Isa. 60:22

Isa. 60:22


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26 Aug 07
09 Dec 16

Originally posted by divegeester
I thought it said Jews, you are educating us.

So who else apart from JWs robbie?
really? then how will you reconcile this text here,

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus -


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you going to tell us... or is it a guessing game.

Who else apart from JWs do you say is in the 144,000?
I have no idea and you will now tell us how I am supposed to know. If you cannot or will not then you will have given evidence that you are asking some rather stupid questions that no one can possibly know the answer to.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 16

We get this same "comedy routine" time and time again. It's most peculiar. And predictable. Is it funny? Was it ever funny?


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 16

robbie, is this performance of yours these last few pages you genuinely being what you think is a real adult JW propagating his views as a "Minister of God" or are you simply indulging in a bit of silly forum "banter"?

16 Feb 08
09 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have no idea and you will now tell us how I am supposed to know. If you cannot or will not then you will have given evidence that you are asking some rather stupid questions that no one can possibly know the answer to.
And yet you keep saying "what does the Bible say" to people asking you about it as though you think the answer is in there. Why do you keep doing that?

16 Feb 08
09 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have no idea...
So there could very well be non JW in the 144,000 then?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Interesting , can you tell us why Dan just happens to be missing and there was no tribe of Joseph. Also can you tell us why Paul states,

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I can't even begin to think how you failed to take this verse into consideration when you inadvertently blurted out that all the 144,000 were Jews.
Wow. I meant what I said and there was no "inadvertent blurting" of anything.

So you claim to have some "higher knowledge" of Bible translation and yet you make mistake after mistake? I am not going to give you a history of Jacob and Rachael and Bilhah and Reuben and Dan, even though that would explain it. Do your own freaking homework.

Your first question is somewhat similar to "Can you explain why the Bible states creation took six days yet you think it was longer?"

And Paul isn't even talking about this passage.

The only one "blurting" disinformation is you, as usual.

This is the cost to the JWs for adding and subtracting to the Word of God, they confuse everything and are consumed by their confusion. There are NO JWs among the 144,000. None have been sealed yet. They are Jews from the lineage of the twelve tribes who are converted to Christ in the last days. Yes, the very last days, during the Great Tribulation.

The mistake of the JWs is similar to Abraham's mistake (pride) in not trusting God to provide him a son, and so Ishmael was born, causing his descendants no end of troubles.

16 Feb 08
10 Dec 16

Originally posted by FMF
We get this same "comedy routine" time and time again. It's most peculiar. And predictable. Is it funny? Was it ever funny?
It's not funny but it is amusing to watch him hop from foot to foot over topics like this.


26 Aug 07
10 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
It's not funny but it is amusing to watch him hop from foot to foot over topics like this.
Oh dear the same old FMF, exposed as a Biblically illiterate alleged former Christian trying to deflect with references to comedy routines, its simply old hat and has ceased to work for him, so banal and so predictable, let him answer, what the end times are he was referring to, let divegeester his sock puppet lap dog tell us what Gods Kingdom is, what salvation means, what a cult is and look how utterly bereft of anything approaching reason their lack lustre Punch and Judy show really is.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Dec 16

Originally posted by divegeester
It's not funny but it is amusing to watch him hop from foot to foot over topics like this.
I agree that it's not very funny, but I am really becoming more than tired of his non-Biblical lunatic fringe.

I finally understand what he means by a "nominal Christian".

He means like himself. I do wish he'd educate himself and stop wasting everyone's time in this forum.

16 Feb 08
10 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Oh dear the same old FMF, exposed as a Biblically illiterate alleged former Christian trying to deflect with references to comedy routines, its simply old hat and has ceased to work for him, so banal and so predictable, let him answer, what the end times are he was referring to, let divegeester his sock puppet lap dog tell us what Gods Kingdom is, wh ...[text shortened]... utterly bereft of anything approaching reason their lack lustre Punch and Judy show really is.
Whatever Robbie; the topics in play are who's in the 144000 and does a person need to be member of your church in order to get eternal life. You admit to not knowing the answer to either. πŸ™‚


28 Oct 05
10 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Oh dear the same old FMF, exposed as a Biblically illiterate alleged former Christian trying to deflect with references to comedy routines, its simply old hat and has ceased to work for him, so banal and so predictable, let him answer, what the end times are he was referring to, let divegeester his sock puppet lap dog tell us what Gods Kingdom is, wh ...[text shortened]... utterly bereft of anything approaching reason their lack lustre Punch and Judy show really is.
All this same-old same-old catchphrase-laden deflection just to try and cover up for roigam's hapless deceit. πŸ˜‰


10 Apr 12
22 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Whatever Robbie; the topics in play are who's in the 144000 and does a person need to be member of your church in order to get eternal life. You admit to not knowing the answer to either. πŸ™‚
Re 14:1 says, "Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads."
So, who's names are on their forehead?

How can those who deny the Name of Jesus' Father have His Name written on their forehead?

Remember, we are Jehovah's Christian Witnesses.


10 Apr 12
23 Dec 16

JW s are the only organisation worldwide that are marked by the

two names mentioned in Re 14:1,

that is the name of the lamb and the name of his father.

We are.....Jehovah's Christian.....Witnesses!!!

All we do including our thinking, our ministry, our behavoir (to the best of our ability)

are under the aegis of those two named individuals.

(Isaiah 2:2, 3) In the final part of the days, The mountain of the house of Jehovah Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, And it will be raised up above the hills, And to it all the nations will stream.  3β€―And many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, To the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, And we will walk in his paths.

That time is now, before the great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah arrives.

(Proverbs 19:12) The king’s rage is like the growling of a lion, But his favor is like dew on the vegetation.

How much better to seek His favor while there is yet time.


10 Apr 12
30 Dec 16

Originally posted by roigam
JW s are the only organisation worldwide that are marked by the

two names mentioned in Re 14:1,

that is the name of the lamb and the name of his father.

We are.....Jehovah's Christian.....Witnesses!!!

All we do including our thinking, our ministry, our behavoir (to the best of our ability)

are under the aegis of those two named individuals.
...[text shortened]... vor is like dew on the vegetation.

How much better to seek His favor while there is yet time.
It's always good to have the last word.

It gives evidence of it's truthfulness.

No one refutes it.