Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....

Rajk999 I accept more BECAUSE ....


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Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22
2 edits


If this is clear and tenaciously argued, if I asked you to explain something about it (whether you subscribe to it or not) could you help me to understand?

There is One God, and One mediator, Jesus Christ. God so loved the world [not Jews or Christians only], that he gave his Son Jesus to die so that .. by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (Romans 5:18 KJV) [all men - regardless of religion], so that whosoever believeth on Him [with their heart] as evidenced by good works clearly identified by Jesus, For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (Matthew 25:35-36 KJV), will have everlasting life.

It is clear to you. Right?


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22
1 edit

@sonship said
If this is clear and tenaciously argued, if I asked you to explain something about it (whether you subscribe to it or not) could you help me to understand?
I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.

But am I going to explain to you what Rajk999 believes? No. You have a sneering and puffed-up sense of self-importance, sonship.

Asking me to explain Rajk999's theology to you? When he's here for you to talk to whenever you want?

This must be an informal fallacy of some kind; I wonder what it's called.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
Way back when, Rajk999 made it crystal clear to me that he's not here to discuss atheism or theism with atheists. Fair enough. He's stuck to that, and I respect him for that choice and for his constancy.

There are only a few posters here I'd quite like to have a beer and bite to eat with one day, and Rajk999 is one of them.

I've always thought his theology - though I don' ...[text shortened]... ted to and brandished in their efforts to assail his cogent and brusquely delivered interpretations.
<<I've always thought his theology - though I don't subscribe to it - is clear and tenaciously argued.>>

It’s clear because he ignores 95% of the Holy Bible and reduces Jesus Christ to a good teacher and the entire message of the Bible to, “Do good works. Jesus will judge.”

And it’s only “tenaciously argued” if you consider insulting people, condemning them to hell and ignoring obvious flaws in his false doctrine and refusing to answer questions about those obvious flaws “a tenacious argument.”


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22
1 edit

@pb1022 said
And it’s only “tenaciously argued” if you consider insulting people, condemning them to hell and ignoring obvious flaws in his false doctrine and refusing to answer questions about those obvious flaws “a tenacious argument.”
I disagree. Rajk999's brusque style has little or nothing to do with my estimation of the indefatigable way he promotes his views.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@pb1022 said
It’s clear because he ignores 95% of the Holy Bible and reduces Jesus Christ to a good teacher and the entire message of the Bible to, “Do good works. Jesus will judge.”
If you want to discuss Rajk999's theology, you're wasting your time moaning to me. Take it up with him directly.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22
1 edit


I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.

. God so loved the world [not Jews or Christians only], that he gave his Son Jesus to die so that .. by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (Romans 5:18 KJV) [all men - regardless of religion], so that whosoever believeth on Him [with their heart] as evidenced by good works clearly identified by Jesus

He refers to justification of life to all men in Romans 5:18 as the free gift.
Then he refers to the sheep nations and the goat nations of Matthew 25:31-46.

What happened to the free gift of justification of life to all men in the case of the ones (goats) who are told to depart into the eternal punishement?

Do they depart into the eternal punishment WITH the free gifts of justification of life which all men have received?

Explain whether you subscribe or not. Its clear to you.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said
What happened to the free gift of justification of life to all men in the case of the ones (goats) who are told to depart into the eternal punishement?

Do they depart into the eternal punishment WITH the free gifts of justification of life which all men have received?

Explain whether you subscribe or not. Its clear to you.
Stop being so silly. I am not going to explain to you what Rajk999 believes.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22

If you want to discuss Rajk999's theology, you're wasting your time moaning to me. Take it up with him directly.

Is this now a back peddle from

I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.


A little back peddle now?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.

But am I going to explain to you what Rajk999 believes? No. You have a sneering and puffed-up sense of self-importance, sonship.

Asking me to explain Rajk999's theology to you? When he's here for you to talk to whenever you want?

This must be an informal fallacy of some kind; I wonder what it's called.
<<I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.>>

Ramrod consistent? Are you kidding?

For a while there, rajk999 was contradicting himself and revising his false doctrine every day.

First Jesus Christ and His Apostles all preached the same message.

Then the Apostle Paul preached a different message than Jesus.

First Jesus Christ’s blood cleansed believers of their past sins once they accepted Him.

Then atheists get their past sins cleansed even though they reject Jesus. What defines “past sins” for atheists? Who knows?

First only what Jesus Christ says in the Holy Bible matters.

Then only what Jesus Christ said to crowds of people in the Holy Bible matters - what He said to individuals and small groups doesn’t count.

First, belief in Jesus Christ isn’t necessary for salvation (in clear contradiction of the Bible.)

Then belief + good works makes someone a ruler with Christ.

Who gets God’s Holy Spirit and how? Who knows? Christians who think they have God’s Holy Spirit really don’t have Him. Some atheists have God’s Holy Spirit, though. How did they get Him? Who knows?

If Jesus determines who gets salvation after they’re dead, why does the Bible consistently say people can know they’re saved before they die? Who knows?

How much commandment keeping and good works earn salvation? Who knows? God’s keeping that a secret. Jesus will judge.

How did the thief on the cross get salvation when he didn’t do any good works and only expressed belief in Jesus?

Well, see, Jesus saw the thief’s future - what he would have done if he hadn’t been on the cross - and gave the thief a big thumbs-up for all those undone good works.

I could come up with a dozen more contradictions and inconsistencies if I took the time to think about it,

To say rajk999’s doctrine is clear and consistent is ridiculous.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
If you want to discuss Rajk999's theology, you're wasting your time moaning to me. Take it up with him directly.
Oh I’ve tried. Sadly, he ignores questions about all the obvious flaws and contradictions in his “ramrod-consistent” doctrine that he’s constantly revising.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
I disagree. Rajk999's brusque style has little or nothing to do with my estimation of the indefatigable way he promotes his views.
Your estimation is, to put it brusquely, meaningless considering you were asking Christians to explain their beliefs to you only yesterday.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22


I would be interested in hearing your response to that ... that this thread is to take a swipe at me...

Rajk999, "swipes" are not necessary when "crushed" has occured to you long ago.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said
I undoubtedly could, having read countless ramrod-consistent and succinctly-crafted Rajk999 posts over the years, yes.


A little back peddle now?
You can only call it "back peddling" if you pretend not to have read the entire post from which you plucked the sentence. Which would be a low-integrity thing to do. And, I see that it is, indeed, what you have done.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22


Stop being so silly. I am not going to explain to you what Rajk999 believes.

That was a real short garuantee you could undoubtedly, and yes.

I don't think you COULD explain what he means there.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22

