Stop bashing USA sports

Stop bashing USA sports


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RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
15 Jun 07

Originally posted by 1WhiteKnight
I like this post, however, basketball is just a rip off of netball, you know the game that 8-14 year old girls play at school! That’s where that comes from. The americans have no culture, they don’t have the history we Europeans have, so what they try to do is take what we have and make it their own ("american English" for example), in this case they ha ...[text shortened]... was great, your just playing catch up people. For once be humble and learn to live with it.


11 Jan 07
15 Jun 07
1 edit

Originally posted by Red Night
wow, great reply red night, glad that you know its all true.

I really am interested in the London bookie that you made your 40-1 bet usa to win the gold cup with, which London bookie was it, you still haven't said?

18 Jan 07
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by 1WhiteKnight
I like this post, however, basketball is just a rip off of netball, you know the game that 8-14 year old girls play at school! That’s where that comes from.
Erm... nope. Basketball is the original, netball is the downgraded version. It was (or so it is said, anyway) devised to allow women to play the game, because in the 1890s (when both basketball and netball were invented), they wore hindering skirts which wouldn't let them dribble the ball.


18 Jan 07
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by PocketKings
You forgot baseball
No, I didn't. Baseball is rounders, as I wrote.


18 Jan 07
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by Red Night
The absolute major flaw in your convoluted arguments is the belief that somehow what happens in england is representqative of what happens in the rest of the world.
Yes, you're quite right. England is far from representative. In the rest of the world, the data are skewed even more in the disfavour of basketball players' fame. England really is a lot closer to the USA here than to the real world.


RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by Shallow Blue
No, I didn't. Baseball is rounders, as I wrote.

More rubbish....Rounders, baseball, and cricket all evolved from earlier games called Towne Ball and Stoope ball.

And there is very little evidence that cricket, as we know it today, is any older than baseball and a lot of evidence that rounders is the junior of the three.


09 Dec 06
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by Red Night
More rubbish....Rounders, baseball, and cricket all evolved from earlier games called Towne Ball and Stoope ball.

And there is very little evidence that cricket, as we know it today, is any older than baseball and a lot of evidence that rounders is the junior of the three.
You really are a weasel Rednight.

Such is your hatred for cricket you have to try and make out it has a similar history to your stupid Baseball. Cricket is a truly ancient and historical game, just because it has evolved you cannot discount it.

It ranks alongside your hilarious attempts to put Basketball alongside football as one of the two world sports.

"Baseball the origins
Developed from the British game of rounders which was played by colonist in North America on town meeting days.


World Cup started in 1938 currently held every two years the first winners were Great Britain."

You should be grateful for us teaching you how to play. mind you its such a boring sport, I wouldn't expect much.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
20 Jun 07
3 edits

Originally posted by petrosianpupil


World Cup started in 1938 currently held every two years the first winners were Great Britain."
New insights into why you fellows over there in the land of fog are so confused. You must have your own books & internet filled with all sorts of mistaken propaganda.

The First World Cup was held in 1930 and won by Uruguay. (The US finished 3rd.) England only made it to the semis once, the year they won 1966.

The World Cup is held every 4 years, not every other.

Also, I hate to tell you, but Scott didn't make it to the pole first. Amundsen beat him. Scott froze to death.


09 Dec 06
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by Red Night
New insights into why you fellows over there in the land of fog are so confused. You must have your own books & internet filled with all sorts of mistaken propaganda.

The First World Cup was held in 1930 and won by Uruguay. (The US finished 3rd.) England only made it to the semis once, the year they won 1966.

The World Cup is held every 4 years, ...[text shortened]... ell you, but Scott didn't make it to the pole first. Amundsen beat him. Scott froze to death.
Sorry I realise that by World Cup you probably though I was talking about Football. It was pasted from a BASEBALL world Cup info site.

Next time try and read the post.

Further details as you clearly know little about this sport you championed.

I would not have to look up football facts, football is such a major sport that I know ALL the World Champs and the years they won. i also know that we didn't compete then, which was a shame as we would have had a great team.

"Tournament Results
1938 I

Host Country: Great Britain
Teams: 2
Gold: Great Britain
Silver: United States
Bronze: none awarded
1939 II

Host Country: Cuba
Teams: 3
Gold: Cuba
Silver: Nicaragua
Bronze: United States
1940 III"

I notice how the US came last twice in a sport nobody else cared about.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
20 Jun 07

Originally posted by petrosianpupil
Sorry I realise that by World Cup you probably though I was talking about Football. It was pasted from a BASEBALL world Cup info site.

