Islam: What is your problem

Islam: What is your problem


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08 Jun 07
07 Oct 12


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
08 Oct 12

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Rather a long winded apology, but It will have to do.


09 Sep 12
08 Oct 12

Now i understand what you meant about flicking a rattle snake


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
09 Oct 12

Originally posted by NOTGATE
Now i understand what you meant about flicking a rattle snake
Lol all this and free chess too. 😞

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
09 Oct 12

Originally posted by NOTGATE
Now i understand what you meant about flicking a rattle snake
I would not mess with the Duchess, unless you have thick skin or perhaps are in love with her. 😏


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
09 Oct 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
I would not mess with the Duchess, unless you have thick skin or perhaps are in love with her. 😏
Going by the big grin I am guessing it is two out of two for you then.


25 Jun 06
11 Oct 12

Originally posted by kevcvs57
Going by the big grin I am guessing it is two out of two for you then.
RJH: I would not mess with the Duchess, unless you have thick skin or perhaps are in love with her.

KEV: Going by the big grin I am guessing it is two out of two for you then.

Fascinating to observe two consistent bigots sharing a sexist put down as an alternative to engaging in intelligent debate with the poster mentioned. The general strategy is to secure the forum for your ranting and drive out reasoned discussion.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
11 Oct 12

Originally posted by finnegan
RJH: I would not mess with the Duchess, unless you have thick skin or perhaps are in love with her.

KEV: Going by the big grin I am guessing it is two out of two for you then.

Fascinating to observe two consistent bigots sharing a sexist put down as an alternative to engaging in intelligent debate with the poster mentioned. The general strategy is to secure the forum for your ranting and drive out reasoned discussion.
Pompous disingenuous Ass. Much. If your argument is so weak and flawed by your own prejudice's and checklist of stereotypes that you have to unjustly pigeon hole your fellow posters then perhaps you are not quite ready for a debate with the grown ups.

My friendly jibe at RJ was clearly relating to his smug emoticon, if you think your overbearing attitude is going to silence Me then you are even more deluded about your own importance than I gave you credit for.

I, unlike you, do not mess with anyone, I simply air my opinion on any given subject. Your bully boy tactics are wasted on me Mr Pooh.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Oct 12

Originally posted by kevcvs57
Pompous disingenuous Ass. Much. If your argument is so weak and flawed by your own prejudice's and checklist of stereotypes that you have to unjustly pigeon hole your fellow posters then perhaps you are not quite ready for a debate with the grown ups.

My friendly jibe at RJ was clearly relating to his smug emoticon, if you think your overbearing attitude ...[text shortened]... I simply air my opinion on any given subject. Your bully boy tactics are wasted on me Mr Pooh.
Except you misspelled poo.


25 Jun 06
11 Oct 12

Originally posted by kevcvs57
Pompous disingenuous Ass. Much. If your argument is so weak and flawed by your own prejudice's and checklist of stereotypes that you have to unjustly pigeon hole your fellow posters then perhaps you are not quite ready for a debate with the grown ups.

My friendly jibe at RJ was clearly relating to his smug emoticon, if you think your overbearing attitude ...[text shortened]... I simply air my opinion on any given subject. Your bully boy tactics are wasted on me Mr Pooh.
I found that your friendly jibe shared with its recipient a sexist humour which was woth pointing out.

I have no illusion that I will alter your behaviour or opinions, but I find it worth my time to respond to the opinions you express.


26 Aug 07
11 Oct 12
2 edits

Originally posted by finnegan
I found that your friendly jibe shared with its recipient a sexist humour which was woth pointing out.

