Negative/Disagree Recs

Negative/Disagree Recs

Site Ideas

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06 May 08
12 Sep 08

Pocket King, on another thread has suggested a method where
it should be possible for a thread reader to post a 'disagree' rec.
as well as an 'agree' rec.

If you see something you do not agree with you can counter-rec it.

At the moment all you can do is appear in the same thread and make
a comment. Then the arguments and the name calling starts.

There should be a way of saying you disagree with a post without
getting embroiled in a free for all.

The So Fist

Voice of Reason

28 Mar 06
12 Sep 08

Originally posted by greenpawn34
Pocket King, on another thread has suggested a method where
it should be possible for a thread reader to post a 'disagree' rec.
as well as an 'agree' rec.

If you see something you do not agree with you can counter-rec it.

At the moment all you can do is appear in the same thread and make
a comment. Then the arguments and the name calling starts ...[text shortened]... ld be a way of saying you disagree with a post without
getting embroiled in a free for all.
good idea

Banned from edits

Grammar dyslexic

20 May 05
12 Sep 08

Originally posted by greenpawn34
Pocket King, on another thread has suggested a method where
it should be possible for a thread reader to post a 'disagree' rec.
as well as an 'agree' rec.

If you see something you do not agree with you can counter-rec it.

At the moment all you can do is appear in the same thread and make
a comment. Then the arguments and the name calling starts ...[text shortened]... ld be a way of saying you disagree with a post without
getting embroiled in a free for all.
For anyone wondering, it wasn't me making another speech 😉

Just something in the 9-11 thread that was so disgusting, I wish I could have given it a negative rec.

But thanks for mentioning me and not just stealing the idea greenpawn, I respect that.

08 Oct 04
12 Sep 08

08 Oct 04
12 Sep 08
1 edit


06 May 08
12 Sep 08

"Isn't one of the best things about RHP the fact that there are so
many diverse opinions?"

Yes. I agree.

However at the moment all you can do is rec to agree with a post.
If you do not then you either ignore it. (often the best poilicy)
Or jump in.
I've never seen anyone change the mind of another poster via a forum.

It was just an idea. If we have one to say 'I agree' without further comment
Then why not one to say I 'disagree'.

Maybe give it a 3 month trial run - see how it goes.
What harm can it do?


05 Jan 04
12 Sep 08
2 edits

A negative rec is not a bad idea, you see many forums and message boards with the whole thumbs up/thumbs down, agree/disagree options. It certainly has more of a function in the debates and spirituality forum where actual discussions take place not just inane chattering (don't get me wrong, I enjoy inane chattering).

Of course you people do realize that uzless supports the idea because he's just dying to collect all those negative recs for his trophy room, right?

08 Oct 04
12 Sep 08

08 Oct 04
12 Sep 08


05 Jan 04
12 Sep 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Your understanding is very different from others' understandings. If a recommendation is truly a recommendation then it should not be anonymous. I certainly wouldn't want to read anything recommended by users like epicfailure or red night so why would those recommendations mean anything to me?

08 Oct 04
12 Sep 08


06 May 08
12 Sep 08

"...create Polls - with multiple choice answers?"

That's a good idea. Perhaps best to limit it so one can only use it
once a month.
Else you will get 'Caro Kahn or French Defence' type polls springing up

(French Defence).


05 Jan 04
12 Sep 08
1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Why have a recommended post list then?
You tell me because I haven't figured it out yet.

How do others understand recommendations?
People use them like dog treats. They are used for anything - getting a laugh, delivering a vicious insult, supporting the troops, pulling on heartstrings. Like little gold stars that don't really mean anything. Let's give these things meaning is what I say.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
12 Sep 08

Originally posted by darvlay
Why have a recommended post list then?
You tell me because I haven't figured it out yet.

How do others understand recommendations?
People use them like dog treats. They are used for anything - getting a laugh, delivering a vicious insult, supporting the troops, pulling on heartstrings. Like little gold stars that don't really mean anything. Let's give these things meaning is what I say.
Although I agree with a lot of what you say here.

They will always be abused and will never have meaning.

Two problems with negative recs.

1. Users will shower them on their enemies just as they now shower wrecks on their friends.

2. Users will covet them as much as positive wrecks. Put up a negative wreck counter and watch people scrambling to have the most and bragging about their accomplishment.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
12 Sep 08
3 edits

Originally posted by darvlay
[b]A negative rec is not a bad idea, you see many forums and message boards with the whole thumbs up/thumbs down, agree/disagree options. It certainly has more of a function in the debates and spirituality forum where actual discussions take place not just inane chattering (don't get me wrong, I enjoy inane chattering).
I must agree with you on this one. I think it would be a fun idea, and probably best in debate forum. It would be fun to see some of the posts that have got positive rec's, and then seeing how many negative posts that same post would get.

Like everything else, there does exist a very good chance it would be abused, but then the positive ones are abused on a daily basis as it is. Just take a look at some of the posts that actually make the Recommend list, and yes probably some of mine too. 😛 😉