Spectators in Hell

Spectators in Hell


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 May 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Indeed its been my observation that many theists are in fact incapable of thinking rationally about the scriptures because of adherence to extra biblical doctrines or some other religious bias.
And then there are those, like you and a certain person who has recently come 'back' to the forum, who treat the Bible as their God. They worship the Bible, not God.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
15 May 15
1 edit

Originally posted by checkbaiter
To understand why God killed people in the Old Testament (Genocide), go here...


Anyone who rejects the Lord Jesus after He suffered and died for your sins, deserves to go to hell. If you think you are innocent of any wrong doing, then blame Satan for your dilemma.
I have no problem with hell, but I do not believe it will be eternal suffering.
Bravo, finally, someone else who 'gets' it.

(Disclaimer: I'm only going by what you wrote in this post. It's altogether possible (and probable) that we disagree on other points.)

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
15 May 15

Originally posted by Proper Knob
What an extraordinary claim, you have 'no problem' with a place in which fellow human beings will face torture and suffering. What a heinous and vile mindset your 'faith' has led you to.
Actually death will be rather quick.


04 Feb 05
15 May 15

Originally posted by checkbaiter
To understand why God killed people in the Old Testament (Genocide), go here...


Anyone who rejects the Lord Jesus after He suffered and died for your sins, deserves to go to hell. If you think you are innocent of any wrong doing, then blame Satan for your dilemma.
I have no problem with hell, but I do not believe it will be eternal suffering.
bwahahaha, the dude is actually saying that tall people are not natural, and it is right to kill them.
it is unbelievable what a huge pile of nonsense he was able to spew,
nevermind that, crazy people say crazy things all the time.

is he saying that it was morally right to kill all those people with the flood because they (not noah) were nephilim, children of angels and humans, and thus fuk'em? i didn't fully understand his point because he kept getting distracted by shiny things, he went into saying how genetic modification is bad.


04 Feb 05
15 May 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
So, because you do not have the wisdom of God, you call him an "ashole". (previous post)

Did you ever think to ASK God what's the deal with killing the Canaanites? Oh, wait, he's not likely to talk to any blasphemers, right. I'm so glad that YOU "get" the full picture, since not many Christians do, and some of them actually get pissed off about it, bec ...[text shortened]... of us are. How can you dare to "call him out"? It's vanity. And yep, there's a sin for that.
"Did you ever think to ASK God what's the deal with killing the Canaanites?"
i did. "hey, god, if the story of the canaanite genocide is nonsense, say nothing"
"hey god, if the story of the flood is nonsense and you didn't plant all the evidence disproving it, say nothing"

"What you miss is that a sizable portion of Canaanites were left alive and they intermarried with the Israelites"
yes, even the psycho writing the text thought that a whole nation of murderers was too much so he toned down the slasher movie script a little.


04 Feb 05
15 May 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
So, because you do not have the wisdom of God, you call him an "ashole". (previous post)

Did you ever think to ASK God what's the deal with killing the Canaanites? Oh, wait, he's not likely to talk to any blasphemers, right. I'm so glad that YOU "get" the full picture, since not many Christians do, and some of them actually get pissed off about it, bec ...[text shortened]... of us are. How can you dare to "call him out"? It's vanity. And yep, there's a sin for that.
"So why believe in a God at all?"
this would need a complex answer.

"You blaspheme him day in and day out anyways,"
ha! no, dear. i "blaspheme" the monster depicted in the bible, the monster you worship. i placed the quotes because it is really not blaspheming when you point out how ridiculous a fictional character is.

your god is no more real than Jason Vorhees but he has a much larger body count.


02 Jan 06
15 May 15
6 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
What I think some symbolism is or isn't, is irrelevant. I don't care what they represent, but they are not literal in my opinion.

You are, I think, deliberately missing the point, which is that the important topic here is that you and the other Christians in this forum believe that burning in hell for eternity is a literal and righteous punishment f ...[text shortened]... of us think that you are morally reprehensible for accepting that punishment as begin righteous.
Ok, so if the Bible is talking about a literal hell and punishment forever, it would be enough for you to ditch your faith?

When I came to Jesus I surrendered all of me. That meant that I may not understand all there was to know and that I don't know why God allowed me to suffer various trials in life etc. It means that I will let God be God and pray to better understand the realities around me while trusting that, in the end, he is benevolent and just.

I'm guessing whatever Jesus was trying to save us from was worthy of coming to earth, being torchered, and dying on a cross. I'm guessing that since such horrific pain was temporal, he was trying to save us from eternal pain/punishment.

What am I missing here?

As it stands, his disciples went down the same road as their Master. They endured hardship and eventually death for their faith.

If they were not fighting to help others escape eternal suffering, as well as themselves, what on earth is the gospel all about?


