Time To Ban Seitse

Time To Ban Seitse


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23 Nov 09
12 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
I don't hear hatred or anger coming from Seitse.


07 Feb 09
12 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
Well sir, allow me the attempt at least to try and provide a satisfactory answer.

No. I am absolutely and vehemently against all forms of expression that causes any offense or harm against and toward anyone's person, whether it be true or not, nor do I support any speech designed to inflame resentment of another's person's self or their loved ones living ...[text shortened]... way he wants it to be.

Go with God Seitse.

This is so weird. I feel like saying amen. πŸ˜‰
There is a difference between pushing the envelope ....

.... and farting on it. πŸ˜€


26 Aug 07
12 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by mghrn55
There is a difference between pushing the envelope ....

.... and farting on it. πŸ˜€
That makes NO sense maghoobs!

14 Mar 15
12 Sep 16

Originally posted by Seitse

P.S. and it is "chutzpah", you porcine goy.
Take it up with your mate Joe. 'Hutspah' was his word, not mine.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
12 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Take it up with your mate Joe. 'Hutspah' was his word, not mine.
'Hutspah' isn't my word. I just borrowed it. The word I was going to use was balls, originally, but I thought better of it even though it may more accurately convey what I meant.


btw, I have a mate, and she's female. I call her my wife. Her name is Vicki. I know, I know, 'mate' is a British idiom. πŸ˜‰

Truth is I don't even know Seitse. Not so much.


07 Feb 09
12 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
That makes NO sense maghoobs!
Well that's unfortunate.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
12 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by mghrn55
Well that's unfortunate.
I know what you meant, and under other circumstances I would agree, but this forum is about pushing the envelope beyond accepted limits. After all, if it wasn't we'd be boxed in by dogmatism.

Let the debate rage on! 😲

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
12 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
Well sir, allow me the attempt at least to try and provide a satisfactory answer.

No. I am absolutely and vehemently against all forms of expression that causes any offense or harm against and toward anyone's person, whether it be true or not, nor do I support any speech designed to inflame resentment of another's person's self or their loved ones living ...[text shortened]... way he wants it to be.

Go with God Seitse.

This is so weird. I feel like saying amen. πŸ˜‰
In here we are all only what we post Josephw, and this post of yours is a thin waffly attempt to obscure your lack of principle In regard to what you post and how you react to the various personalities on these boards.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
12 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
In here we are all only what we post Josephw, and this post of yours is a thin waffly attempt to obscure your lack of principle In regard to what you post and how you react to the various personalities on these boards.
I disagree. We are far more than anything we post.

The problem is respect. This medium can only facilitate so much. We must foster a culture of dialog that shows both empathy and consideration for the other instead of criticizing a person's character just because we have differing opinions of beliefs if we ever expect to rise above a brute mentality.

I ain't perfect. Seitse isn't perfect. You aren't perfect. I've been trying my damnedest all these years to communicate effectively with anybody willing to discuss a topic or subject with me, but to no avail. Virtually. Instead I get called names like misanthropic.

It's the same old sh t everyday. It's no wonder Seitse is kicking so much ass.

No one seems interested in being civil. It's no wonder GB dropped out. He was one of the finest contributors to these forums, but he got his chops busted every time he said anything positive and good.

That's the nature of this forum. Dog eat dog. Evolutionary philosophy of the survival of the meanest is the rule. Don't discuss the issue, just lambast anyone that holds to a belief different from yours.

Everyone here is guilty. Including me. Suck it up.

That's my fit for the day. Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow. πŸ˜‰


28 Oct 05
12 Sep 16

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
12 Sep 16
4 edits

Originally posted by josephw
I disagree. We are far more than anything we post.

The problem is respect. This medium can only facilitate so much. We must foster a culture of dialog that shows both empathy and consideration for the other instead of criticizing a person's character just because we have differing opinions of beliefs if we ever expect to rise above a brute mentality.

...[text shortened]... Including me. Suck it up.

That's my fit for the day. Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow. πŸ˜‰
I'm sorry but you are either confusing these boards and these posters with another site, or you are completely deluded, because what you have written here is an absolutely astonishing pile of incongruent nonsense. Let me address you points in order:

In here, on these forums, how can we possibly be anything more than the words we write and the concepts, claims and sentiments they convey?

Respect! Where was the respect for gb from seitse when he was repeatedly revoltingly abusing him in order to "get him to shut up". Talking about sexually abusing corpses, vomiting in skulls etc. When was the "fostering of empathy"? And you. You personally insulting people you don't like - using the bible to land petty blows, criticisms of character of people with different opinions from you. Where is your respect?

So nobody is perfect. What's this philosophy for 5 year olds?

You got called a misanthrope did you? Well boo-hoo. It's hardly the most devastating piece of character assassination one is likely to see on the Internet is it. My advice to you is if you can't stand the heat, don't put a Bunsen burner down your trousers.

If you are bored with the content of these threads I suggest you either start some new ones incorporating a selection of your own personal interests, rather than promoting the forum equivalent of taking a poo in one's hand, smearing it on the walls and asking everyone to comment.

GB is indeed a big cog in the forum machine, but I would estimate that at least 50% of the regulars here would not only disagree with your assessment of the quality of his contributions, but actually call him out as being a pompous blowhard who resorts to using copy/paste overkill and avoiding any pertinent on topic questions.

I wholeheartedly support your right to express your opinon and I also support your right to choose to be unprincipled, indiscriminately partisan and a bit snide. Really, I do. But I also withhold the right to call you on when I see it.

There is nothing to suck up.
Enjoy your sleep.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
13 Sep 16

You both should be ban yourselves for being forum killing trolls.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
13 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
You both should be ban yourselves for being forum killing trolls.
You would benefit from looking up the meaning of the words, troll, discussion, argument and integrity.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
13 Sep 16
1 edit

I have not read this thread so I apologize if what I'm posting has already been mentioned
I'm assuming you want Seitse banned for his postings and yet you lead a clan called the free speech clan
what gives?

this post is addressed to caissasd4

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
13 Sep 16

Originally posted by lemondrop
I have not read this thread so I apologize if what I'm posting has already been mentioned
I'm assuming you want Seitse banned for his postings and yet you lead a clan called the free speech clan
what gives?

this post is addressed to caissasd4
I am sure you can figure it out.
I have nothing else to say in this matter.