Tales From The Apocrypha

Tales From The Apocrypha


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04 Apr 04
07 Dec 21

@pb1022 said

One more:

If good works and keeping the commandments are all that matter, why bring up Jesus Christ at all? How is he relevant in your doctrine?
You cannot read. I posted what Jesus did and will do

Here is what the bible says
Jesus died for the whole world, therefore
Jesus saves
Jesus justifies
Jesus forgives
Jesus gives eternal life
To all those who keep the commandments

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
07 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You cannot read. I posted what Jesus did and will do

Here is what the bible says
Jesus died for the whole world, therefore
Jesus saves
Jesus justifies
Jesus forgives
Jesus gives eternal life
To all those who keep the commandments
Right. But how is that relevant to someone living today?

All they have to do, in your opinion, is do good works and keep the commandments.

Why bring up what Jesus did 2,000 years ago or what He will do after they die? In your doctrine, neither makes any difference to someone living today.

Just preach good works and keep the commandments. Your doctrine makes Jesus irrelevant to someone alive today.

And how does one receive the Holy Spirit in your doctrine?



04 Apr 04
10 Dec 21
1 edit

The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ chap 1

THE following accounts we found in the book of Joseph the high-priest, called by some Caiaphas 2 He relates, that Jesus spake even when he was in the cradle, and said to his mother: 3 Mary, I am Jesus the Son of God, that word which thou didst bring forth according to the declaration of the angel Gabriel to thee, and my father hath sent me for the salvation of the world 4 ¶ In the three hundred and ninth year of the æra of Alexander, Augustus published a decree that all persons should go to be taxed in their own country 5 Joseph therefore arose, and with Mary his spouse he went to Jerusalem, and then came to Bethlehem, that he and his family might be taxed in the city of his fathers 6 And when they came by the cave, Mary confessed to Joseph that her time of bringing forth was come, and she could not go on to the city, and said, Let us go into this cave 7 At that time the sun was very near going down 8 But Joseph hastened away, that he might fetch her a midwife; and when he saw an old Hebrew woman who was of Jerusalem, he said to her, Pray come hither, good woman, and go into that cave, and you will there see a woman just ready to bring forth 9 It was after sunset, when the old woman and Joseph with her reached the cave, and they both went into it 10 And behold, it was all filled with lights, greater than the light of lamps and candles, and greater than the light of the sun itself 11 The infant was then wrapped up in swaddling clothes, and sucking the breasts of his mother St. Mary.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21


Good grief. You’ve really gone off the deep end.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said

Good grief. You’ve really gone off the deep end.
Care to explain why you say that?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
Care to explain why you say that?
Because you ignore Jesus’ own words and post from sources determined not to be credible?



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
Because you ignore Jesus’ own words and post from sources determined not to be credible?
Someone who knows what he is speaking of would have said exactly what words of Jesus I am ignoring and what who determined that these sources are not credible. Seems to me you are just a church follower without the ability to think for yourself.

I started browsing through these books about 30 yrs ago and they provide a wealth of background information that fits in perfectly with the KJV account. More information about the events of those days is a plus for most people. For you however because you have gone ahead and made hard and fast doctrinal conclusions based on incomplete information you are like a fish without water whn the truth comes out,.

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25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
Someone who knows what he is speaking of would have said exactly what words of Jesus I am ignoring and what who determined that these sources are not credible. Seems to me you are just a church follower without the ability to think for yourself.

I started browsing through these books about 30 yrs ago and they provide a wealth of background information that fits in perfec ...[text shortened]... clusions based on incomplete information you are like a fish without water whn the truth comes out,.
<<Someone who knows what he is speaking of would have said exactly what words of Jesus I am ignoring >>

I posted them before, but here they are again:

“And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

(John 6:40)

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.“

(John 3:3-7)

As to your other point, why do you think those sources were not included in the Holy Bible?

More information is not a plus when that information is not credible.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21
1 edit

@pb1022 said
<<Someone who knows what he is speaking of would have said exactly what words of Jesus I am ignoring >>

I posted them before, but here they are again:

“And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

(John 6:40)

“Jesus answered and said unto him, ...[text shortened]... included in the Holy Bible?

More information is not a plus when that information is not credible.
You remind me a lot of this guy who disappeared now, Romans1009. Same kind of haphazard posting, a lot of disjointed writing, slavish dependency on these very same church doctrines you posting over and over, the result of cult indoctrination, which he subsequently admitted to.

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25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You remind me a lot of this guy who disappeared now, Romans1009. Same kind of haphazard posting, a lot of disjointed writing, slavish dependency on church doctrines, the result of cult indoctrination, which he subsequently admitted to.
And you’re still ignoring those words from Jesus Christ and attempting a diversion and distraction.

You said someone didn’t have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus said they do.

You mock those who say salvation is based on belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said he gives everlasting life to those who believe on him.

Why do you ignore those words of Jesus Christ?

You asked me to cite the words of Jesus Christ that you ignore and I did (and I could cite more.)

And now you’re trying to change the subject.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21


What do you think Jesus meant in the last verse of this passage?

“And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

(John 20:26-29)

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21


How about these words of Jesus? Don’t you ignore these words also?

“And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”

(John 8:23-24)



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
And you’re still ignoring those words from Jesus Christ and attempting a diversion and distraction.

You said someone didn’t have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus said they do.

You mock those who say salvation is based on belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said he gives everlasting life to those who believe on him.

Why do you ignore those words of ...[text shortened]... t that you ignore and I did (and I could cite more.)

And now you’re trying to change the subject.
You have a quote where I said this ?

... someone didn’t have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.

Please quote it. Thanks

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
11 Dec 21

@rajk999 said
You have a quote where I said this ?

... someone didn’t have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.

Please quote it. Thanks
Are you revising your false gospel *again?*

Here is a direct quote from you on page 3 of the “Does This False Gospel Make Sense?” thread.

<<Jesus wants good works and righteousness
The reward - eternal life
Who gets it - ALL MEN who keep the commandments
Who is cast out - Sinners and crooks
Makes no difference whether you have faith or not
Makes no difference whether you had the Holy Spirit
Makes no difference whether you are born again
Faith without works is dead, DEAD
Can faith save a man? NO>>

The reason you contradict yourself and change your position so often is because your gospel is false.

I could cite (and have cited) numerous verses and passages that prove what you’re saying is false, but you just ignore them and keep repeating the same things over and over like a broken record.



04 Apr 04
11 Dec 21

@pb1022 said
Are you revising your false gospel *again?*

Here is a direct quote from you on page 3 of the “Does This False Gospel Make Sense?” thread.

<<Jesus wants good works and righteousness
The reward - eternal life
Who gets it - ALL MEN who keep the commandments
Who is cast out - Sinners and crooks
Makes no difference whether you have faith or not
Makes no difference w ...[text shortened]... lse, but you just ignore them and keep repeating the same things over and over like a broken record.
You really lack understand and reading comprehension skills.