16 Feb 08
16 May 15
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
Ok, so if the Bible is talking about a literal hell and punishment forever, it would be enough for you to ditch your faith?

When I came to Jesus I surrendered all of me. That meant that I may not understand all there was to know and that I don't know why God allowed me to suffer various trials in life etc. It means that I will let God be God and pray to ...[text shortened]... p others escape eternal suffering, as well as themselves, what on earth is the gospel all about?
It is hard work talking to you! You are shifting the point again.

I'm not talking about what happened when you came to Jesus, nor am I talking about what happened to the disciples, or to Christ himself. I'm talking about you and others accepting the torture and burning of billions of people for ETERNITY as being an appropriate and righteous response to rejecting Christ.

The God I believe in would simply not do that, so I wholeheartedly reject it.


02 Jan 06
16 May 15

Originally posted by divegeester
It is hard work talking to you! You are shifting the point again.

I'm not talking about what happened when you came to Jesus, nor am I talking about what happened to the disciples, or to Christ himself. I'm talking about you and others accepting the torture and burning of billions of people for ETERNITY as being an appropriate and righteous response ...[text shortened]... jecting Christ.

The God I believe in would simply not do that, so I wholeheartedly reject it.
Who am I to judge? I'm not. I'm merely pointing out that I believe that there is a judge, and that would be God. How God handles the various people who reject Christianity and so forth is entirely up to him, not me.

Now I assume that you don't believe that God is a judge, or if he is a judge, his judgments would never punish anyone or anything for an eternity. I would never make that assumption, especially in light of scripture that says otherwise.


16 Feb 08
16 May 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
Look, I don't know what 'version' of English you profess, but yes, I did answer your question.

It's this kind of badgering that prevents people answering questions in this forum at all. Did you ever think of that?
Why is it when you attack someone here you see yourself as a sort of defender of the faith, and yet when I simply question you about something I'm "badgering" you?


16 Feb 08
16 May 15
4 edits

Originally posted by checkbaiter
Anyone who rejects the Lord Jesus after He suffered and died for your sins, deserves to go to hell.
Why? I think you are doctrinally off piste here, not to mention morally unsound.

Doctrinally we all deserve hell (whatever that actually is) anyway. From birth we are lost. Rejecting Christ makes us no worse than we were before we had heard of him. This is our position,we are lost.

Morally, I guess it depends on what "hell" is. If I am lost from birth then I am lost, but it's hardly my fault if I was born that way is it? And then what, not only am I born into a situation I cannot change myself, if I lack the faith and reject an offer of salvation, not only do I lose that salvation but I'm also punished in hell for it by the very person who says they love me.

Let me ask you, if your child rejected you, would you send them to hell?


16 Feb 08
16 May 15

Originally posted by whodey
Who am I to judge? I'm not. I'm merely pointing out that I believe that there is a judge, and that would be God. How God handles the various people who reject Christianity and so forth is entirely up to him, not me.

Now I assume that you don't believe that God is a judge, or if he is a judge, his judgments would never punish anyone or anything for an et ...[text shortened]... nity. I would never make that assumption, especially in light of scripture that says otherwise.
In holding the view that God burns you for eternity for rejecting him, you paint God to world as a monster and cause people to reject him. God has given me a brain and I'm going to use it, you can choose to abdicate reason, justice and your moral core if you want to but I won't.


02 Jan 06
16 May 15

Originally posted by divegeester
In holding the view that God burns you for eternity for rejecting him, you paint God to world as a monster and cause people to reject him. God has given me a brain and I'm going to use it, you can choose to abdicate reason, justice and your moral core if you want to but I won't.
Who said anything about that?

The question is, does God send people to eternal punishment and not that he sends everyone there who reject him.

Again, I'm not the judge here and neither are you. The question being asked is, does the judge have a place of eternal torment and is it justifiable for some?


16 Feb 08
16 May 15

Originally posted by whodey
The question is, does God send people to eternal punishment and not that he sends everyone there who reject him.
........The question being asked is, does the judge have a place of eternal torment and is it justifiable for some?

I'm not clear what you are asking. Or not asking...


16 Feb 08
16 May 15
4 edits

Originally posted by whodey
Who said anything about that?

The question is, does God send people to eternal punishment and not that he sends everyone there who reject him.

Again, I'm not the judge here and neither are you. The question being asked is, does the judge have a place of eternal torment and is it justifiable for some?
You believe that there is a created place called hell which God maintains in readiness for those who reject him. In this place these lost people will be tormented and burned for eternity. Correct?

I reject this horrendous notion as being worse than any and all of the collective crimes of all mankind since the dawn of time.


Edit: I reject this for sound moral reasons. I don't reject Christ. But if like the oaf Hinds says, I deserve to go to this place of hell for holding this view, then God help us all!