Why I don't believe the Bible

Why I don't believe the Bible


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The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am sorry, he will not do, it needs to be externally verified, you fail!
It can be verified - By reading the Lord of the Rings with an open mind and having faith!" 🙂


26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Agerg
Well Tolkein has passed on unfortunately - we are left only with his writings; writings which are clearly factual. I don't know why you keep raising the issue of people and places - like I said, Gandalf did some magic and middle earth was transformed into modern earth - no phyiscal evidence is or can ever, logically, be available.
what principles does your religion profess dear Agers? that if applied, will bring the
initiate closer to ?? closer to, ummm your deity? enlightenment? betterment of himself
and others?

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
01 Apr 11
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what principles does your religion profess dear Agers? that if applied, will bring the
initiate closer to ?? closer to, ummm your deity? enlightenment? betterment of himself
and others?
Well I'm not so sure the principles found within my belief system correlate in any way with the veracity of the sacred texts (and the same applies to any other religion, including yours). But anyhow, it teaches us to be grateful to folk who on first appearances are lacking in stature but are actually capable of great acts - and inspire us to work together in harmony. Indeed the dwarves entered into an alliance with the elves, who could have possibly imagined such a thing!?? Surely a useful lesson for us all! We also know about the great evil of Sauron and are better equipped to fend him off should he rise up again!

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
not so fast there dear Agers, there must at least be one secular historian that will lend
his credentials to your case? no historian, no case. no archaeology, no case? no real
people, no case, no real events, no case, no visible places, no case. fantasy dear Agers,

dweam dweam dweam!
Just as a matter of interest, if a secular historian could be found, what percentage of facts from the Lord of the Rings would need to be verified?


14 May 03
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
its just not very convincing, like the book of Mormon which claims other civilisations
lived in America. Are these places and civilisations corroborated by secular historians?
no, well you dont have a case dear Agers, your a fantasy merchant!
what you fail to see Robbie (because you do not want to) is the beliefs of Mormonism are every bit as ludicrous (to many) as those held by you.

A secret tribe of Israelites in Nth America and a hidden arc of the covenant is just as likely as all the events in your bible being true.

On the other hand, there are no inherant contradictions l have seen between the books The Simarillion. The Hobbit or The Lord ofthe Rings Trilogy - this cannot be said for your religious works.

In Tokeins works the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad. Gandalf doesnt waste whole villages and kill children and allow women to be raped (and he isnt ominpresecent and all knowing etc like your book claims your god is - so no excuses there mate) so this is much more believable. If your god is so good why does HE do so many bad things - and by being all knowing and omini presecent HE IS doing these things cause he could stop them as easily as l think ummm dinner.

Suck it up Robbie admit you are wrong and convert.

You could share some racous stories with those in the Shire. And c'mon dont tell me you havent always wanted to don some Mithral armour and venture into Moria....


26 Aug 07
02 Apr 11
5 edits

Originally posted by nook7
what you fail to see Robbie (because you do not want to) is the beliefs of Mormonism are every bit as ludicrous (to many) as those held by you.

A secret tribe of Israelites in Nth America and a hidden arc of the covenant is just as likely as all the events in your bible being true.

On the other hand, there are no inherant contradictions l have seen betwe mon dont tell me you havent always wanted to don some Mithral armour and venture into Moria....
mere unsubstantiated opinion masquerading as truth, for in contrast to the claims of
the book of Mormon, the bible contains real people, real events and real places,
many of which are corroborated by secular history, archaeology, and scientific
principles, so you suck that up my friend instead of trying to perpetuate Agers
pretence and empty deception. These civilisations have never been confirmed nor
acknowledged either by historians nor by archaeology, unlike the Bible. The only
ludicrous thing about this episode is that you are willing to make the most outrageous
claims about a book that you have neither read, nor studied and cannot tell, in a
biblical context, your bum from your elbow, suck it up, you know its true.


