Why I don't believe the Bible

Why I don't believe the Bible


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The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
01 Apr 11
5 edits

Given my recent conversations with Robbie Carrobie I have discovered a new way of evaluating what can be true, and to this end I believe that middle Earth existed and Frodo baggins really did put his life in jeopardy by ridding us all of the evil ring (an act for which we should all be grateful). I also believe that it was Gandalf who magicked into being the world we live in today. Indeed, if one reads the text one will learn all about the life of Frodo and his brave endeavours - additional evidence to support my position on this matter is the fact that Tolkein even provided a map of middle earth for us to see what it looked like! Indeed, how would he be able to provide such an accurate map if he didn't have knowledge of that place!!!? Irrefutable evidence I'm sure you'll all agree.
It is only a shame that Tolkein is no longer alive to share with you all the details I know (in my heart) to be true; and I am truly embarrassed about my atheistic nature prior to the enlightenment I now possess - I retract all my objections to magic that have come before, and beg of you all to follow the teachings I know to be true before Sauron rises again!

It is because of this I cannot believe that Jesus or God exists because Tolkein, the writer of the historical text from which my faith is based does not mention such character. How can I possibly believe such tales when they aren't substantiated in the books of truth???. Now before anyone starts talking about the nay-sayers who put forward the ludicrous idea Tolkein's books are a work of fiction, I say they are materialists who refuse to admit magic into their world view (as once were I before my epiphany).

Indeed I challenge anyone to prove that Middle Earth didn't exist or that the evil wizard Sauron wasn't overcome by brave Frodo Baggins and his friends!


Playing with matches

08 Feb 05
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by Agerg
Given my recent conversations with Robbie Carrobie I have discovered a new way of evaluating what can be true, and to this end I believe that middle Earth existed and Frodo baggins really did put his life in jeopardy by ridding us all of the evil ring (an act for which we should all be grateful). I also believe that it was Gandalf who magicked into being the w ...[text shortened]... st or that the evil wizard Sauron wasn't overcome by brave Frodo Baggins and his friends!
Oooh! Oooo! Do Green Eggs and Ham next.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by Agerg
Given my recent conversations with Robbie Carrobie I have discovered a new way of evaluating what can be true, and to this end I believe that middle Earth existed and Frodo baggins really did put his life in jeopardy by ridding us all of the evil ring (an act for which we should all be grateful). I also believe that it was Gandalf who magicked into being the w ...[text shortened]... st or that the evil wizard Sauron wasn't overcome by brave Frodo Baggins and his friends!
An April Fools' Joke needs to be a little more plausible. 😛

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by lausey
An April Fools' Joke needs to be a little more plausible. 😛
Except that Robbie didn't say all that on the 1st of April, nor do most Christians who basically make the same implausible claims.

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by Agerg
conversations with Robbie Carrobie


26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Agerg
Given my recent conversations with Robbie Carrobie I have discovered a new way of evaluating what can be true, and to this end I believe that middle Earth existed and Frodo baggins really did put his life in jeopardy by ridding us all of the evil ring (an act for which we should all be grateful). I also believe that it was Gandalf who magicked into being the w st or that the evil wizard Sauron wasn't overcome by brave Frodo Baggins and his friends!
is this the type of empty deception and ludicrous claims that the forces of atheism
must now resort? dear oh dear, it makes a mockery of atheism. Lets see

1. Bible mentions real places, that one can visit, does the book of Tolkein not also
mention places, has anyone visited them?

2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for example, does lord of the
rings not also mention events, are they corroborated outside of its text?

3.Bible mentions secular rulers, Roman Governorships, Judean Kings, Persian
satraps, Egyptian Pharaohs, who actually did exist, does not the Lord of the rings
also mention rulers, is there any corroborative evidence to show that they existed?

4. Bible mentions prophecy's that have actually taken place, the destruction of
Jerusalem for example, in which Cestus Gallas and then Titus utterly vanquished
the Jewish nation, killing or capturing over , one million persons, and raising
Jerusalem to the ground. What prophecies have been corroborated by secular
history in the Lord of the Rings?

5. Biblical miracles are utterly without any affectation, indeed they are almost
matter of fact, they were always done in public and had testimony from eye
witnesses at the time, in contrast, those of the lord of the rings are utterly fantastic,
illusionary pieces of base deception and conjurers tricks.

