A Farm For Growing Christ

A Farm For Growing Christ


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03 Jan 13
03 Jan 22
1 edit


You'll notice that Divegeester (yes you) and Ghost of a Duke are never able to counter what is written in the New Testament. So they opt for taunting that no one reads a post about these things.

Or they instead turn their annoyance at a servant like Witness Lee saying that he is being venerated. This is the incompetance of Divegeester and Ghost of a Duke - deflection.

Gimmicks they have. Nothing more.



04 Apr 04
03 Jan 22

Q : How can a man talk so much and say so little?

A : His doctrine is void of the teachings of Jesus Christ

14 Mar 15
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
It is a tragic figure indeed who speaks strongly about blaspheming God yet does not believe God exists. Such is Ghost of a Duke a very tragic figure.
Far more tragic is you coming into this forum as a wolf in sheep's clothing, quoting scripture while simultaneously infecting it with Witness Lee's blasphemy.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Jan 22
1 edit

Divegeester cannot refute the book of Ephesians. He can only reach into his bag of gimmicks and say I am venerating Witness Lee.

See how he cheats you?
He only wants to cheat you from receiving the truth.

But our battle is not against flesh and blood. This is a spiritual battle that "the eyes of your heart having been enlightened."

What would happen to you if you pray read the first three chapters of Ephesians for ten minutes each morning for two weeks ? The eyes of your heart would be enightened. God wants it.

Divgeeester and Ghost of a Duke and Rajk999 don't want it. But God wants it.
Atheist don't want it. They rather you be blind as they are blind.
And opposers to Paul's ministry don't want it.

Christ wants it and His servants pray for it.

14 Mar 15
03 Jan 22

@sonship said

You'll notice that Divegeester (yes you) and Ghost of a Duke are never able to counter what is written in the New Testament. So they opt for taunting that no one reads a post about these things.

Or they instead turn their annoyance at a servant like Witness Lee saying that he is being venerated. This is the incompetance of Divegeester and Ghost of a Duke - deflection.

Gimmicks they have. Nothing more.
The point is sonship 'you' stray far from what is written in the New Testament.

You spout God-ized nonsense and seek (poorly) to pass it off as scripture.

14 Mar 15
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
Divegeester cannot refute the book of Ephesians. He can only reach into his bag of gimmicks and say I am venerating Witness Lee.

See how he cheats you?
He only wants to cheat you from receiving the truth.
You seek to cheat Christians out of the true Gospel of Christ, have them follow you down a cultist rabbit hole.

14 Mar 15
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
He only wants to cheat you from receiving the truth.
Would that be one of Witness Lee's 'higher truths'?'

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Jan 22


The point is sonship 'you' stray far from what is written in the New Testament.

Anyone not believing that God exists accusing someone else of straying from the Scripture is a tragic irony.

Who has strayed more? You have not only strayed. You have trashed the word of God.

This guy trashing the Scripture comes here accusing others of "straying" from the Scripture because we may coin some phrase to express in new terms the unsearchable riches of Christ as the Gospel.

"Straying from the Scripture" indeed - from an atheist rejecting as a lie the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.



04 Apr 04
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
Divegeester cannot refute the book of Ephesians. He can only reach into his bag of gimmicks and say I am venerating Witness Lee.

See how he cheats you?
He only wants to cheat you from receiving the truth.

But our battle is not against flesh and blood. This is a spiritual battle that "the eyes of your heart having been enlightened."

What wou ...[text shortened]... .
And opposers to Paul's ministry don't want it.

Christ wants it and His servants pray for it.
Maybe you should warn those goats on your funny farm of this statement by Paul to the Ephesians, that those who continue with sin ... hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. (Ephesians 5:5 KJV)

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Jan 22
1 edit

Gimmicks folks. That's all this fellows have. Gimmicks to water down the word of God.

The church the Body of Christ is destined to be filled unto all the fullness of God.
They don't want that.

"And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of trhe One who fills all in all." (Eph. 1;22,23)

Do you think the atheist cares ANYTHING about that? He doesn't for God or Christ or the church. He is hoping to slip quietly into his grave getting away with his crimes and passing any last judgment into sweet oblivion.

Don't be fooled by Ghost's crocodile tears about "straying from the Scriptures".

His life is dedicated to opposing God, Christ, the church, the fullness of God, and the whole divine revelation.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Jan 22
1 edit

I am taking a break now. When I come back, back to the positive things of the New Testament.

16 Feb 08
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
You'll notice that Divegeester (yes you) and Ghost of a Duke are never able to counter what is written in the New Testament.
I’m a Christian, so why would I want to “counter what is written in the New Testament?

16 Feb 08
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
Divegeester cannot refute the book of Ephesians.
I’m a Christian, why would I want to “refute the book of Ephesians”?

16 Feb 08
03 Jan 22

@sonship said
I am taking a break now. When I come back, back to the positive things of the New Testament.
More of farmland planting of your version of Jesus?

More of godmen and the fourth part of the trinity?

More of numerology?

More veneration of witness Lee?

More ducking of on-topic questions about your beliefs?

More chanting of calling on the name of the Lord?

14 Mar 15
03 Jan 22

@sonship said

The point is sonship 'you' stray far from what is written in the New Testament.

Anyone not believing that God exists accusing someone else of straying from the Scripture is a tragic irony.

Who has strayed more? You have not only strayed. You have trashed the word of God.

This guy trashing the Scripture comes here accusing o ...[text shortened]... indeed - from an atheist rejecting as a lie the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.
I reject scripture, that's true. I'm an atheist.

You however corrupt scripture, while presenting yourself as a Christian. That's far more sneaky and insidious.