"Former Christians"


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Paul Dirac II
Are you able to square that with Hebrews 13:8?

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Jesus Christ may be the same today and yesterday and forever, but that does not mean he continually has to be doing the same things over and over and over, like some ghost caught in a time-loop. I'm not sure how you make the connection from "I do not believe that miracles 'continue to be performed to this day'" to Hebrews 13:8.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by checkbaiter
You do err...Mary had a sin nature, Jesus did not. Mary simply trusted and obeyed.
Yes, I agree.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Rank outsider
If checkbaiter is saying 'yes, it does appear random, barbaric and cruel to toss people into a Lake of Fire simply because they were born a Hindu and remained a Hindu, but nonetheless I am content to trust in God's love and judgment' then so be it.

But that does rather beg the question, how do you determine the difference between a supernatural 'bad ...[text shortened]... ever be able to spot the difference between the sophisticated imposter and the real deal?
No, I am not saying that... A Hindu, or anyone else who has heard the rightly divided word of God and rejects Christ ..WILL be tossed in the Lake of Fire...what I said was , someone who has not heard...then I do not know, but I believe God is merciful and Just.
What you fail to understand is God is Holy and hates sin. Sin leads to death, it destroys people. Sin is obeying Satan. All men are born with sin and sin must be dealt with. Why does this not make sense to you? (Rhetorical question) Because spiritual things must be spiritually discerned. You must have holy spirit in you to be able to comprehend spiritual matters. Spiritual matters will appear as foolishness to you and all unbelievers. Not my words, read Corinthians....
Pray that God will forgive you, receive Jesus Christ as Lord, ask Him to give you holy spirit, then read the bible...then you will begin to understand...


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"... has made your analogy any better than it was?"

Reiniscent of William Clinton's, "Depends on what your definition of is is" along
with some other flotsam that flowed from that oval mouth while Prez.

P.S. "... than it was?" = hanging [not chad, but] prep-like intransitive verb 'to be'.
Clinton? "Definition of is"? Hanging chads? "Intransitive verb"? You're grasping after yet another poor post. Let me re-pose the 2 questions you dodged:

Have assertions about you being right and other people wrong - wrapped up in analogies like the one about the camp fire - ever actually worked for you on people you know in real life?

Do analogies like that work on you?

If you really need to avoid answering these questions, don't worry. People will make of it what they will.


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 13
1 edit

Originally posted by checkbaiter
What you fail to understand is God is Holy and hates sin. Sin leads to death, it destroys people. Sin is obeying Satan.
What "sins" do committed pious and devout Hindus and Buddhists commit?

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Correct, checkbaiter. The Adamic Sin Nature is genetically passed down through the male sperm. The Holy Spirit, alone, was supernaturally responsible for Mary's Pregnancy. Therefore, she gave birth to an uncontaminated fetus. The Humanity of Christ is Unique in that His Person was Perfect Humanity and Undiminished Deity in One Person Forever. During His ...[text shortened]... fered as a Free (Grace) Gift to all men.

Google: http://www.godvine.com/bible/John/3-16


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by checkbaiter
Sin is transmitted through semen?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
22 Mar 13
2 edits

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I believe miracles are performed every day somewhere. I have seen some myself, experienced some myself, and I hear of many from others. You just don't know where to look. You won;t see them in the news, nor TV, nor the newspapers, because the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one.
That means he runs the media, and most everything else in this world to try and discredit God and the bible.
We can bicker and argue over whether these are 'miracles'. I would say that yes, occasionally, God 'gets involved', although I suspect that in many cases, God just sends His angels to do the 'heavy lifting'. This I have seen, too. Up close and personal, and happening to others as well.

But these are the latter days. Many are being led away from God. Things happen to people that they later attribute to God, but I feel that God is not going to make His involvement so overt as to be undeniable. We're not going to see any burning bushes, or the Red Sea being parted. God can and does 'get involved' but it's always in a covert, or 'under the table' kind of way. Plausible deniability. You cannot force people to believe. Especially in these latter days, when people are looking for 'signs'.

"Whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved." -- Jules Winfield, as played by Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction, 1994


28 Oct 05
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
We can bicker and argue over whether these are 'miracles'. I would say that yes, occasionally, God 'gets involved', although I suspect that in many cases, God just sends His angels to do the 'heavy lifting'. This I have seen, too. Up close and personal, and happening to others as well.
Can you give us a few examples of "heavy lifting" done by angels that you have seen "up close and personal"?


11 Oct 04
22 Mar 13
1 edit

Originally posted by checkbaiter
No, I am not saying that... A Hindu, or anyone else who has heard the rightly divided word of God and rejects Christ ..WILL be tossed in the Lake of Fire...what I said was , someone who has not heard...then I do not know, but I believe God is merciful and Just.
What you fail to understand is God is Holy and hates sin. Sin leads to death, it destroys pe ...[text shortened]... ord, ask Him to give you holy spirit, then read the bible...then you will begin to understand...
Yes, I didn't actually think that twhitehead had you down correctly.

