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Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Dec 08
2 edits

Originally posted by no1marauder
This is a typical, hypocritical performance by you; you've changed a thread about Forum Mods into nothing more than a direct "personal attack" on me. You seem to constantly personalize every thread you get involved in; it's really pathetically immature.

I don't care what you and your TSM buddies "think" (not that you're actually capable u bring to the table. Doesn't change the fact that you are a complete loser.
The hypocritical performance is by yourself, you changed the thread about forum mods, by attacking RN, who I defended, and then you continued to get a silly argument going with me, don't try and twist it around. You were entirely responsible from the start. Should I have just ignored your attack?

I don't speak for anyone in TSM or any Buddies I may or may not have there, you don't really know. Unlike you I speak for myself, not my buddies, unless of course they come under attack from the likes of someone like you. 😛

I did not say it was sufficient proof of your OTB performance at the time that you sent it to me. All you seemed concerned about is that I tell no one your name. There was obviously a reason for that!

I certainly wouldn't believe your nephew, you are correct. On the other hand the person who actually went with you to the tourneys who you say you met on here, I would give some consideration to listening to him. Not to say that someone wouldn't lie for you.

I am sure you are an expert on what a "complete loser" is, after all you do have to shave don't you?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
10 Dec 08

Originally posted by Very Rusty
The hypocritical performance is by yourself, you changed the thread about forum mods, by attacking RN, who I defended, and then you continued to get a silly argument going with me, don't try and twist it around. You were entirely responsible from the start. Should I have just ignored your attack?

I don't speak for anyone in TSM or any Buddies I may or ...[text shortened]... u are an expert on what a "complete loser" is, after all you do have to shave don't you?
As usual, you lie. All I asked is that you not use my real name in the Forums; I'm perfectly aware that RN and his cronies have my name but it's a bit much for it to be waved around the Forums here. Until today, you never exhibited the slightest question that the information given was legit and even used it as a basis for your question about whether I've raised my OTB rating. Being an imbecile you've probably forgotten that, but the post is half way up the page.

Your analysis of this thread is another obvious lie as anyone who checks the thread can see. Your little hissy fit for the last two pages is on display for those who are interested in reading retarded crap.

I suggest you let one of the orderlies at the asylum shave you; though I'm sure that's required anyway as you shouldn't be allowed to handle sharp objects. The idea that I would have someone lie for me on an INTERNET CHESS SITE gets a LMFAO!; unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around RHP.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Dec 08
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
As usual, you lie. All I asked is that you not use my real name in the Forums; I'm perfectly aware that RN and his cronies have my name but it's a bit much for it to be waved around the Forums here. Until today, you never exhibited the slightest question that the information given was legit and even used it as a basis for your question about whether I've on an INTERNET CHESS SITE gets a LMFAO!; unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around RHP.
LOL...My hissy fit, have you noticed the crap you have been typing, and the only one with cronies would be you. Listen wise guy, just because I didn't question your information directly at the time, certainly doesn't mean that I believed you. But I suppose being the imbecile that you are, that thought never entered what you call a mind...LMAO..😛

Damn I didn't think it was that bad, and I do feel sorry for you! Under what delusion are you to think I am in an asylum? IS that because you have spent time in an asylum? Could this make you think that? Or are you just completely off your rocker? Take a pick! 😛

Your life does indeed seem to revolve around RHP, I have noticed times you post in other forums, and you are here all day an night and different times. How the hell do you ever get any lawyer stuff done? 😉
Do you think you would be the first person on an INTERNET CHESS SITE TO LIE? All I say is show me the money! I mean proof! ROFLMAO...You would be comical if you weren't such a nut job really. 🙂

Banned from edits

Grammar dyslexic

20 May 05
10 Dec 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Do you think you would be the first person on an INTERNET CHESS SITE TO LIE?
I play second base for the phillies.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
10 Dec 08

Originally posted by PocketKings
I play second base for the phillies.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
10 Dec 08
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
RN doesn't have a USCF OTB rating.
This is a bald-faced lie and you know it.

I played in many more tournaments that you have played in since you started playing a couple of years ago, after you already had established a 2100 rating here.

Nice to see that your uscf rating has soared over 1550. Too bad you were forced to withdraw after two rounds in Philly.

08 Oct 04
10 Dec 08

Not Aleister

Control room

17 Apr 02
10 Dec 08

numb1, just give it up man.
I've been up this morass that constitutes a Very Rusty debate.

It kills your spirit more than hitting your head against a wall repeatedly can ever do...

08 Oct 04
10 Dec 08

08 Oct 04
10 Dec 08


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
10 Dec 08

Originally posted by Red Night
This is a bald-faced lie and you know it.

I played in many more tournaments that you have played in since you started playing a couple of years ago, after you already had established a 2100 rating here.

Nice to see that your uscf rating has soared over 1550. Too bad you were forced to withdraw after two rounds in Philly.
The difference is that you are a complete and utter moron.

Sorry. The truth be harsh, it be.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
10 Dec 08

Originally posted by Red Night
This is a bald-faced lie and you know it.

I played in many more tournaments that you have played in since you started playing a couple of years ago, after you already had established a 2100 rating here.

Nice to see that your uscf rating has soared over 1550. Too bad you were forced to withdraw after two rounds in Philly.
BS. You were caught in this lie many months ago; do I have to provide the link again? You know the one where you claim that a player is removed from the USCF players website if they don't play in a tournament in "several years"?? LIE! As a cursory glance at the USCF players' list reveals, there are MANY players with ratings who haven't played since the 80s. You admitted that you weren't on the USCF list but claimed that was because you were inactive "for a few years". LIE! If you had EVER played in a USCF tourney, your name would be in the USCF database.

It's unsurprising you would bald faced lie and then try to claim someone else is lying. That might fool your sycophants in the TSM but no one else. Everyone who has looked at the USCF player database knows your story is complete and utter BS.

You should just man up and admit you lied. Or you could provide your USCF ID # and last tournament you played in to me (you have mine, don't you?) or someone impartial to settle this once and for all. You won't because you don't have a USCF number or perhaps like your idol the "National Master" you do have a rating, but it is far lower than you have claimed. That wouldn't surprise me in the least; you're one of the biggest phonies, hypocrites and liars on the site. A complete disgrace.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
10 Dec 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Red Night
This is a bald-faced lie and you know it.

I played in many more tournaments that you have played in since you started playing a couple of years ago, after you already had established a 2100 rating here.

Nice to see that your uscf rating has soared over 1550. Too bad you were forced to withdraw after two rounds in Philly.

Originally posted by nmdavidb
It is a known fact that if you are inactive for over a year USCF drops you...the records are not shown.

Red Night in response:

I'm aware. After I looked for you. I looked for myself and several of my friends. All of who have been inactive for several years. None of us showed up either.

Who's the liar, RN??

BTW, the closing of that thread is symptomatic of the problem with hypersensitive frauds and Mods who accommodate them.
I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets deleted now that RN's pathetic lie has been exposed AGAIN.

08 Oct 04
10 Dec 08
1 edit

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
10 Dec 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Deal with the merits of the individual case rather than your banal platitudes. Why should a user on this site be permitted to falsely claim they have a high OTB rating and any proof submitted to show they are lying be removed as a "personal attack"?

The closing of the thread cited was a disgrace. And it got worse after that as you well know. And I've seen threads disappear when I brought up the facts regarding RN's lies as well. What part of "common sense" and "reason" requires someone to stand silent while an easily exposed fraud is perpetuated in the Forums?