what hapened to the 1400 guy who beat 2400 player

what hapened to the 1400 guy who beat 2400 player

Only Chess



04 Sep 04
31 Dec 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
actually DanVM, this thread and the other thread was about a very rare phenomena, a player rated 1400 winning against a player rated 2400. That it has descended into the usual accusations is a truly sorry affair. :'(
Why does no one ever wonder why the 1400 rated player manages to pull off the win of a lifetime?

Having played and beaten two 1900+ rated players all I'd say is that sometimes everything just falls into place and the result is a "miraculous win".

We have all seen highly rated players play weird and wonderful games as a result of playing too many games, making a silly move or just sheer brilliance by the opponent. However when a highly rated player does this and loses to an a opponent who they should beat easily, questions are asked as to how they could make such silly moves, are they cheating?

We see players making magnificent improvements from being a 1200/1400 player for a year or two then off to the heady heights of 2000+ in a matter of months.

Fair play tickets don't seem to work as certain players who have achieved the
aforementioned heights and have been reported, are still here.

As such the mentality becomes

This players looks like they are cheating what do you think?
Anyone fancy skiing down this ski slope?

As DanVM states there are no prizes for playing here. He has played David Tebb 4 times, winning once and drawing 3 matches. I am a sure that Mr Tebb would have put in a ticket if he had any doubts - maybe he had/has but results are/were inconclusive, maybe he hasn't as he feels the player is genuine. No one but admin and David Tebb knows.

Anyone with doubts can submit a fair play ticket, however these are not infallible, nor effective.


06 May 08
31 Dec 09
1 edit

Hi Dan.

I think you will find most (all) of the good OTB players in this and the
banned thread saw nothing in it at all. A bog standard human error.

It's the numbers...the grades...they are totally blinded by grades.
Anyone over 2200 is a God. Anyone under 1400 cannot tie their own shoe laces.

So if a strong player walks into a one move mate v a 1400 player then
their world has crumbled into dust.

It would never have happened OTB only on the net where the sense of danger
often fails as moves are played 'not in the heat of an OTB battle.'

Good luck getting your IM norm.

(....and look out for the one move mates) 😉



26 Aug 07
31 Dec 09

Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Dan.

I think you will find most (all) of the good OTB players in this and the
banned thread saw nothing in it at all. A bog standard human error.

It's the numbers...the grades...they are totally blinded by grades.
Anyone over 2200 is a God. Anyone under 1400 cannot tie their own shoe laces.

So if a strong player walks into a one move mate ...[text shortened]... .'

Good luck getting your IM norm.

(....and look out for the one move mates) 😉

i must be in that category as well, ahhhh, recognition at last. Been playing a lot of blitz Pawn dude, for the time when i shall make my appearance in Sandy bells, i shall step into the fabled Saloon and declare, 'be there any varmint that plans to take on the Carrobie', and as every one scuttles for shelter, a tall and handsome in the dark dude shall step forward from the shadows, and mutter in his posh morning side accent, while rolling a cigarette with one hand, 'there be!', and that shall be the day of reckoning for the Chandler! (sound of coyotes in the distance and the faint rumbling of horses hoofs)

09 Nov 06
31 Dec 09

Originally posted by adramforall
Anyone with doubts can submit a fair play ticket, however these are not infallible, nor effective.
Yet they are the only official procedure in place.

Public cheating accusations don't reflect well on RHP. Threads upon threads, casting aspersions about user x, y and z do the Site no good at all.

If users refuse to use the system, they are welcome to suggest an alternative in the Site Ideas Forum. Russ pays attention to the valid ideas there; RHP is one of the few sites on the internet that actively engages with its community and takes on board suggestions to improve.

In the meantime, send a Fair Play ticket, if users here have evidence that people are cheating.

Otherwise, have some respect for other customers and don't drag names through the mud.

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