Tales From The Apocrypha

Tales From The Apocrypha


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04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
Are you revising your false gospel *again?*

Here is a direct quote from you on page 3 of the “Does This False Gospel Make Sense?” thread.

<<Jesus wants good works and righteousness
The reward - eternal life
Who gets it - ALL MEN who keep the commandments
Who is cast out - Sinners and crooks
Makes no difference whether you have faith or not
Makes no difference w ...[text shortened]... lse, but you just ignore them and keep repeating the same things over and over like a broken record.
If you read what I wrote carefully you would see that these are claims made by Chrstians that -
you have faith
you have the Holy Spirit
you are born again

Your claims to have these things do not make it so. These are your personal feelings that you have these things. In the end Jesus decides what you actually do have and many Christians who made these claims are liars and deceivers., and Jesus said he is judging by your works and keeping of the commandments

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You really lack understand and reading comprehension skills.
Yep, and there it is - your standard modus operandi:

When your false gospel is busted, change the subject.

If changing the subject doesn’t work, start with the insults.

You ignore Jesus’ words. You attack Christians. You spread a false gospel that drives people away from God.

You’ve got a lot to answer for, amigo.

And boasting to Jesus about how you brushed some snow off your neighbors’ car five years ago ain’t gonna cut it.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
Yep, and there it is - your standard modus operandi:

When your false gospel is busted, change the subject.

If changing the subject doesn’t work, start with the insults.

You ignore Jesus’ words. You attack Christians. You spread a false gospel that drives people away from God.

You’ve got a lot to answer for, amigo.

And boasting to Jesus about how you brushed some snow off your neighbors’ car five years ago ain’t gonna cut it.
You are a sick and deluded man.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
If you read what I wrote carefully you would see that these are claims made by Chrstians that -
you have faith
you have the Holy Spirit
you are born again

Your claims to have these things do not make it so. These are your personal feelings that you have these things. In the end Jesus decides what you actually do have and many Christians who made these claims are liars and deceivers., and Jesus said he is judging by your works and keeping of the commandments
<<Your claims to have these things do not make it so. These are your personal feelings that you have these things. In the end Jesus decides what you actually do have and many Christians who made these claims are liars and deceivers., and Jesus said he is judging by your works and keeping of the commandments>>

You’re just dead wrong, amigo.

People can *know* they’re saved and destined for an eternity with God in Heaven before they die. The Apostle Paul said it. Jesus said it. It’s throughout the Holy Bible.

Your claim that we find out if we’re saved after we die is flat-out false.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You are a sick and deluded man.
Sounds like psychological projection to me, amigo.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21
1 edit

@pb1022 said
<<Your claims to have these things do not make it so. These are your personal feelings that you have these things. In the end Jesus decides what you actually do have and many Christians who made these claims are liars and deceivers., and Jesus said he is judging by your works and keeping of the commandments>>

You’re just dead wrong, amigo.

People can *know* they’re saved ...[text shortened]... ughout the Holy Bible.

Your claim that we find out if we’re saved after we die is flat-out false.
Its called the Great Delusion. A bunch of fake Chrsitians claiming to have the Holy Spirit, and that they are saved and justified and born again, and living in sin, greed and selfishness. Proof that a man has the Holy Spirit is that his life is fashioned after Christ and lives like Christ, a doctrine you dont believe neither preach.

Paul also said that he has to be careful because if he is not he will not inherit the Kingdom of God. That sentiment applies to all Christians. Clearly you think you are above the commandments and there is no need for you to keep them. This teaching is not in the writings of the Apostles.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
Its called the Great Delusion. A bunch of fake Chrsitians claiming to have the Holy Spirit, and that they are saved and justified and born again, and living in sin, greed and selfishness. Proof that a man has the Holy Spirit is that his life is fashioned after Christ and lives like Christ, a doctrine you dont believe neither preach.