14 May 03
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
mere unsubstantiated opinion masquerading as truth, for in contrast to the claims of
the book of Mormon, the bible contains real people, real events and real places,
many of which are corroborated by secular history, archaeology, and scientific
principles, so you suck that up my friend instead of trying to perpetuate Agers
pretence and empty ...[text shortened]... d cannot tell, in a
biblical context, your bum from your elbow, suck it up, you know its true.
l have never read, nor studied your bible- says you, you sanctimonious tool.

You are an ignoramous.

l know your book very well, i have been trying to unlearn its hypocrisy for years.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
here is robbies youtube video, a BLDC motor made from a nail, some copper wire, old
inkjet cartridges, a reed switch and some earth magnets. I have a proud viewing of
almost 300!

Very cool sir 🙂


The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by nook7
what you fail to see Robbie (because you do not want to) is the beliefs of Mormonism are every bit as ludicrous (to many) as those held by you.

A secret tribe of Israelites in Nth America and a hidden arc of the covenant is just as likely as all the events in your bible being true.

On the other hand, there are no inherant contradictions l have seen betwe ...[text shortened]... mon dont tell me you havent always wanted to don some Mithral armour and venture into Moria....
I was going to raise that point about internal consstency (something especially where literal interpretations of the Bible fall down). Well said.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
02 Apr 11
3 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
mere unsubstantiated opinion masquerading as truth, for in contrast to the claims of
the book of Mormon, the bible contains real people, real events and real places,
many of which are corroborated by secular history, archaeology, and scientific
principles, so you suck that up my friend instead of trying to perpetuate Agers
pretence and empty ...[text shortened]... d cannot tell, in a
biblical context, your bum from your elbow, suck it up, you know its true.
Of course the important point here is that all the not real people (like *magic*
no Robbie, there really is a difference between the notion of a normal bloke called Jesus, and son of God, miracle performing Jesus
Jesus), all the not real places (like the Garden of Eden), all the not real events (like the 40 day flood) have not been corroborated.


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by nook7
l have never read, nor studied your bible- says you, you sanctimonious tool.

You are an ignoramous.

l know your book very well, i have been trying to unlearn its hypocrisy for years.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.
rejecting the existance of God's (or spirits) is not the same as there being no God's, especially in the word you chose.. Japanese is a funny language that way.

btw its kyohi


26 Aug 07
02 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by nook7
l have never read, nor studied your bible- says you, you sanctimonious tool.

You are an ignoramous.

l know your book very well, i have been trying to unlearn its hypocrisy for years.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.
no you are reminiscent of those who are continually 'learning', and yet are never able
to come to an accurate knowledge of anything, infact, you cannot even take criticism
without becoming defensive and abusive, that's how much you have learned. Point


26 Aug 07
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by menace71
Very cool sir 🙂

Hey dude, thanks, i was hoping to build a wind turbine but there are local authority
issues with planning etc.


26 Aug 07
02 Apr 11

Originally posted by Agerg
Well I'm not so sure the principles found within my belief system correlate in any way with the veracity of the sacred texts (and the same applies to any other religion, including yours). But anyhow, it teaches us to be grateful to folk who on first appearances are lacking in stature but are actually capable of great acts - and inspire us to work together in h ...[text shortened]... about the great evil of Sauron and are better equipped to fend him off should he rise up again!
no principles, no real people, no real events, no real places, what kind of religion is

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
02 Apr 11
3 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no principles, no real people, no real events, no real places, what kind of religion is
I gave you principles!!! 😵 Look again, I said:
But anyhow, it teaches us to be grateful to folk who on first appearances are lacking in stature but are actually capable of great acts - and inspire us to work together in harmony. Indeed the dwarves entered into an alliance with the elves, who could have possibly imagined such a thing!?? Surely a useful lesson for us all! We also know about the great evil of Sauron and are better equipped to fend him off should he rise up again!

Also the people, places, and events *were* real! They've simply been magicked away. Far more real than your fairy dust Jesus character and magic garden.