is judged harshly
57.Throw rice at a wedding
58.Get divorced unless the reason is adultery
59.Can't remarry unless their ex commits fornication first
60.Toast drinks
61.Buy a raffle ticket
62.Play bingo
64.Sing any holiday songs
65.Sing the National Anthem
66.Say the pledge of allegiance
67.Believe in ghosts or talk about them. (Jehovah's Witnesses believe the dead are in a unconscious state awaiting a resurrection after armageddon. Therefore communication with ghosts may in fact be communication with evil Satanic spirits.)
68.Celebrate Christmas
69.Celebrate New Years Eve
70.Celebrate Easter
71.Celebrate Mother's Day
72.Celebrate Father's Day
73.Celebrate birthdays
74.Celebrate Thanksgiving
75.Celebrate Flag Day
76.Celebrate Independence Day or any National Holiday
77.Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day
78.Celebrate Valentine's Day
79.Celebrate Halloween
80.Celebrate Hanukkah
81.Celebrate any holiday
82.Make holiday artwork for school
83.Engage in holiday parties at school
84.Say the pledge of allegiance, or sing National Anthems in school
85.Having a family get together or party that happens to fall on a holiday can make some Jehovah's Witnesses uncomfortable. (This is a matter of conscience.)
86.Watch X rated movies or pornography
87.Do suggestive freestyle dancing at nightclubs
88.Go to a gentlemen's club
89.Attend a class, workshop, or seminar, sponsored by another church
90.Attend social events or fund raisers sponsored by another church
91.Use of bad language (curse words) is discouraged
92.Wear blue jeans, shorts, and casual clothing at the Kingdom Hall
93.Wear pants at a Kingdom Hall if you're a woman
94.Wear revealing clothes or skirts that are too short (looked down upon)
95.Wear long hair or facial hair if you're a man (depends on the local customs of the country you live in)
96.Get body piercings
97.Get tattoos
98.Read anything that is contrary to what the Watchtower teaches (This is difficult to police or enforce. However it is considered dangerous to their faith.)
99.Christian freedom is not allowed. They are not free to attend other Christian churches or interpret the Bible according to their own understanding.
100.Tell anyone when they disagree with Watchtower doctrines or the Watchtower's authority
101.Have discussions about Bible based viewpoints that contradict what the Watchtower teaches or to say anything negative about the Watchtower Society. Criticism and complaints about the organization are not allowed
102.Try to change the organization's doctrines or voice feedback on how to make their religion better. This is considered 'running ahead' of God's organization.
103.Persistently question 'the truth' (i.e. the opinions of the Governing Body)
104.Follow their conscience if it conflicts with Watchtower teachings
105.Interpret the Bible without Watchtower publications and imply 'false teachings' within the organization
106.Worship God according to personal beliefs or conscience if this conflicts with Watchtower doctrines
107.Consider other religious beliefs as valid or truthful. All other religions are thought to be false. The Watchtower has said that 'only Jehovah's Witnesses ... have any scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.' See the Watchtower Sept 1 1989
108.Acknowledge any prayer spoken by a non believer as valid
109.Taking another Witness to court is considered shameful and a reproach upon 'Jehovah's organization'.
110.Wear a cross
111.Own a cross
112.Own any religious picture
113.Own any religions statue
114.Idolize any visible representation of God except the organization and the 'slave' (i.e. the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. See the faithful and discreet slave deception.
115.Believe in anything superstitious
116.Believe in good luck or say things such as 'Good luck to you'.
117.Research spiritual information other than what the Society publishes. Once again this is hard to police. However it is considered dangerous to their faith.
118.Independent research on any spiritually related topic is discouraged
119.Engage in occult practices, witchcraft, metaphysics, tarot cards, numerology, dowsing, ouija boards, seances, communicating with departed spirits
120.Consult with a psychic or become one
121.Engage in spiritual healing, energy healing, Reiki, hands on healing
122.Charismatic Christian gifts such prophecy, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, miracles, ...
123.Read their horoscope
124.Study astrology or zodiac signs (even though their founder Charles Taze Russell was very much interested in astrology and the occult. Research early Watchtower publications and Charles Taze Russell online.)
125.Visit websites that expose the truth about the Watchtower publishing company's unscriptural religious doctrines. This is hard to enforce. However it is considered dangerous to their faith.
126.Celebrate any holiday other than the death of Jesus
127.Partake in the bread and wine that represents Christ's body unless they are part of the 144,000 'spiritual Israelites' with the heavenly hope. (All other Witnesses believe they will be resurrected to live on earth and they don't go to heaven when they die. Therefore even though the bread and wine is passed around at one meeting per year, 99% of them do not do not participate in eating the bread and wine.)
128.Worship Jesus as God
129.Independent thinking must be avoided. All Witnesses are required to believe exactly the same things
130.'Run ahead' of the teachings of the organization.
131.Idolize any celebrity or love and admire them to excess
132.Women can't hold a position of authority in the church
133.Divulge secret information to 'enemies' of their organization. See Theocratic Warfare
134.Openly show love and basic human kindness towards people who leave the Watchtower is not permitted, however many Jehovah's Witnesses know that this contradicts the teachings of Jesus, so they secretly disobey Watchtower teachings on hatred. See what the Watchtower says about Hatred of Apostates. Disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be acknowledged or greeted even with a simple 'Hello. How are you?' ( except for limited exceptions ).