Paul also said that he has to be care ...[text shortened]... ts and there is no need for you to keep them. This teaching is not in the writings of the Apostles.
You make plenty of assumptions claiming to know what is inside the hearts of people you don't know and have never met. It has been pointed out to you it doesn't matter what you think about me or anyone else; scripture teaches us we either have the Spirit of God in us sent by the Father in Jesus Christ's name, or we do not belong to Him. So your doctrine isn't about how you view people; it is how you are at odds with scripture, including words spoken by Jesus Himself.

John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:9
You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
Its called the Great Delusion. A bunch of fake Chrsitians claiming to have the Holy Spirit, and that they are saved and justified and born again, and living in sin, greed and selfishness. Proof that a man has the Holy Spirit is that his life is fashioned after Christ and lives like Christ, a doctrine you dont believe neither preach.

Paul also said that he has to be care ...[text shortened]... ts and there is no need for you to keep them. This teaching is not in the writings of the Apostles.
<<Proof that a man has the Holy Spirit is that his life is fashioned after Christ and lives like Christ, a doctrine you dont believe neither preach.>>

Actually, evidence that a man (or woman) has God’s Holy Spirit is in their bearing the fruit of the Spirit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

(Galatians 5:22-23)

It’s from keeping in step with the Spirit and bearing the fruit of the Spirit that good works and keeping the commandments (to the best of one’s ability) flow.

You focus on outward behavior. God focuses on the heart.

<<Clearly you think you are above the commandments and there is no need for you to keep them. This teaching is not in the writings of the Apostles.>>

We’re no longer under the Law.

“But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:”

(Galatians 3:11-13)

“But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”

(Galatians 3:23-26)

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

(Romans 8:15-16)



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21
1 edit

@kellyjay said
You make plenty of assumptions claiming to know what is inside the hearts of people you don't know and have never met. It has been pointed out to you it doesn't matter what you think about me or anyone else; scripture teaches us we either have the Spirit of God in us sent by the Father in Jesus Christ's name, or we do not belong to Him. So your doctrine isn't about how you v ...[text shortened]... e Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
You are the one making plenty assumptions claiming to know what is inside the hearts of people. You think Christians alone have good hearts and non Christians have evil hearts and will burn in hell for eternity. That is a sick and deluded doctrine and only fools follow that doctrine.

Proof that someone has the Spirit of God is their actions. I dont know peoples actions like you keep saying. Actions are the proof. Actions are good works and righteousness. Those who DO have Gods Spirit. Those who DONT DO have nothing but talk. Jesus knows. I dont know and neither do you.

You are the fool that claims only Christians have Gods Spirit.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
<<Proof that a man has the Holy Spirit is that his life is fashioned after Christ and lives like Christ, a doctrine you dont believe neither preach.>>

Actually, evidence that a man (or woman) has God’s Holy Spirit is in their bearing the fruit of the Spirit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, tempera ...[text shortened]... Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

(Romans 8:15-16)
Bull ... Paul said MANY TIMES to born again Christian Saints

failure to live righteously means NO INHERITNACE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

The doctrine that all Christians sins are forgiven and they are guaranteed to be in the Kingdom of God is utter nonsense.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
Bull ... Paul said MANY TIMES to born again Christian Saints

failure to live righteously means NO INHERITNACE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

The doctrine that all Christians sins are forgiven and they are guaranteed to be in the Kingdom of God is utter nonsense.
People don’t do good works and keep the commandments (to the best of their ability) to become saved - they do them because they *are saved* and have received God’s Holy Spirit, which transforms them from the inside out and makes them a new creation.

You consistently ignore (or fail to understand) the role and power of God’s Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. All you look at is outward behavior. You don’t look at the source of that behavior.

What Paul was speaking about in that verse you always cite is someone who continues to live a life of sin. That’s evidence they’re not saved. But no Christian is expected to live a perfectly sinless life after they accept Jesus Christ (as I believe you once claimed) - nor is that even possible.