I have no illusion that I will alter your behaviour or opinions, but I find it worth my time to respond to the opinions you express.
No he is absolutely correct, you are a pompous disingenuous ass and you have a, whether consciously or unconsciously, i do not know, a check-list of prejudice's and stereotypes which you utilise in order to unjustly pigeon hole your fellow posters, for example you termed me a Biblical literalist, or words to that effect and proceeded to build your arguments, if they can be deemed as such upon the framework. If you knew anything about my beliefs you would not have done so, for just by way of example a Biblical literalist states that the earth was made in a period of days, for example a seven day adventist, others somehow construe that these days were of a duration of a thousand years, going on the Biblical premise, a day for a year (young earth creationists), I on the other hand hold none of these arguments as being valid, yet you term me a Biblical literalist and it seems that it is expedient for you to do so, why should that be the case Finnegan? I thought you had noble ideals that were above such?


25 Jun 06
11 Oct 12
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No he is absolutely correct, you are a pompous disingenuous ass and you have a, whether consciously or unconsciously, i do not know, a check-list of prejudice's and stereotypes which you utilise in order to unjustly pigeon hole your fellow posters, for example you termed me a Biblical literalist, or words to that effect and proceeded to build your ar ...[text shortened]... so, why should that be the case Finnegan? I thought you had noble ideals that were above such?
Whatever the nobility of my ideals, I cannot argue about being a pompous ass.

To be fair, in Britain we would tend to spell pooh with an h, while Americans like Sonhouse have a different spelling tending to be simpler but losing something in the process. I can hear the final h by the way. It is important.

As regard unjustly pigeon-holing others, I would say that my pointing out the sexist nature of your friendly exchange with RJH was justified by your two posts.

I concede that in criticizing biblical literalists I do not clearly distinguish the various alternative formulations of the creationist arguments, for example as to whether a day in Genesis is literally a day or might be read to refer to arbitrary other timeframes. I regard you as a literalist because, for example on 8 October on a related thread, you argue about the age of certain ancient remains and refer to 7,500 years as being within the biblical time frame. I can see that you must have a longer time frame than the famous Bishop Usher but that to me is a detail. (I only searched the first six pages of your public posts and that was page six).

Certainly, as you are in Scotland I would not think you recognize yourself in my complaints about American creationists. My concern there is the evidence (which I have posted in other debates) of well funded organisations promoting creationism as part of a clearly fascist political agenda.

So if you get the idea that some of what I say is inaccurate in your case, it is doubtless not entirely false. Yes I do tend to see creationists as a single bunch of misguided and obtuse people when they are certainly a diverse bunch of misguided and obtuse people.

In exchange I get the sense that you regard all scientists as a coherent group and not a diverse group of people. Hence I sometimes have to defend all scientists, when I would argue with many, and you sometimes have to defend all creationists.

However, I do point out frequently that many scientists do now and always did adhere to a religious faith with great sincerity. I do so to make clear that it is a mischievous untruth to allege that science is inherently atheist, since it is compatible with many faiths, if not with your minority sect (whatever its merits, it is in a minority). A minority of scientists have any interest whatever in questioning religious thinking, though that minority can be noisy. I think that diversity among scientists is more fundamentally relevant than the distinctions of detail between the shades of creationist thinking. Perhaps if creationists on this forum did not all endorse each others arguments then we would find the distinctions more significant.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Oct 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
Except you misspelled poo.
Or perhaps he was liking him to Winnie the Pooh. 😀

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Oct 12

Originally posted by finnegan
Whatever the nobility of my ideals, I cannot argue about being a pompous ass.

To be fair, in Britain we would tend to spell pooh with an h, while Americans like Sonhouse have a different spelling tending to be simpler but losing something in the process. I can hear the final h by the way. It is important.

As regard unjustly pigeon-holing others, I ...[text shortened]... did not all endorse each others arguments then we would find the distinctions more significant.
I did not mean my remark to be taken as discriminatory toward women. What would man do without women. They can be the best thing and the worst thing in our lives. I always hope for the best. But it is hard to understand a women.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Oct 12

Winnie the Pooh quotes:

When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”

“I'm not lost for I know where I am. But however, where I am may be lost.”

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”

“I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true”