04 Apr 04
16 Jan 10
1 edit

135.Tell the truth to people who don't need to know or are 'not entitled to it'. See Theocratic Warfare.
136.Tell the truth in court if it damages the interests of the brotherhood or harms a Witness in good standing. This is a matter of conscience and unspoken for obvious reasons. Jehovah's Witnesses want to be honest but the pressure is strong to protect their brothers and sisters from harm. Watch this video of a Jehovah's Witness Circuit Overseer and Elder denying the existence of a Watchtower publication under oath in court. ( No, this was not in Nazi Germany. It was in an American court room in 2002. )
137.Read any other version of the Bible other than the one published for Jehovah's Witnesses. Once again this is hard to police, enforce, or condemn. It was simply not done when we were Jehovah's Witnesses 30 years ago.
138.Discuss spiritual matters with anyone who leaves the church.
139.Discuss anything with someone who leaves the church unless they are a family member living in the same house. Associating with Jehovah's Witnesses who leave their religion is not allowed. This is a serious matter. It can result in disfellowshipping if someone gets caught and is not 'repent'.
140.Say 'Hello' to friends or family members who leave the church unless it's a family member living in the same house
141.Keep secrets from the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses must report friends and family members who break any of the Watchtower rules.


11 Nov 05
16 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
135.Tell the truth to people who don't need to know or are 'not entitled to it'. See Theocratic Warfare.
136.Tell the truth in court if it damages the interests of the brotherhood or harms a Witness in good standing. This is a matter of conscience and unspoken for obvious reasons. Jehovah's Witnesses want to be honest but the pressure is strong to protect t ...[text shortened]... er rules.
They can't do much. Jailbirds can do more.
A list of what they can do would be shorter.
This is why I call the culters. Restrictions are only one thing with them...


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
16 Jan 10
1 edit

141. Masturbation, oral sex and anal sex are forbidden.

What sort of organisation thinks it can dictate what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting adults?!

"So that's our list of rules for you to join,........oh yeah one more thing, i'm afraid you won't be getting anymore blowjobs for the rest of your life".




04 Apr 04
16 Jan 10

Originally posted by FabianFnas
They can't do much. Jailbirds can do more.
A list of what they can do would be shorter.
This is why I call the culters. Restrictions are only one thing with them...
Can Do List :

1. Obey the instructions of the Watchtower Organisation.



04 Apr 04
16 Jan 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
141. Masturbation, oral sex and anal sex are forbidden.

What sort of organisation thinks it can dictate what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting adults?!

"So that's our list of rules for you to join,........oh yeah one more thing, i'm afraid you won't be getting anymore blowjobs for the rest of your life".

142. Sexual Intercourse is forbidden unless the sole aim is reproduction...



26 Aug 07
17 Jan 10
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
142. Sexual Intercourse is forbidden unless the sole aim is reproduction...

haha, what a bunch of losers with a capital L, look at you, like a bunch of old women gossiping, oh did you hear this, oh did you here that. Get and a life and get over it, we are not you, you are not us, we have our own beliefs and practices, you have yours, we are trying to do Gods will, you are not, in fact, i challenge anyone of you to even tell the forum what the will of God is, that is how much spiritual discernment you people have!


26 Aug 07
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
142. Sexual Intercourse is forbidden unless the sole aim is reproduction...

sexual intercourse is viewed as a loving gift, a form of expressing appreciation for ones marital partner, but a tosser like you wouldn't know that, all you can do is go to some gay website and print a list of does and donts without even trying to engage your mind and ascertain why we would desist from a practice or why we may be inclined to feel that a practice is objectionable, that is well, real dumbass as you can get!!



04 Apr 04
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sexual intercourse is viewed as a loving gift, a form of expressing appreciation for ones marital partner, but a tosser like you wouldn't know that, all you can do is go to some gay website and print a list of does and donts without even trying to engage your mind and ascertain why we would desist from a practice or why we may be inclined to feel that a practice is objectionable, that is well, real dumbass as you can get!!
LOL .. You are a hilarious. Those are real dos and donts for JWs.
Check the website yourself.


26 Aug 07
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
LOL .. You are a hilarious. Those are real dos and donts for JWs.
Check the website yourself.
sorry Raj, i dont need to check websites to tell what the will of God is, i have the Bible and my mind and i can exercise my own conscience. if you need a list of does and donts, well there you go, its just the sort of thing a cyberborg like you could get used to.


02 Jan 06
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
LOL .. You are a hilarious. Those are real dos and donts for JWs.
Check the website yourself.
So do you have a list of do's and do nots?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by Rajk999
141 Things that JWs are not allowed to do. Would be nice if the JWs on the site can verify these.

1.Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing and friendship with 'worldly' people (Christian or not) who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. (Belonging to a professional association is allowed to the extent that it is required for employme ...[text shortened]... except for limited exceptions ).
Thow rice at a wedding!! Lol! Thats king!!

Well done rajk. thats a great list. I'm waiting for some refutations.
Cause if you can attend a wedding and drink alcohol but not throw rice, in my way of thinking, thats nuts.


11 Nov 05
17 Jan 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry Raj, i dont need to check websites to tell what the will of God is, i have the Bible and my mind and i can exercise my own conscience. if you need a list of does and donts, well there you go, its just the sort of thing a cyberborg like you could get used to.
Robbie has suddenly became an ex JW culter. 😀

07 Jan 08
17 Jan 10

I'm not sure what's up with the curious JW stalking, but...

I think you'd find a lot of these don'ts on lists for a lot of other Christian denominations. It's hardly unique to the Jehovah's Witnesses.


26 Aug 07
17 Jan 10

Originally posted by Badwater
I'm not sure what's up with the curious JW stalking, but...

I think you'd find a lot of these don'ts on lists for a lot of other Christian denominations. It's hardly unique to the Jehovah's Witnesses.
yes they seem obsessed dont they, i wonder why? are their lives so devoid of anything else?