No, I really don't think I want to subscribe to a religion that is planning to resurrect then kill millions of innocent people who had the odds stacked against them by the chance of their birth by throwing them into a Lake of Fire.

I am, however, comforted by the fact that, as you say, it will be over quite quickly for me. And I would certainly prefer that than having to watch as all this is going on. The idea of living with that on my conscience for all eternity sounds like a reasonable description of what I was told hell was.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by checkbaiter
No, I am not saying that... A Hindu, or anyone else who has heard the rightly divided word of God and rejects Christ ..WILL be tossed in the Lake of Fire...what I said was , someone who has not heard...then I do not know, but I believe God is merciful and Just.
What you fail to understand is God is Holy and hates sin. Sin leads to death, it destroys pe ...[text shortened]... ord, ask Him to give you holy spirit, then read the bible...then you will begin to understand...
This is confusing. You believe God might forgive those who have not heard about Christianity because he is merciful and just. But those of us who have heard, but are unable to comprehend, will definitely be punished.
Why do those who have not heard get a free pass? How fair is that? Why does hearing but not comprehending suddenly condemn me to punishment?
How did you manage to comprehend? What caused you to pray, or whatever else it was that allowed you to comprehend? Did you just try it out for the fun of it? Did you know what you were doing, or was it blind luck?


11 Oct 04
22 Mar 13
4 edits

Originally posted by twhitehead
This is confusing. You believe God might forgive those who have not heard about Christianity because he is merciful and just. But those of us who have heard, but are unable to comprehend, will definitely be punished.
Why do those who have not heard get a free pass? How fair is that? Why does hearing but not comprehending suddenly condemn me to punishment ...[text shortened]... d you just try it out for the fun of it? Did you know what you were doing, or was it blind luck?
Actually, if this principle is true of other religions, it follows that logically we should expunge all traces of religion from the earth. OK, I retract that, let's just remove all our children to a place where they never come into contact with religion at all.

We will be damned. But all our children have a guaranteed pass into heaven.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by FMF
Can you give us a few examples of "heavy lifting" done by angels that you have seen "up close and personal"?
Once a man I knew became outraged at something I did and raised a handgun and pointed it at my face. I could see the veins standing out in his face, sweat dripping off his hair. He pulled back the hammer of the gun. I heard it click loudly. The muscles in his hand and arm were tense, and the barrel of the gun tremored slightly. He stood there for what seemed a long time, but I'm sure it was only seconds. I remember thinking, "Do it. Just do it. End this." Slowly, his face fell slack, he uncocked the gun and lowered it to his side. He said, "No. Not today." He turned and left the room, and this time the click I heard was the door being locked. I started to turn away from the door, but I fainted and collapsed onto the floor.

I thought for sure I was going to die at that moment. Something or someone stayed his hand. I do not believe his decision to spare my life was his to make at that moment. I, too, felt the touch of God. God 'got involved'.

You can tell me anything you like about how maybe he 'came to his senses'. Plausible deniability, as I said. No, I don't believe that. That man was a monster.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Suzianne

Jesus Christ may be the same today and yesterday and forever, but that does not mean he continually has to be doing the same things over and over and over, like some ghost caught in a time-loop. I'm not sure how you make the connection from "I do not believe that miracles 'continue to be performed to this day'" to Hebrews 13:8.
Christ performed miracles (many unrecorded) to fulfill Old Testament Prophecies of a Messiah who would to inform Jewish Population Clusters that He had arrived. His lowly birth and their expectation of a king who would immediately deliver them out from Roman Bondage combined to convince many to disbelieve/reject the miracles as proof, instead ascribing them to someone demon possessed. Many miracles were also wrought by disciples. Once Christ ascended and the Canon of Scripture was Closed with the writing of the Book of Revelation, the gift was removed. It was no longer necessary, as it was replaced by The Word of God (the Mind of Christ) and Spiritual Gifts of Pastor-Teacher and Evangelist. Today people are delivered from impossible situations for various reasons, which some well intentioned friends claim to be authentic in the context of the previous dispensation. Seldom do they let go for obvious reason. Human Beings love to fictionalize facts; often such creativity has become the very foundation of Secret Societies, Satanic Cults and Denominationl Groups. No monkeys like people (Evolutionists, Hello, gb here... lol).

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
We can bicker and argue over whether these are 'miracles'. I would say that yes, occasionally, God 'gets involved', although I suspect that in many cases, God just sends His angels to do the 'heavy lifting'. This I have seen, too. Up close and personal, and happening to others as well.

But these are the latter days. Many are being led away from God. ...[text shortened]... d." -- Jules Winfield, as played by Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction, 1994
I agree...🙂