Should Marauder Leave?

Should Marauder Leave?


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11 May 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by zakkwylder
What a guy you are. I'll only be thanking you when you leave. Don't you have suicide to commit?
Don't you have a rock to crawl under?

Oh wait, that's too high for you. First you have to put people beneath you...

Mouth for war

Burlington, KY

10 Jan 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
Don't you have a rock to crawl under?

Oh wait, that's too high for you. First you have to put people beneath you...
Who are you to talk chump? So far you've gotten more people who want you to leave then no1. Take the hint and go. Don't let the door hit you in your face on the way out.



11 May 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by zakkwylder
Who are you to talk chump? So far you've gotten more people who want you to leave then no1. Take the hint and go. Don't let the door hit you in your face on the way out.
Quack Quack Quack, it's people like you who make me realize how pointless the arguments are.

Mouth for war

Burlington, KY

10 Jan 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
Quack Quack Quack, it's people like you who make me realize how pointless the arguments are.
Yet you still heavily enguage yourself in them. Its people like you who should be dragged out into the street and shot for sheer stupidity.



11 May 04
19 Nov 05
1 edit

Originally posted by zakkwylder
Yet you still heavily enguage yourself in them. Its people like you who should be dragged out into the street and shot for sheer stupidity.
The more points you make, the more you highlight your own stupidity.

zakkwylder: Only those who feel good about themselves should shoot people in the street. 🙄


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
19 Nov 05

Hey Chess Express,

Should I collate all your insults and start a thread recommending that you leave?
Or are you going to pull the log out of your own eye?




11 May 04
19 Nov 05
1 edit

Originally posted by Nemesio
Hey Chess Express,

Should I collate all your insults and start a thread recommending that you leave?
Or are you going to pull the log out of your own eye?

I guess you have a point.

Let me ask you this, do you think this exchange is comparable to what marauder does?


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
I guess you have a point.

Let me ask you this, do you think this exchange is comparable to what marauder does?
I would never sincerely recommend that either you or #1 leave on the basis
of posts.

I will say this, whereas #1's posts consistently make me laugh (and often at
myself), your little pissing match with zakkwylder seems like 3rd-grade arguing.




11 May 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
I would never sincerely recommend that either you or #1 leave on the basis
of posts.

I will say this, whereas #1's posts consistently make me laugh (and often at
myself), your little pissing match with zakkwylder seems like 3rd-grade arguing.

So it’s quality insults you want? More four letter words? More of the phrases that marauder uses in ways that are clever enough to make you laugh?

This is entertainment to you?


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
So it’s quality insults you want? More four letter words? More of the phrases that marauder uses in ways that are clever enough to make you laugh?

This is entertainment to you?
You asked if they were comparable. I told you my method of comparison.

Why is it that when you ask a question, and a person responds in a manner
that doesn't reflect your way of thinking, you express incredulity? Did you
expect that I think like you?

All I can say is, you started the thread with the notion that #1 should be
ousted because he insults people and by the end of the thread you are
engaging in the very same behavior.

This is hypocrisy, and you know it. Either you want the forums to be free of
hurtful behavior or not. If not, then you might begin by not contributing to
such a concept yourself, so that people might take your argument seriously.




11 May 04
19 Nov 05
3 edits

Originally posted by Nemesio
You asked if they were comparable. I told you my method of comparison.

Why is it that when you ask a question, and a person responds in a manner
that doesn't reflect your way of thinking, you express incredulity? Did you
expect that I think like you?

All I can say is, you started the thread with the notion that #1 should be
ousted because he in ...[text shortened]... ting to
such a concept yourself, so that people might take your argument seriously.

Originally posted by Nemesio
You asked if they were comparable. I told you my method of comparison.

Yes, and I believe most people here are of the same opinion.

Why is it that when you ask a question, and a person responds in a manner
that doesn't reflect your way of thinking, you express incredulity? Did you
expect that I think like you?

You simply said that you prefer the vicious stuff. The stuff that makes you laugh at your own or other people’s expense. If this can be used in a clever enough way then it is not wrong, it’s entertainment.

This is your point, that you made. I didn’t put the words in your mouth. If it seems incredulous, then maybe you wrote something that you didn’t mean. It happens.

All I can say is, you started the thread with the notion that #1 should be
ousted because he insults people and by the end of the thread you are
engaging in the very same behavior.

This is hypocrisy, and you know it. Either you want the forums to be free of
hurtful behavior or not. If not, then you might begin by not contributing to
such a concept yourself, so that people might take your argument seriously.

It is hypocrisy. You’re right. If I choose to leave the forum it won’t be because of what I’ve received, it’ll be because of what I don’t want to respond with.

Consider, zakkwylder hoped on the band wagon and attacked me. I responded in a way that discredited his nonexistent points. Is this what marauder does, or does marauder attack far more than he defends?

Lets face it, only those who feel low about themselves resort to insults. Otherwise they are not necessary.

It seems though that nothing is going to change here. People have voted in favor of trash talk, and the moderators are willing to let it go. Even scribbles thinks that the things marauder said in my original post should have been said in the exact same way.

He just feels that people should be banned for saying those things, and that there should be a contingency plan to ensure that the proper level of trash talk continues. Go figure…

If it helps you to feel more credible you're definitely in the majority here. To the relief of the rest of the forum I’ll consider leaving to avoid any further hypocrisy.

I’ll even ask for forgiveness to those whom I’ve offended, and I’ll say that all those who've offended me are forgiven.


BWA Soldier

Tha Brotha Hood

13 Dec 04
19 Nov 05
1 edit

Originally posted by The Chess Express
Even scribbles thinks that the things marauder said in my original post should have been said in the exact same way.
I did not say this. I merely denied that they should have been said in a different way.

That is, I don't agree that there is any particular rendering of the ideas which ought to have been chosen. No1's was fine, a different way might have been fine. There is no right answer when it comes to expressing one's ideas linguistically - it's a matter of style.

The things that no1 says have absolutely nothing to do with why I think he should be banned.


Felicific Forest

15 Dec 02
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
That's right. He was severly disciplined, and then tried to pass the whole thing off as an act of martyrdom.
Dr.S: "He was severely disciplined ...... "

Ha ha ha .... 😵


Felicific Forest

15 Dec 02
19 Nov 05
2 edits

Originally posted by lioyank
i thought that it was a matter of ivanhoe vs. the wolfpack which, at the time, i thought only existed within ivanhoe's mind. not only were u (collectively) denying the existence of a wolfpack, u were making ivanhoe seem delusional. no wonder he was pissed. you guys were terrible. still are, although not as bad anymore. the forums were fun back when i starte ...[text shortened]... sio) i finally get the prad reference from back in the thread that turned into the n**** thread.
lioyank: "i thought that it was a matter of ivanhoe vs. the wolfpack which, at the time, i thought only existed within ivanhoe's mind. not only were u (collectively) denying the existence of a wolfpack, u were making ivanhoe seem delusional."

That's absolutely right. They have proven to be the liars.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
19 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
I guess you have a point.

Let me ask you this, do you think this exchange is comparable to what marauder does?
Chess...why not just let it go? Why not do the noble thing and say perhaps you were being extreme? We all have bad days and good days. We all make mistakes, it's what we do to reconcile or admit a mistake that is noble. There is no shame in that.
I would prefer you and No 1 would both be around to make us laugh or cry.
Every one has a story, an opinion, right or wrong...let them be heard.
It's the rocks in the brook that make it sing...🙂