"What would the world look like if all people..."


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Feb 14
1 edit

"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

"I am interested in how atheists would see the world if there was no mention of any God or gods? Would it be possible? Is it your opinion the world would be a better place? If so, in what way? What would you speak against then? Things are not always as they appear; it's a matter of perception. The eyes can only see what the mind has, is, or will be prepared to comprehend. I am Lion, hear me ROAR! Meow." http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9514

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
"What would you speak against then?"

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"What would you speak against then?"
I don't know, I haven't been to Sweden, nor asked them what they talk about. I do believe it is a better place to live than most religious countries.
I do know someone who visited there over Christmas and she said they celebrated Christmas a day earlier than we do here in Africa, and had no idea it had any connection to Jesus.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

"I am interested in how atheists would see the world if there was no mention of any God or gods? Would it be possible? Is it your opinion the world would be a better place? If so, in what way? What would you speak against then? Things are not always as they appear; it's a matter of ...[text shortened]... I am Lion, hear me ROAR! Meow." http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9514[/b]
It would, perhaps, resemble the world seen through the eyes of John Lennon as described in the song Imagine.

Thanks for the book idea. It could be about an alternate Earth where Christianity (as well as Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, in fact ALL religions) was snuffed out early by a planet full of people who simply did not believe in any gods and actively acted to silence people who tried to bring religion in. And then one day someone found the simple cup of a carpenter in a cave full of religious relics high in the Pyrenees...

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"What would you speak against then?"
I imagine (heh) that people would speak out against evil, wherever they found it. No dictators, no tyrants, no conquerors. Imagine that.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Feb 14
1 edit

Originally posted by twhitehead
I don't know, I haven't been to Sweden, nor asked them what they talk about. I do believe it is a better place to live than most religious countries.
I do know someone who visited there over Christmas and she said they celebrated Christmas a day earlier than we do here in Africa, and had no idea it had any connection to Jesus.
Maybe you will be able to move there and enjoy once you retire. Just don't come to the USA.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

"I am interested in how atheists would see the world if there was no mention of any God or gods? Would it be possible? Is it your opinion the world would be a better place? If so, in what way? What would you speak against then? Things are not always as they appear; it's a matter of ...[text shortened]... I am Lion, hear me ROAR! Meow." http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9514[/b]
Well, I'm not an atheist, but, based on what I hear from atheist, I would imagine that they would be living in paradise. They would live forever because they would have access to the tree of life, and there would be no god to kill them or kill each other over.

29 Dec 08
15 Feb 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

"I am interested in how atheists would see the world if there was no mention of any God or gods? Would it be possible? Is it your opinion the world would be a better place? If so, in what way? What would you speak against then? Things are not always as they appear; it's a matter of ...[text shortened]... I am Lion, hear me ROAR! Meow." http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9514[/b]
"... no mention of any God or gods?"

A regime that accomplished complete abolition of religious speech wouldn't stop at that. It would be far better for the welfare of both theists and non-theists, to seek to prevent totalitarian government, including theocracy, from taking hold.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
I imagine (heh) that people would speak out against evil, wherever they found it. No dictators, no tyrants, no conquerors. Imagine that.
No need to imagine it. Just go to Sweden.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by josephw
Well, I'm not an atheist, but, based on what I hear from atheist, I would imagine that they would be living in paradise. They would live forever because they would have access to the tree of life, and there would be no god to kill them or kill each other over.
Stop lying, you did not hear that from atheists, you made it up.


08 Jun 07
15 Feb 14
1 edit

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
15 Feb 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"What would the world look like if all people were atheists?"

"I am interested in how atheists would see the world if there was no mention of any God or gods? Would it be possible? Is it your opinion the world would be a better place? If so, in what way? What would you speak against then? Things are not always as they appear; it's a matter of ...[text shortened]... I am Lion, hear me ROAR! Meow." http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9514[/b]
I would imagine humans having no religious wars. I imagine there would still be wars, there are asssholes in every level of society and atheists can be just as much of an assshole as any religious right wing nutter. That is to say, the wars engendered in such cases would be over real issues, land, resources, something you can point to and say, THIS is the cause of such and such war.

You can't do that with religious wars. Those wars are over concepts that are forever out of reach of reason.

That said, when people get more civilized I think atheistic societies will advance towards peace much more easily than the religious BS going on today.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Feb 14

"The 8 best countries to be an atheist" (August 29, 2012)

"In many places around the world, this is an unprecedented era of freedom and social acceptance for non-believers. AMANDA MARCOTTE, ALTERNET. A lot of non-believer writers and activists focus, rightly, on the continuing lack of acceptance in many societies and nations of those who profess no belief in religion. Keeping an eye on what’s not working is the first step toward making improvements. Still, in many places around the world, this is an unprecedented era for non-believers of freedom and social acceptance. In the spirit of celebrating the amount of progress secularism has made around the world, here’s a list of eight of the best countries in which to be a non-believer.

1) Czech Republic. Many former communist nations saw their populations eagerly run back to the forbidden religions as soon as they were free to do so, demonstrating that the least effective way to spread atheism around is by mandate. The Czech Republic hasn’t seen any such return to religion, however; only 21% of its citizens consider religion an important part of their daily lives. They seem to be hanging on to secularism for roughly the same reason that they do pretty well in international sports competitions. Unlike most Eastern European nations, the Czech Republic rates high on the United Nation’s Human Development Report. It hasn’t been riddled by the corruption and authoritarian attitudes that dominate other former communist nations, such as Russia. A mountain of evidence demonstrates that stable, egalitarian economies correlate strongly with higher rates of atheism. It seems that the government’s demonstration of faith in its people and commitment to their well-being has gone a long way towards keeping the citizens from rekindling religious faith, whereas in places like Russia, where citizens are more desperate, looking to God for answers perhaps becomes more appealing.

2) Sweden & 3) Denmark. It might not seem immediately obvious why high numbers of non-believers in a country would make life better for atheists, but the examples of Sweden and Denmark show why this is true. When non-belief or even outright atheism is widespread, atheists can go about their lives free from the fear that their lack of belief will cause people to mistrust, hate, or even discriminate against them. These two countries, in which only 17% and 18%, respectively, of the population consider religion important, have become icons of secularist values to the rest of the world. Phil Zuckerman, a sociologist from Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif., spent a little more than a year talking to citizens to find out why. He discovered that your average Danish or Swedish citizen simply doesn’t think much about religion; in these two cultures, religion has largely been relegated to a ceremonial role. For the typical atheist who likes to have a Christmas tree without the burden of having to believe in the Virgin Birth, the Danish and Swedish attitude towards religion should fit like a cozy sweater. 4) Austria; 5) France; 6) Norway; 7) Australia; 8) Japan."


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Feb 14
3 edits

"People Statistics > Divorces per 100 marriages (most recent) by country"

DEFINITION: Number of divorces per 100 marriages. Data for 2000.

"# 1 Belgium: 59.8 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 2) Sweden: 53.9 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 3) Czech Republic: 53.7 divorces per 100 marriage

# 4 Finland: 53.2 divorces per 100 marriage

# 5 Hungary: 49.9 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 6) Austria: 49.8 divorces per 100 marriage

# 7 Luxembourg: 48 divorces per 100 marriage

# 8 New Zealand: 47.1 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 9) Australia: 46 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 10) Norway: 39.7 divorces per 100 marriage

# 11 Netherlands: 39.3 divorces per 100 marriage

(# 12) Denmark: 37.5 divorces per 100 marriage"


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