Five simple points which not only proves the unreliability of Agers utterly vain
attempts to excuse himself from admitting, that yes indeed the Bible is reliable, but
in mocking the ancient text, he has unwittingly made a mockery of atheism, which
must resort to such lowly argumentation, April fools or not.


26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by Seitse
here is robbies youtube video, a BLDC motor made from a nail, some copper wire, old
inkjet cartridges, a reed switch and some earth magnets. I have a proud viewing of
almost 300!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
is this the type of empty deception and ludicrous claims that the forces of atheism
must now resort? dear oh dear, it makes a mockery of atheism. Lets see

1. Bible mentions real places, that one can visit, does the book of Tolkein not also
mention places, has anyone visited them?

2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for examp ...[text shortened]... made a mockery of atheism, which
must resort to such lowly argumentation, April fools or not.
What are the 'forces of atheism'?



16 Aug 05
01 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for example, does lord of the
rings not also mention events, are they corroborated outside of its text?
2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for example, does lord of the
rings not also mention events, are they corroborated outside of its text?

Real events? Corroborated?

So Moses parted the seas with a stick?

Jeez, he must have been the David Copperfield of his day, what? 😀



26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
What are the 'forces of atheism'?
You, Agers, Hamilton, Whitehead, Avalanche the putty cat, sonhouse, mikeholm, the
forces of atheism, (i dont include beetle and plykna because they have come to the
realisation, that all one can state with any certainty is what is plausible to us, through
an evaluation with the mind)


26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by mikelom
2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for example, does lord of the
rings not also mention events, are they corroborated outside of its text?

Real events? Corroborated?

So Moses parted the seas with a stick?

Jeez, he must have been the David Copperfield of his day, what? 😀

i say the same thing to you that is now perfectly clear, you cannot say with any
certainty that it did not happen, all you can state with any certainty is, that to you, it
seems improbable. Never the less, it has been theorised that in the case of the
parting of the red sea, God may have used electromagnetic force. You are of course
aware of the effects of electro magnetic force upon water? It is after all termed, the
Moses effect, for good reason. Typical atheist dogma!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You, Agers, Hamilton, Whitehead, Avalanche the putty cat, sonhouse, mikeholm, the forces of atheism, (i dont include beetle and plykna because they have come to the realisation, that all one can state with any certainty is what is plausible to us, through an evaluation of the mind)
To start with 'the cat' is not an atheist. Secondly, all i state is that which i have evaluated with my mind and unlike you that evaluation process doesn't have a filter.

(Hope the dentist wasn't too painful)


01 Jun 06
01 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by mikelom
2. Bible mentions real events, the Jewish diaspora for example, does lord of the
rings not also mention events, are they corroborated outside of its text?

Real events? Corroborated?

So Moses parted the seas with a stick?

Jeez, he must have been the David Copperfield of his day, what? 😀

Unfortunately, Robbie does make valid points against the Lord Of The Rings analogy. There are some events, people and places mentioned in the Bible for which there is non-biblical evidence. There are none at all in TLoTR.

TLoTR would be the quivalent of Genesis books 1 to 3 (or therabouts) up until the point of the first mention of a place / name / event with external evidence. So TLoTR may be a valid analogy when arguing those who interpret the Genesis creation myth literally, but not for those who don't.

Btw, there is a whole load of stuff prior to TLoTR that is documented in the Silmarillion. I think that is where you should be looking for the true creation story.

--- Penguin.


01 Jun 06
01 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You, Agers, Hamilton, Whitehead, Avalanche the putty cat, sonhouse, mikeholm, the
forces of atheism, (i dont include beetle and plykna because they have come to the
realisation, that all one can state with any certainty is what is plausible to us, through
an evaluation with the mind)
Oy, what about me? Don't I count?

Don't wanna play no more. Not talking to you.



--- Penguin.


26 Aug 07
01 Apr 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
To start with 'the cat' is not an atheist. Secondly, all i state is that which i have evaluated with my mind and unlike you that evaluation process doesn't have a filter.

(Hope the dentist wasn't too painful)
i apologise to the cat, i was unaware, perhaps he is agnostic? Actually the dentists door
was seized, when i arrived all the staff were waiting outside and a man was setting
about the lock with an angle grinder. Worse was to come, i was thus forced to go
shopping, for furniture, when, i think i would have rather taken the root canal
treatment instead! I loathe shopping with a vengeance.