Next time try and read the post.

Further details as you clearly know little about this sport you championed.

I would not have to look up football facts, football is such a major sport that I know ALL the Worl ...[text shortened]... States
1940 III"

I notice how the US came last twice in a sport nobody else cared about.
How silly of me to think of soccer when you said World Cup! Of course what you meant was a now defunct amateur baseball tournament put togther in England. I've seen that before..there isn't much information about that 1938 tourney. but, I recall something about it actually being played later, in 1940 perhaps?

In any event, that 1938 tournament is almost as important as England's lone cricket gold medal in the olympics. I think it is 1924 when the all-england team defeats the only other competitor, a team of clerks from the british embassy in paris "representing" France, to capture the gold.

Are you familiar with the 1874 baseball tour of England when Cap Anson and a team of Yank baseball players utterly and repeatedly humiliated the finest cricketeers England had to offer at their own game? Now that's a story. Apparently those bloody yanks kept whacking the ball a coutry mile and running round the wickets like giddy school boys as the Englanders frowned and sniffed "that's just not cricket," between dainty sips of tea.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Jun 07
1 edit

Originally posted by Red Night
Are you familiar with the 1874 baseball tour of England when Cap Anson and a team of Yank baseball players utterly and repeatedly humiliated the finest cricketeers England had to offer at their own game? Now that's a story. Apparently those bloody yanks kept whacking the ball a coutry mile and running round the wickets like giddy school boys as the Englanders frowned and sniffed "that's just not cricket," between dainty sips of tea.
The Americans had an 18 man team and the hosts had 12, The American team were playing local clubs, not county cricket teams (which are the actual teams that people follow and go to see) or the national team. It was a showcase to try and get people in the UK interested in baseball.

I don't think you can really compare the two sports.


09 Dec 06
21 Jun 07

Originally posted by Red Night
How silly of me to think of soccer when you said World Cup! Of course what you meant was a now defunct amateur baseball tournament put togther in England. I've seen that before..there isn't much information about that 1938 tourney. but, I recall something about it actually being played later, in 1940 perhaps?

In any event, that 1938 tournament is al ...[text shortened]... e Englanders frowned and sniffed "that's just not cricket," between dainty sips of tea.
You do make me laugh Rednight.

Your ability to notice how Parochial England is, which has some truth. Yet deny all evidence of the most parochial nation in the world (thats the US in case you still don't get it) is astounding.

Your jealousy of the stupid sport of cricket make you criticise it in ways that your beloved and equally stupid sport of Baseball can also be criticised.

So one of your heros came to Britain to play Cricket and you have ti lie about it in order to down grade Cricket.

Take down your Arnold palmer poster, stop dreaming of the US winning the world cup and get in touch with the real world.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Jun 07

Originally posted by petrosianpupil
You do make me laugh Rednight.

Your ability to notice how Parochial England is, which has some truth. Yet deny all evidence of the most parochial nation in the world (thats the US in case you still don't get it) is astounding.

Your jealousy of the stupid sport of cricket make you criticise it in ways that your beloved and equally stupid sport of ...[text shortened]... mer poster, stop dreaming of the US winning the world cup and get in touch with the real world.
I was recently surprised to find that cricket is the second most popular sport in the world.. I guess what with the Indians being totally nutty about it that I shouldn't have been though.

Enjoying Life

Tirau NZ

09 Jan 05
21 Jun 07

hahah lots of leg pulling and rot going on here.
Suffice to say England started a lot of games they are rubbish at now.
and America started a lot of games no one else has the remotest interest in playing.

Hey the queen is good.. she invented a new one.... Muslim Baiting!😞


09 Dec 06
21 Jun 07

Originally posted by Wheely
I was recently surprised to find that cricket is the second most popular sport in the world.. I guess what with the Indians being totally nutty about it that I shouldn't have been though.
Oh no, don't post anything like that with rednight around.

He will spend ages telling you that Volleyball is no 1 in the world, way ahead of football. He will go on to say that Dragon boat racing is almost as popular as football and Cricket is only played by 5 people in the world and 4 of them only do it because they have lost their baseball bat.

Also you will have to read about the great Arnold Palmer??? and how he is way more famous than Ali, Maradona, tiger woods etc etc etc.

The fact that India plays cricket will only score 1 point with rednight, whereas he will mention Guam and lower umbongo land play Baseball.