And it amazes me that you don’t think all of a Christian’s sins are forgiven and that you don’t think people can know they’re saved while they’re on earth. Jesus Christ and His disciples (later Apostles) said they could.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
People don’t do good works and keep the commandments (to the best of their ability) to become saved - they do them because they *are saved* and have received God’s Holy Spirit, which transforms them from the inside out and makes them a new creation.

You consistently ignore (or fail to understand) the role and power of God’s Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. All you look at ...[text shortened]... ey’re saved while they’re on earth. Jesus Christ and His disciples (later Apostles) said they could.
You are tripping up yourself. I am telling you about

Eternal life in the Kingdom of God

You keep talking about 'saved'.
Holy Spirit
God working in Christians
Blah blah blah ...

In the end on judgment day regardless of what you think you have



Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You are the one making plenty assumptions claiming to know what is inside the hearts of people. You think Christians alone have good hearts and non Christians have evil hearts and will burn in hell for eternity. That is a sick and deluded doctrine and only fools follow that doctrine.

Proof that someone has the Spirit of God is their actions. I dont know peoples actions l ...[text shortened]... s. I dont know and neither do you.

You are the fool that claims only Christians have Gods Spirit.
I realize this post wasn’t addressed to me, but I’m offering my thoughts on it anyway.

I think people who aren’t Christians have good hearts. But a good heart isn’t what gets someone into Heaven. Forgiven sins are. A good quote I read a while back sums it up: “Good people aren’t in Heaven. Forgiven sinners are.”

How do you think someone receives God’s Holy Spirit? Isn’t it by accepting and believing in Jesus Christ? Because that’s what makes someone a Christian.

And yes, a Christian who has God’s Holy Spirit will do good works and keep the commandments to the best of their ability. They will be a new creation. But that’s the work of the Spirit, not self effort.

Your false doctrine not only ignores Jesus Christ in a believer’s life on earth, it ignores the Holy Spirit as well. And it ignores that God can and does help His children while they’re on earth.

From what I’ve read, your false doctrine only acknowledges what Jesus did 2,000 years ago and what He does after someone dies. In your false doctrine, Jesus Christ is completely absent in a believer’s life on earth.

And you never speak of the Holy Spirit and acknowledge that good works and keeping the commandments (to the best of one’s ability) are a result of the Holy Spirit changing someone’s heart.

With you, it’s just self effort and self righteousness. Your doctrine is not only false, it’s repulsive because it’s focused entirely on self and not on Christ.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You are tripping up yourself. I am telling you about

Eternal life in the Kingdom of God

You keep talking about 'saved'.
Holy Spirit
God working in Christians
Blah blah blah ...

In the end on judgment day regardless of what you think you have


Someone who’s genuinely saved will not continue to live a life of sin. That’s what Paul is talking about.

No one expects a Christian to live a perfectly sinless life after they accept and believe in Jesus Christ (as I believe you once claimed.) Even the Apostle Paul couldn’t do it. Read Romans 7.

And your continual insults reveal the hate in your heart. You seem like a hateful person, and (imo) it’s because your doctrine is focused entirely on yourself and not on Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ said the two greatest commandments are to love God and love your neighbor.

Someone who spews as much hate as you do in this forum isn’t loving anyone in real life. Your heart’s the same, whether you’re online or offline.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
Someone who’s genuinely saved will not continue to live a life of sin. That’s what Paul is talking about.

No one expects a Christian to live a perfectly sinless life after they accept and believe in Jesus Christ (as I believe you once claimed.) Even the Apostle Paul couldn’t do it. Read Romans 7.

And your continual insults reveal the hate in your heart. You seem like a h ...[text shortened]... his forum isn’t loving anyone in real life. Your heart’s the same, whether you’re online or offline.
Disagreeing with your nonsense is not spewing hate.
You really are this Romans 1009 joker who disappeared a couple years ago.
Who will you resurrect as next few years ?